XBL Bad Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    Bad games to the rage quitter AShadyHungarian and his love letter spam after his pull.
    i got a few others but can't remember the names...

    special credits to following sore loser:

    Docteur Hibbert


    I ROFL'd hard [​IMG]


    SoulKatana/'mother fuck nazi' [​IMG]
    Perfidious Sinn likes this.
  2. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    That's not Air jacky's M.O.
  3. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Well it was last round and right before last hit and it disconnected, so obviously it seemed like a pull, but I know xbox can act retarded sometimes too so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. No big deal either way. I never give bad games to anyone but pullers, but even they don't really bother me since I just don't play them anymore.

    Anyway bad games to online lag. It comes in and ruins all the fun. lol.
  4. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member

    Sometimes it doesn't even seem like Air Jacky is trying. Just block and evade with no attempt to punish
  5. Junosynth

    Junosynth Well-Known Member

    LOL yeah he did that to me. Thought he was trolling me then disconnected on purpose haha. But its cool. I know online can act funny sometimes.
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Was in a room match with this guy last week, he had a thing for Marly :p
  7. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    Speaking of sore losers, why you duckin' me boy?
  8. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    is that a serious question??!!
    because you'r also a sore loser, rage quitter & racist.
    don't tell me you have forgotten our VF5 ranked matches years before...
    i raped you so hard then in the end of final round you said some bullshit over your mic like 'bla bla bla no no fucking german prick, bye bye' and pulled!!
    (this story was also in the old BG's)
    so why should i play you again? [​IMG]
  9. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    I've had bad experiences with TeeZed back in vanilla days myself so I support SoulKatana. Everything he said about him is true, however I don't know if TeeZed has changed for the better. So what I'm saying is it's unfair to not give him another chance now.
  10. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    Sure wasn't me. Like the "Raped you so hard" part though :D, and weren't you on my friends list a while back as well? Hmm. nevermind.

    Check the online history, green smiley face. But whatever floats your boat bro. Plenty of people online (Insert random emote)
  11. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    thx kamais & lol kamais.
    you'r to good-natured bro. [​IMG]
  12. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Bullshit. I also avoid playing you cause your behaviour in Vanilla was so stupid.

    You are going to say "that wasnt me" but its so weak. GG Sega giving the option to refuse playing people.
  13. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    Weird, cause I played you like 4-5 days ago, feeling salty? [​IMG]

    See you havn't grown up at all kiddo.
  14. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    See you havn't grown up at all kiddo

    Its unlikely you played me, cause I refuse to play you. You are a nice guy here on VFDC and I am not faulting your behaviour here. My comments regards your past behaviour online. You might have changed, but why taking chances?

    And thanks for the 'kiddo'...Im feeling old these days.
  15. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    Really... "Why risk it?"


    For a guy that's on par with a casual you act pretty high and mighty, I don't seem to have any problems with the actually GOOD players. Weird no?
    PEACE! I'm out
  16. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Come on guys... I didn't like the TeeZed from vanilla either and I've already stated that but 3 years ago is a long time. I don't think he's the same guy now and he hasn't done anything thus far to show that he is.

    I mean like what is this "I can't risk it" bs??? You can't risk 3 mins of your time for even 1 match against TeeZed to see if he's going to play properly or fuck around like back then?

    Very disappointing 'behaviour' soulkatana/matteo. [​IMG]
    There's times when trolling goes to a halt and my side of justice comes out. [​IMG]
  17. tikgnat

    tikgnat Well-Known Member

    Heyup, been a while since I was on here (and I wasn't on here that often to begin with, but hey).

    Anyway enjoying VF5:FS reaquainting with old Vanilla names but already getting disconnects, I don't recall most but one was someone who I thought was above that kind of thing.

    I got hit up by UK Rayne and IIRC he's a pretty good player (who I'm sure has beaten me plenty of times) so I thought to myself, 'better man up and not embarrass myself' and girded myself for a tough fight.

    Anyway 2-1 to me and I'm easily leading the last round and *boom*. Disconnect.

    It was the only time I played him last night (I don't recall if I've played him on FS or not previously) but come on man. Everyone has bad days and shit, take a beating like a trooper and beat the shit out of me next time m'kay?
  18. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Man I have a story for you guys. Ok... I was in rank. I hit this guy with Goh 6,6,p and when I hit him I used my hips in it so I can put more power in the punch and all of a sudden "2nd player has lost connection" I could believe it. I hit the guy so hard that I knocked him off the internet and he landed in Netflix.
  19. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    I've noticed a few lag switchers here and there (i don't bother to note their tags), but otherwise people are pretty civil. I think the smiley system is probably a good deterrent for pullers.
  20. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    Appreciate it bro [​IMG] but I wouldn't worry about it, done a lot of growing up since then and I live on my own so there's not gonna be anyone using my xbox either, more important things to worry about tbh ^^

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