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Xbox ain't doing so well

Discussion in 'General' started by HighKing, May 15, 2002.

  1. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    A few weeks ago I decided to buy a Xbox. Yes, Microsofts system thats anything other than pure console gaming strength. Not only does the Xbox dwarf the PS2 in graphics capabitlity. It's "MICROSOFT". Some of you may not like the Xbox, but, you will. When VF4 evo or VF5 come out on Xbox due to Yu's desire to have the game look a certain way(better than average), he's going to have it on Xbox, period. PS2 is cute, yes its Sony. But not that many must own games if you ask me. I own VF4, Metal Gear, Victorious Boxer, Grand Theft Auto 3, and Batman. I like the PS2 very much, but look to the future for a crapload of games for Xbox that will make you want to own one. Did someone say "DEAD TO RIGHTS". =) later guys.
  2. ono

    ono Well-Known Member

    Blonde_one.......Although you are right about the Xbox being way better compared to the PS2 in words of graphics, and processor speed, you are missing something. First off, there isnt a very good chance of Evo coming to a console. Second, by the time VF5 comes out, the PS3 will be out.....somewhere along the lines of 2005, which will more than likely,...make the xbox look like crap. But i do think there are some good games on xbox though......halo, doa3, etc...
  3. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    ok just my opinion, Xbox is a great console, i think its doing well if you consider these points

    1. PS2, has a very strong foundation built by the PSX/PS1, PSX/PS1 left so much to be desired that when PS2 came out people just went for it, so you see sony had a big headstart compared to Xbox.

    2.microsoft isn't really known for gaming innovation, its mostly PC stuff, so if you think about it nintendo and sony will be most likely favored by most, considering nintendo has been in the gaming scene for decades, and sony got known thorugh gaming with the PSX/PS1,

    this is why i think Xbox is in an alright state, Xbox at one point is just at the beggining of the gaming industry unlike most that are beyond beginning, or way past the mid line, oh yeah and i wouldn't bring about a conclusion that VF4 EVO and VF5 are just gonna be exclusive to xbox, as you know VF started exclusive to sega in terms of console, but now VF4 is on PS2, so i think its quite unpredictable at the moment. oh yeah PS3 will be launched by 2005 and it will likely make Xbox into crap, you should also note that the microsoft people maybe developing or at least trying to develop a much better Xbox to rival PS3. later /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  4. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    microsoft is doing pretty good for its first console project. Gcn and xbox are pretty much even in sales right now. so if xbox box flops so would the purple cube. but i do belive microsoft has the money to keep their console afloat .

    the xbox only been out for 9 months, a clear prediction is not possible at this moment. when the holiday season come, more people would buy xbox cause most games that are said to be released look far superior to those of ps2 and most people already have a ps2(like myself), and they would like to purchase somthing more powerfull. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  5. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    [Its relevant you fuckwad .

    Hmm I shouldnt lower myself to the level of idiotic lowlife scum like you .
    Oh well too late]

    why the hell is it relevant to talk about how the PS2 did when it was launched. its been out now for over a year so it doesnt mean shit what people said in the begining! and why the fuck do you have to flame?? and call me a lowlife peice of shit! thats called being a hypocrite.
  6. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    If youre too stupid to see the relevancy, I sure as hell wont be the one explaining it to you .
  7. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    No, saying it is relevent is bullshit. Both consloles are old enough to not be called new. X-Box has been around for about 8 months and PS2 has been around longer. Its like taking about what people said when PSx came out. theres no point! so even if you did want to explain to me the relevency i think you would have a hard time.
  8. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    What Almaci is trying to say is that when you compare two items (like the X-Box & PS2) then you have to use historical data. Thus, talking about the PS2's successful (but really crappy when you get down to it) launch is quite relevant.

    In fact, if I remember correctly, game sales were so awful for the rest of that year for the PS2, the had to push back their 'break even' point from console production costs.
  9. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    Fine thats a point. But what pissed me off is that Almaci just flamed me for no reason. he was just being a jackass and started talking shit. Then he wouldnt even explain it wich lead me to believe that he didnt know what he was talking about and just wanted to flame me.
  10. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Il make it easy on you .

    Someone says this : Gee, I wonder why it's not doing so well . NOT! The only good thing about the system is it plays DVDs. Its controls are strange, its games are strange, and it just, well, anyone who likes it more that every Nintendo System better go check with a psycoligist (I need one, but not for that).

    Someone else reacts to it with this : Sounds like some stuff I heard a month after the PS2 came out, except instead of the games being strange, it was "The Games SUCK!" and they did.

    You react with this : who the fuck cares what people said about PS2 when it came out. so what if the games sucked when it first launched. PS2 has soooo many kick ass games on it now nobody should be quoting what people said in the begining. Also Sony has bought exclusive rights to GTA3 Vice City so because of the popularity of GTA3 PS2 is gona sell even more consoles!

    The first guy made a broud generalisation about the XBox games ( wich is open for dispute but thats something else entirely )
    Gajinpunch drew a legit link to the things being said early on about the PS2 proving the relevancy of the earlier discussion .
    You however like the fanboy you are saw that as an unwarranted attack against the system you had put youre faith in thus reacted with some rather harsh words .
    Youre fanboy antics not only prohibited you from seeing the relevancy in the discussion but they also made you swear .
    What I did was react to you in the tone you had already set yourself .

    We have a saying over here, if the kitchen is too hot, dont cook .
    You shouldve called for a pizza or something .
  11. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Hey Almaci, don't forget about Virtual Boy and 64DD. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

    But yes, PS2, home of the overhyped and the cookie cutter mundane.

    Back to playing Mario Sunshine.
  12. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    [You however like the fanboy you are]

    Actually im not a fanboy. I have a PS2 and an Xbox and am soon to get a gamecube. I just said what i felt.
  13. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    You should learn to be one with youre feelings instead of letting them out in an orgy of stupidity and namecalling .
    Go on, be one with youre innerchild, get in touch with youre sensitive being .
    It will help you in life im sure .
  14. ono

    ono Well-Known Member

    would you guys stop. I think youve stretched out your part of the discussion as far as it will go ......

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