Wolf's weak points (Formerly in FT Wolf Thread)

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Shang, Sep 7, 2004.


    EUROTRASH Well-Known Member

    Re: Get back to Wolf oki discussion.

    OMG /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

    Can I join your fan club? /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  2. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Get back to Wolf oki discussion.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:
    Hey Mark_Slight fuckface, here's something relevant: fuck you.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: That's great.

    [ QUOTE ]
    The tools are there, the opportunities are not. That explains why we don't see many Wolfs in clips forcing okizeme pressure games.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    wolf doesnt force an attack pressure game period.

    i think for TR/QR follow ups, it will always just be lucky guessing for the most part. there is no setup conditioning or easy picks like other characters. i think that making a desicion to beat down risers, or waiting for a cleaner choice is most probably a desicion in itself for most wolfs.

    EUROTRASH Well-Known Member

    Re: Get back to Wolf oki discussion.

    Okay, fuck me. After that, can I join your fan club?
  5. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Do you wear actual clownmakeup?

    Why do you think ppl need to know you irl to be able to call you an ass Shang (where's your dad - why the focus on cocks and power)? Ppl judge you from how you act on the internet all the time - nobody cares that you smile and dance when you actually meet ppl - it just shows what a phoney you are and the hardons you get from playing teh internet warrior behind your keyboard while your chest is so flat the walls are getting jelous. Remember the time "The Shangster", almost was involved in a threesome? To bad his left hand fell asleep... bitch plz get a better grip and a breathmint.

    Have you written to Sega bout how broken Crap-e def is yet? I think that if they'd actually want any shit from you though they'd squeeze your head (cause it would be sure to pop out)... Lol @me thinking I know you, that would take a will to actually -want- to know you (and nobody does that's why you need vf). Don't flatter yourself, every forum (and there are many) has it's trolls and every sandbox has it's swearing little kids. In 5 years ppl will say "Yeah I remember Hiro - he wrote those faqs right?" and maybe, just maybe if you're lucky "Yeah I remember Shang - the clown who kept saying pwned like a retard until he left cause he didn't like his char..." . You're such a fucktard you think harass is two words and keep asking where you can get it.

    Have some cookies and milk on the house kid. Good thing you do flame ppl for the sake of the community, don't remember when anybody made you cop or admin ... maybe that wouldn't be such a good idea cause you're the only one to ever be so stupid to get fired for doing a blowjob ...or... oh wait... I just remember I laughed my ass of when reading that line you wrote. I still do. If anybody wanted any lip from you they'd point to their zipper. Get real.

    If you want me anything further pm me, you're a waste of time that defines winning an argument as having the last word. Once again, ask your Special Ed teacher about these things if you fail to comprehend and stop hitting yourself.

    /KiwE (Go fuck yourself communityman of the year)
  6. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you wear actual clownmakeup?

    if you only didn't make a fucking fool out of yourself for the last 15 or so pages, maybe people would actually bother reading some of the horseshit that come out of you mouth Too bad you already used up your get out of jail card.. Please just stfu and go dig a hole somehwere.
  7. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you wear actual clownmakeup?

    Kiwe: Shang's right. He's also an asshole, but he's right. For the love of GOD just let this fucking thing drop. You're the one dragging out, not him. Seriously...
  8. Onny

    Onny Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you wear actual clownmakeup?

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:
    .. and the hardons you get from playing teh internet warrior behind your keyboard while your chest is so flat the walls are getting jelous.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    er i'm sorry to butt in on an entertaining conversation, but i was just wondering if this was an insult or not. i mean isn't having a flat chest a good thing when you're a guy? i'm not sure bitch-tits are in fashion quite yet..
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you wear actual clownmakeup?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Onny said:
    i mean isn't having a flat chest a good thing when you're a guy?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think he means guys want "Huge Pectoral Muscles" ( - Ren, from Ren and Stimpy), - or at least a torso consisting of more than skin strecthed over a ribcage.
  10. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Kiwe!!

    Congrats Kiwe!!! you won!!!!


    Kiwe.... before you do this...




    (Actually the middle pic is Hyun and SiYkO)
  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Hey, I'm curious:

    Am I still the one "dragging it out"?

  12. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Hey, I'm curious:

    Kiwe Learn how to just STFU noobie, because you are getting:


    Just do the world a favor and S-T-F-U! Keep on crying about "oh this is a newbie techique and i was using it on the first day, but I didn't know how useful it was until you TOLD me. but I'm not a noobie eventhough time after time I've proved myself to be clueless as fuck" You got owned so hard you forget how to speak basic english(here is the famous quoate from a moron):

    A lowlevel technique that everyone should use without ever seeing it used that's not even described but you should use cause you can't think Japanese that's a good option but there are better option and that's why it's not used but you're a n00b if you don't use / ignore it cause you can't think Japanese or use their wakeup games.
  13. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Hey, I'm curious:

    Wow, was that also from picpop.com? Get some real skills and do your own pictures with some actual meaning behind them instead of cruising the cskiddie forums (a veteran flamer should atleast get that as a perk).

    Everybody should check out the latest batch of clips here . Omg, it's a slamcombo against Kofu Megane - what a n00b for not techrolling right Shang (like Jerky)? Notice the kick reversal against Edo? Oh, he used 3 catchthrows (that can't be done!) against Itoshun in a singel match. That's OK, Segaru is only the most famous Wolf player on planet fucking earth.

    I don't even need a picture (and if I did it would be original) to tell you how owned you just got. To bad Shang... To bad. Scream really hard now and do lots of cockreferences - you might fool one or two.

    P.S; To anybody who even thinks I'm the one continuing this and not him you need a realitycheck pill. What the fucks wrong with you people - are you in gradeschool and afraid to stand up to a retarded bully or something? No newcomer to the site will cause they're afraid of being flamed to hell and back while you sissies giggle, the top players like Shou / RH (who would both kick his ass in vf to hell and back) have tried but don't even post anymore basicly after their runins and tried reasoning with that ass, one admin tried to ban him and nothing positive happened / he's worse then ever and Ice-9 is ridiculed constantly. Half of you just stfu afraid and the other half clap happy that it's not them being flamed like in gradeschool.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said (in a girly voice):
    Andrew YOU FUCKING MORON!!! NOBODY IN JAPAN USES THIS COMBO!!! Do you know WHY????? Because they know it's gonna get TRed YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!! give me 1 jp clip a wolf does b+p over screwhook in a combo....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You fucking retard. And to all you passive watchers who are annoyed by him as much as me FUCK YOU and your silent voice!

    /KiwE (Close this thread someone cause it's just silly at this point - say Shang won and make his day before that, I don't care. What a dumbass).
  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Hey, I'm curious:

    .... I don't know who is not getting the point here. It's not that any technique won't ever work or will always work. It's not that you can't think like the Japanese or anything like that. The point is really is that if you are going to always think of ways that anything is not going to work, then it's going to seem like it's not going to work. If you watch closely at the way Itoshun plays, watch what he does after TR everytime. He always stands up. That's why he just gets eaten up by the catch throws. Towards the end of the clip, Segaru gets eaten up since his catch throw was too far away. He did it after a TR, and look at itoshun, even after getting hit twice by catch throws before, he stood up and waited. Only after he sees whiffed catch throw, he attacks.

    On the case of the Aoi not TR'ing the slam, wolf has a couple of combo enders after counter hit SS. Usually they don't do the slam one cause it's TR'ed the majority of the time. So when Segaru does it out of no where, Koufu probably just messed up or didn't expect it. Seeing it work once doesn't mean it is a stable. Even the best players mess up at times, just look at Segaru missing his toe kick stunner in one of those clips.

    On Edo's kick reveral, it's nothing special at all. Alot of Kages does [2][K]+[G] after middle kick stagger for simple reasons. 1) It's almost guaranteed against slow strugglers and gives you a down for possible TR guess or rising game. 2) If it's blocked, they are too far away to throw, so Kage is safe. 3) It's half circular, so it eliminates a possible evade direction. 4) Middle kick stagger is usually too short for you to run in and do anything, so using that move to keep the pressure is so very very common.

    I think in the end, it's not people's logic that's wrong, it's not being able to apply it in an actual game. Even simple things like lp->lp/throw can work in an actual match against even the best players when used at the right time.
  15. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Hey, I'm curious:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:
    On Edo's kick reveral, it's nothing special at all. Alot of Kages does [2][K]+[G] after middle kick stagger for simple reasons. 1) It's almost guaranteed against slow strugglers and gives you a down for possible TR guess or rising game. 2) If it's blocked, they are too far away to throw, so Kage is safe. 3) It's half circular, so it eliminates a possible evade direction. 4) Middle kick stagger is usually too short for you to run in and do anything, so using that move to keep the pressure is so very very common.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    5) Segaru has a huge ego and likes to show off. He also probably does not like Edo's (and most top Kage's) machi playstyle, and did the reversal as a "fuck you" type gesture.

    He also lost the match. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  16. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Hey, I'm curious:

    Srider: don't even bother explain anything to this noobie fucker.

    Kiwe: don't you realize talking to you in any serious matter is a waste of my time because you are SO sO So fucking clueless about vf that we don't even speak the same language. So i'm not going to bother repeat what Srider had just say other than.. YOU are a STUPID FUCK. Why don't you just S-T-F-U like I told you the 100th time and spare yourself the humilation? Obvious everyone knows you are a noobie pretending to talking shit out of your ass. And you prove it again by assuming somehow you knew what Segaru and Kofu were thinking.. have you ever played a jp player? for that matter have you ever played a 1/2 decent wolf player?? You are so stupid you don't even know it. Now you are saying everyone on vfdc is what? because they don't agree with you????!
    LOL how can people agree something they can't understand? Like:

    A lowlevel technique that everyone should use without ever seeing it used that's not even described but you should use cause you can't think Japanese that's a good option but there are better option and that's why it's not used but you're a n00b if you don't use / ignore it cause you can't think Japanese or use their wakeup games.

    Just S-T-F-U already noobie!

    WTF is:
    I don't even need a picture (and if I did it would be original) to tell you how owned you just got. To bad Shang... To bad.
  17. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Hey, I'm curious:

    Kiwe you are ten years too early to be talking in this thread. Go play more vf before you provide "tactics" for wolf. Hell you DONT even PLAY WOLF.

    btw BunBun Maru was famous way before Segaru was . . .
  18. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Hey, I'm curious:

    Ok Srider. So you're saying this means nothing at all? Notice the impossible hitscanning of the screwhooks aswell (does two when first connect and only one when it's blocked) in the same match. I could go on. Talk about coincidence city. I'm still waiting for the backdash from a throw in Oki making the throw whiff though since everybody delays their throws in Oki. Where are they?

    Edit: Fuck this. Sides have been set, I can just hope someone can see this objectivly and not cause they disslike me (which is fine if you want). Yeah, I'm outtie of this thread (go find more pictures Shang). Fun how some ppl (Shang) can post a singel clip about a wolf doing p>throws in the beginning of this thread as some sort of evidence when the most recent clipbatch with Segaru doesn't mean shit.

    Oh and just so Shang doesn't get his panties in a mess, it was ment to be written that way. Humourus / run on sentence that is. Reading Comprehension follows:

    "A lowlevel technique [backdash isn't exactly ARE] that everyone should use [recommended as it would beat throws / attacks thru boxstepping and even slow circulars] without ever seeing it used [where's the whiffed throws in Oki due to backdash? Wtf has this got to do with Wolf even?] that's not even described [where is this technique described amongst defence in faq as good use in Oki?] but you should use cause you can't think Japanese ["You don't understand the Japaneeeeeeeeese!"] that's a good option but there are better option [Dandys statement] and that's why it's not used but you're a n00b if you don't use it [Sunshine Shang]/ ignore it cause you can't think Japanese ["You don't understand the japaneeeeeeese still!"] or use their wakeup games [So why is this discussion on Wolf Oki if nobody can say a shit? What secret techniques are in the shaolin temple that you don't understand and hence make it so you're opinion isn't worth Shit in Wolf Oki discussion Shang?]. "

  19. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Hey, I'm curious:

    [ QUOTE ]
    P.S; To anybody who even thinks I'm the one continuing this and not him you need a realitycheck pill. What the fucks wrong with you people - are you in gradeschool and afraid to stand up to a retarded bully or something? No newcomer to the site will cause they're afraid of being flamed to hell and back while you sissies giggle, the top players like Shou / RH (who would both kick his ass in vf to hell and back) have tried but don't even post anymore basicly after their runins and tried reasoning with that ass, one admin tried to ban him and nothing positive happened / he's worse then ever and Ice-9 is ridiculed constantly. Half of you just stfu afraid and the other half clap happy that it's not them being flamed like in gradeschool.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    If you're not the one who's constantly dragging this Shit all around the block then stop responding to Shang's Whining like a Princess. You are such a freaking moron and obviously childish since you can't accept the fact that people are enjoying this too much to speak up and by you flaming back it's just making Shang giggle like a little school girl even more when you respond with your half ass attempt of trying to prove that you know more than him.

    Lastly Kiwe, I have no doubt you will take this personally and the wrong way and I hope it's simple and clear enough that you'll understand: PLEASE STFU AND MOVE ON.

    Thank You & Good night. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  20. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Hey, I'm curious:

    Oh and just so Shang doesn't get his panties in a mess, it was ment to be written that way. Humourus / run on sentence that is. Reading Comprehension follows:

    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAH!! right!~ you just admitted you are a fucking moron

    I will pay 50$ to anyone (kiwe included) who can translate this to a into a form that's undestandable by an average person

    "A lowlevel technique [backdash isn't exactly ARE] that everyone should use [recommended as it would beat throws / attacks thru boxstepping and even slow circulars] without ever seeing it used [where's the whiffed throws in Oki due to backdash? Wtf has this got to do with Wolf even?] that's not even described [where is this technique described amongst defence in faq as good use in Oki?] but you should use cause you can't think Japanese ["You don't understand the Japaneeeeeeeeese!"] that's a good option but there are better option [Dandys statement] and that's why it's not used but you're a n00b if you don't use it [Sunshine Shang]/ ignore it cause you can't think Japanese ["You don't understand the japaneeeeeeese still!"] or use their wakeup games [So why is this discussion on Wolf Oki if nobody can say a shit? What secret techniques are in the shaolin temple that you don't understand and hence make it so you're opinion isn't worth Shit in Wolf Oki discussion Shang?]. "

    Kiwe: just take a shot in the mouth and admit you got owned and stfu.

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