XBL Bad Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    @ lefty lizard: what is this so called bs? I really want to know what you feel is unfair/cheating/bs. You have every right to complain in here, but give us examples. Also, have you messaged these people to play more or just assumed there being jerks??
  2. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    Im just talking about players having bad sportsmanship by not giving a rematch. Idont know what you are talking about. Im not even talking about you,Tim. You give everyone matches.
    guilty concience:rolleyes: ?
  3. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    Ah...the ego...a fighting gamers worse enemy. You might have hit the nail on the head,Vanilla Tears.
  4. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    Pilchard LoveR
    I play six different fighting games atm and I've noticed this on all of them, I don't think it's a VF problem it's just more noticeable because this game has such a small number of players.
    Since last year I barely play this game anymore but whenever I go on I see it everytime, it just kills the game to avoid players on good connections.
    leftylizard likes this.
  5. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    Bad Games to Weiand for being a sore loser. I try to defuse the situation by just addressing each of his complaints in the messages and all he can come back with is "Fuck you, I just don't like you."

    I don't like you either bro.
  6. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    in the name of sweetsuki!
  7. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I think he rages a lot. I mean, no non-Shun player likes fighting Shun but that response suggests anger issues. He isn't a bad player.
  8. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    Weiand's hilarious. After every round he wins, he does Jeffrey's 'c'mon' chest pound. If you beat him, he literally hunts you in ranked for a rematch. Before giving him the rematch, let him chase you a little. It's quite funny.
    Actually, Shiny does this too. When you beat him, watch out. Dude becomes a stalker.
    WiZzYx likes this.
  9. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Hey Vanilla anytime you want to FT10 on a stream just let me know, but more than likely your going to puss out. lol.

    "All talk. no action. Yeah!"
    leftylizard likes this.
  10. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    It bothers you, doesn't it? The fact that an OK Jacky player gives you trouble....you, a guy that has virtua fighter on display on his facebook....a guy with a custom joystick (i'm a pad player BTW)....a guy that beats his chest and acts like a badass, despite being a puffy ugly bitch.
    CodyHunter07 likes this.
  11. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    "All talk. no action. Yeah!"
  12. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    Yup, thought so.
  13. CodyHunter07

    CodyHunter07 Well-Known Member

    Not sure if you meant Jeffry or the player, but damned funny either way.. :D
  14. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    I'm amazed that I didn't open this thread to see people calling me out for my horrible connection over the past two weeks.

    To everyone I've seen on ranked: thank you for putting up with the horrendous campus wifi and I'm sorry to put you through ranked hell. I'm scoping out an offline spot tomorrow so I may find a less evil means of getting my veef fix.
  15. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    bad game to Jhow in ranked now ive seen some low level shit before but that just tops it lol vid coming soon.stay tuned folks.
    JHow77 likes this.
  16. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Ugh, really? Your video will prove that I basically sat there and drank the entire time. Great video. Why, because I have very little respect for you, mainly from your antics dating back to VF5.

    BC to you (bad conduct) for messaging me in XBox afterwards and telling me I suck, in which my response was, "why even bother messaging me" if you're so superior.

    Bottom line, I play this game about 30 minutes per month, so, great job buddy. You won!

  17. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    BG to James Kenobi 8 (leftylizard) for sending a hate mssg to a person (me) you NEVER meet. WTF is wrong with you?! I have no idea who you are and i'm pretty shure we NEVER played. I don't played VF since months PLUS i'm silver since months so WHY the F* you send (as a silver account yourself) bullshit to another silver account?
    Are you retarded or something?
    What a douche...
  18. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    Sorrry bro. I get silly when I have a few beers. No disrepsect intended.
  19. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I phanatik I
    ShinyBrentford likes this.
  20. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I phanatik I
    I have seen the light. BGs to all the Online button mashers. You know who you are. Actually some of you don't know what you don't know...and therefore, you don't know who you are. :/
    I finally know the frustration of losing to Online -5 to -15 tactics that I used unknowingly (because I learned this game Online). Thanks to those who have spent the time developing my VF skills. Again, you know who you are.
    Learning the actual game has made this game stupid to play Online...at least in "Ranked." :/


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