Zero frame throw?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by tianyuan2k2, Jun 13, 2006.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    When you hit down while BTed you turn around while crouching. Our virtua fighters over the years learned the amazing ability to do more than 1 thing at a time fancy that lol.

    Yeah I should have specified like Myke that both of those moves leave eileen at -5. Can't get a CD fuzzy to work. Never a problem for me though cuz none of my BTing moves leave me at more than -5 as those are the only two unless you count 9P+K+G which I don't
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    In a situation in which:
    1) player A's throw input results in a "12-frame throw" (ie input throw immediately after blocking an attack or after doing Offensive Move).
    2) player B's throw input results in a "0-frame throw" (ie player A just did offensive move)
    3) player B's throw input was anywhere between 1-10 frames after player A's throw input.

    Two results is possible:
    1) Player A will be thrown by Player B, or
    2) Player A will escape Player B's throw.

    0-frame throw will always beat out 12-frame throw input, if 0-frame throw input was done anywhere between 1-10 frames after 12-frame throw input.

    I'm quite sure no one can doubt that right?

    Test if turning around from back-turn result in a 0-frame throw
    1) Set CPU to guard move and throw (with a direction).
    2) Do Jacky's /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif
    3) CPU blocked it and immediately enters throw input (12 frame throw).
    4) Jacky will 3 frames before input is registered (12-3=9 frames remaining before Jacky will be thrown by CPU).
    5) Jacky turns around by pressing /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif. Which takes 6 frames (9-6=3 frames before Jacky will be thrown by CPU).
    6) Jacky immediately enters throw input.

    If Jacky's throw input is a 0-frame throw, Jacky will throw the CPU instead of the CPU throwing Jacky.

    From my testing, this never happens (it is always possible that I enter input too late...but doing it for a nice 5-10 minutes, not once did I threw the CPU) . I admit, recovering from a back-turn attack, the throw does not have a "generic grab animation." However, I think it still takes 12 frames after throw input to grab. Maybe this is something similar to Instant Flamingo?

    I try fuzzy guarding with other characters back-turned moves...and you are right. For some reason, back-turn fuzzy feels slightly different than how I would do fuzzy guarding from default position.
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Ive always had the gut feeling that fuzzy guarding from backturned takes longer than normal fuzzy. I got no proof to back this up atm.

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