XBL Bad Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Hey ShinyBrentford don't you have gay scenes in Mass Effect to watch? Just laughing in your face .

    GDKND said he will give Pepsolman a Fto10 " if he shows up to SEGA CUP. Put your money where your mouth is or fuck off . Real VF players play Ft10's offline." Step up to his level , he's not stepping down to yours.

    Jami San has a lot to say. Check out how awesome he is at this game:

    Keep away game n00b tactics to get one measly round, then gets PWNED mercilessly .

    You scrubby Kage players have to stick together I guess.
  2. KageRulesALL

    KageRulesALL Guest

    Hey, I'm not the one who carries GoDoKu No Dan's jock strap around... sniffing it when I get bored. You're the one that has that problem. :eek:

    It's well known here that the dude is a coward. Beating down noobs is not a feat to brag about. It's being a lame bully on a video game. That's all it amounts to and It's very childish. I'm glad you condone such ghetto behavior. Anyone can get lucky on a match or two... pause it... save the replay... then act like a champ. That's easy. The part where GoDoKuNoDan is special is the extra douchebaggery he mixes in to make him feel like he is wearing his big boy pants because that's all he has to look forward to in life.

    I have never claimed to be a VF5 FS expert. I never will. And I sure as hell won't go around making false claims that I am the shit and making lame ass videos where I got lucky to build up my artificial pride like GoDoKu does. I enjoy playing VF5... people like GoDoKu ruin it. I play to be competitive, learn, get better, and have fun.

    I don't play VF5 to get filmed secretly by douche bags that don't even use their mic during the match... who don't say they are filming... who don't respond to my messages because they are a coward.

    I don't care how much I suck at VF5... I am a man enough to admit. Yet I will still continue to fight my ass off in the game and will except anyone that challenges me up front.

    Send me a message on XBL... we'll fight. That simple. I got not a reason to hide. GoDoKuNoDan has every reason to be ashamed and hide... like the coward he is. I'm glad you got his back... boyeeee.
  3. KageRulesALL

    KageRulesALL Guest

    Let him say that to my face. I don't take messages from errand boys. I fight on XBL. There is no reason to be afraid of that.
  4. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    ^ Goduko challenged you offline. He gets points for that. Plus he is rolling to Sega Cup from the other side of the U.S.
  5. KageRulesALL

    KageRulesALL Guest

    Didn't see, hear, or read this so called "challenge". It's always easier to challenge someone on their turf with their rules. Also easy to claim you are challenging someone through other people... talking shit behind their back instead of giving the challenge directly. Another coward move. Getting on XBL...? As simple as flicking an on switch. Again, I don't see how that is a problem.

    One more time for yah... I didn't see this "message" from GoDoKuNoDAN. He needs to act like a real man... an adult (unless he's some teen with a deep voice) and talk to me man to man like I have requested from the very beginning. I'm sorry he's too big of a douche to do so.
  6. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    I will except that SEGA cup FT10. How much money you want to put down?
  7. TCM_SoLo

    TCM_SoLo New Member

    Bad games to SlaughterOC and MaxSlacks. These ppl think juggling combos is a weakness? nuff said.
  8. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    XBL FT10s are for the trailer trash "Joe Dirts" of the world. VF is meant to be played offline, so you can hit confirm your combos. Aim higher. Peasant.
    nou likes this.
  9. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I didn't know about it 'till Rick posted up about it. I don't think you did bad in the vid you posted like other people feel, as you were just doing what was need in the circumstance.

    However Sega Cup info can be found on the front page. It isn't GoDoKu's home field advantage, as aside from SoCal, it's neutral territory.
  10. KageRulesALL

    KageRulesALL Guest

    Again, I don't except messages from errand boys. Plus, the best fighters will go on any turf and except any challenge... not talk through others and challenge people on turf that he is comfortable. Again, it's as easy as turning the Xbox 360 on if he is willing to face me.
  11. KageRulesALL

    KageRulesALL Guest

    So does GoDoKu live in CA? Does he live on the west coast? If so, I see that as an unfair advantage... especially if he is a car drive away from the tourney. I live on the east coast. I work 56 hrs a week. A plane trip to the west coast for a video game tourney sounds pretty rediculous to me. It's just another excuse for him to hide... cause he knows most people can't do that. But most people can turn on XBL/PSN and game right away and get to the point instead of beating around the bush. That's all this is to me. A coward beating around the bush while talking trash and not being a man when it comes to a simple challenge... that's GoDoKuNoDAN in a nutshell.
    phanatik and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
  12. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    ^He's from NY and flew all the way to Vegas for EVO last year and seemed like a nice person IN PERSON. Very different from his online persona (which to me is funny and entertaining, not to be taken seriously) from what I could see.
  13. KageRulesALL

    KageRulesALL Guest

    He seems to take it very seriously. If he didn't... he wouldn't have a problem taking down the video I kindly asked before this started. And if he didn't take it so seriously... he'd have no trouble talking to me like a man instead of calling me a "faggot" and acting like a 5th grader. He puts a lot of pride in his ridiculously cheap shot videos. He should rename himself to "suckerpunch" or "Ballslapper" cause he does it cheap and dirty.
  14. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    You say you play VF the oldschool way, but online isn't VF. It's just a place holder for the real thing. Where on the EC are you? Have you checked out the Match Making section?
  15. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    When I saw him sitting down at the streaming area before recording, he actually seemed very happy and approachable. Heck, I didn't even know it was him until somebody pointed him out to me. It's just when the recording light is on he starts putting on the face that we know. I've never had a problem with the guy, but it's just a shame that he approaches himself so differently on and off camera. I'd go as far as to say that he has the exact opposite of stage fright.
  16. KageRulesALL

    KageRulesALL Guest

    I've played VF since the 1st arcade. I always called Kage "cage". I played it more than people played Mortal Kombat. I was great on the Saturn playing VF2. After that I stopped. I played some VF4 on PS2. Then I went a few years without playing. I d/led VF5 FS sometime before Xmas. I dont like the way the game has evolved as far as the combos go. Its getting cheesy like Tekken. I've never been a combo string expert in any of the fighting games I've played through the years. Nashville, TN. I haven't looked over the match making on this forum. I've just relied on the game lobby on XBL. I'm the kind that keeps on fighting... even if it's against Cooladdy... which I challenge all the time because its best to learn how to beat the cheesy fighters.
  17. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Thanx for the reply, sanity restored.
  18. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Wow, challenge me NOW... scrub,

    Gunsniper, get on here and blow this jerk out of the water for me please,

    Gun and me are best VF buddies, and we do crazy stuff all day long, and after not playing since NOV, I started up the other day and of course i play my buddy Gun to shake the rust off.
    Lets FT 10, and see how well I do. Then FT10 gunsniper And Ill eat my hat if you get more than ONE match...

    VF is not meant for jerks, so when jerks post vids making fun of other people, they get spoken of in this forum, Godoku liked to pots his wins ONLY and talk smack, so he gets a BG thread, I speak of my own experience with him and you do the same thing... Go play another game if you are gonna be a jerk to those that love this game and community.

    seriously FT 10 me, even if I lost all 10, you insult the hakagure clan, this will not stand!
    KageRulesALL likes this.
  19. KageRulesALL

    KageRulesALL Guest

    You didn't see the matches he didn't record and trash talk on! :p I don't claim to be awesome like GoDoKu does.
  20. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Offline is definetly the "real deal" I am sorry I cant play offline, I will try to make it down to the NYC crew. However, those that lose online and claim they only lost cuz it was online are wrong, Maybe you would have won, but maybe, just maybe you would have gotten beat down twice as hard.

    The community has mentioned this phenomena before, its as if they think THEY are the only ones affected by lag... they assume YOU dont know any better, and dont know frames or how to play, this is often wrong.

    Lag affects both sides, You dropped a combo, well I cant use my awesome 15 frame punisher (drgn punch) the only time i think lag affects one side more than another is with a character with heavy delay-able attacks, bad connections do give a delay attacker advantage.

    pepsolman send me a message or add me , I like what you said about VF, and we are always looking to expand our player base. Lets Fight!

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