Wishlist for Xbox 360 port

Discussion in 'Console' started by Dan, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Likewise, I'm thinking you aren't seeing my point... I'm thinking of a tutorial mode for ALL users. It is not just us here at VFDC that will play this game. I'm thinking of getting the overall playing community's level up. I'm thinking of the 10 million 360 userbase, from which a LOT of new people will be picking up the game. They all don't know about VFDC. Even if they do, it's much easier for them to get it in game because they are most likely casual players. However, even though they are casuals, they still have the POTENTIAL to be hardcore players if the right tools were put in front of them to make them play the game correctly.
  2. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    A record feature in the practice mode. I use this heavily in whatever fighting game I play seriously. It helps a lot with working all sorts of things out.

    Downloadable content as well.

    DEExTHAxGEE New Member

    the ablity to upload my replays and leaderboards
  4. Booloo

    Booloo New Member

    Creative Achievment Points is actually one thing I look forward to on the 360 version.
  5. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Hey Guys,

    After speaking to a friend at SOA today, he said that he'd be happy to act as a "go-between" to forward our requests to the Project Managers on the 360 version of the game.

    Dan, if you can compile everything into a lucid form, all of the reasonable and smart requests, I'll send it to him, and he'll give it to the PMs. I have to say though, he said not to expect anything solid, as Am2 has the final say as far as what they want to put into the game goes.

    I'd say for people who are interested, let's try to get this done in the next week or two, and I'll get it off to him. The sooner the better.

  6. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Possible sliver of hope??

    NUMBER 1 THING FOR 360 VERSION: Release of VF Stick High Grade in the United States for 360. Hori will not put out a high quality stick here. We NEED that high grade. No good stick immediately makes it worse than PS3 version!
  7. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Fixing the AI has got to be the top priorioty for the next VF5 release. Most people will play quest mode as their main choice for gameplay...that mode needs to be the best for consumer appeal and replay value. Fix the AI has got to be priority one as far as the actual game is concerned.
  8. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    1. VSHG for 360

    2. Much better AI

    3. Base it on Ver C

    4. Record function for practice mode

    5. Make it so that 2 profiles can be used on the same machine through the portable memory units.

    6. Allow for recording of matches against this advanced AI.

    If the 1st two aren't covered I wouldn't bother getting the 360 version.
  9. Crowza

    Crowza Member

    Quoted for the TRUTH.
  10. fathamburger

    fathamburger Member

    Online play (even for the casuals that dont care about frame data or true nitaku) or this game will seriously end up a footnote over time.

    Training mode (sad that there are more competent DOA than VF players nowadays). I'm not firing up EVO just to "Train". That's idiotic.

    Story mode, make it machinima based (ingame cutscenes). That's easily doable even if it's a few lines of nonsense every second fight like DOA.


    AI fix that everyone is talkinga bout up there.
  11. fathamburger

    fathamburger Member

    Training mode wishlist

    These are basically all my gripes about EVO's training mode.

    - ability to exclude moves in the list for when you've masterd them i.e. a checkbox menu system and to make this savable in profile.

    - random training option so you don't always start from move 1

    - ability to just set one thing to practice over and over again WITHOUT having to go and uncheck everything, resave etc. Just being able to go through the list and at any given move, set a "repeat" option.

    - ingame training videos with tutorials and dictionary just like EVO. They can use VFDC for this.

    GREATO BRILLIANT IDEA BURNING!!!!!111 - incorporate some training into the quest mode i.e. as you go from arcade to arcade different people you "fight" will give you different moves to simulate learning things from people you meet in arcades i.e. asking "how do you do that move?". It would be great if the moves/techniques got progressively more advanced too i.e. the first arcade gives you PPPK and later arcades you could defeat a high ranked Akira who teaches you SPoD /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  12. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    The ability to connect a thumbdrive (or whatever) and send a VF5 replay file to it for EASY upload on our comp. That or stream it through windows media conncet or something like that so we can get our vids on the net.

    Obviously--VSHG and make it so it works on BOTH consoles.

    Better AI

    Better training


    Allow me to take my char to a friends house and vice-versa
  13. alucard19

    alucard19 Active Member

    1)Better AI
    2)Better training mode(the one like VF4:Evo)
    3)Give people the ability to take their custom character over a friends house.

    4)A playable online mode.Now most of u guys will say: "VF5 is too time depended"..which is true,but giving "VF5" a online mode will attracted more people to it.Hopefully they can do this and make it with very little lag and delay.I think by adding online mode the game will become a lot more popular.

    EDIT:OR maybe this can be in VF5:Evo?
  14. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    the ability to easily transfer match videos from our 360 to the computer so we can upload to http://www.youtube.com, combovideos.com, google.com, etc.
  15. riskVSreward

    riskVSreward Member

    I may be brand new here but there are a lot of shitty requests being posted. Transfer videos from 360 to PC? You can already do that, use a capture device to record it onto your pc. How could they even import that tech into the game? Online mode? While I agree online would attract more casual players who could get semi-competant by playing online all day long, Sega has already stated it wouldn't be in the game. The admins are trying to compile a REALISTIC list to give to Sega, if that was on there it would be instantly dismissed. Of course they've considered online versus, and they have already ruled it out. Sorry.

    I think the most important inclusions would be

    - not having a cap on the amount of profiles you can create.
    - bring back the EVO training mode, even if it's exactly the same, tactics advice was a great utility
    - allow individual profiles to be transferred to memory cards and loaded on a friend's system
    - allow replay saves to be transferred over live


    - awesome arcade stick!!

    Pretty simple. Pretty realistic, and what a lot of people are asking for to boot. Take care of the small annoyances and focus more on making it as close to arcade perfect as possible.

    No story mode. No ending cinematics. No online play. Don't you realise these things would take up a hell of a lot of time? And what would they even add to the game? A slightly different arcade mode with pointless movies at the end, and an online mode that doesn't even do the game justice.

    EDIT: Are you still actually sending a letter? I just noticed this thread was so old.
  16. RLWolf

    RLWolf Member

    I would like Sega make a Virtua Stick High Grade that works with both Xbox 360 AND PS3. That way, 360 users don't get the screw-over when they go to a BYOC tourney and have nothing but PS3's or vice versa. I mean all they need is licensing from both for the project. I mean both systems use USB ports for their controllers, right?
  17. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Has this not been done yet? I'm not being funny but I tried to get involved in this a while ago to get things moving and got pretty much ignored. Was this whole thread just an opportunity to bitch about stuff? If noones going with this can I be the one to write up a list of everyones sensible suggestions and send it out? Akira love if you're reading this could I forward it to you to send to SOA?
  18. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    He actually asked you to write something up Rayne heh..

    Anyway good luck!!
  19. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Since I posted 2 weeks ago, saying let's get this together within a week or two, I've been waiting to see if more responses would be coming in. My schedule's pretty busy, but I'm still down to do this. I have to agree with those that have said let's keep it concise and meaningful: while the VF series might be better off in the long run adding things like online play (especially) and a better story with endings etc, at this point, it's not in Am2's interest, and it's not what VF is about. I'd rather see them put time and energy, and money towards things that make the game as it is better.

    For everyone that believes in this project, I'd like to add: with regards to the PS3 version, Time and Money were something they HAD in excess, and they decided not to put them towards the game. For anyone who wants to defend Am2, saying "surely they had no resources and time to make the game better", here are the facts: Sega had budgeted the creation of the console version of VF5 before Sony offered the extra $$$ for the exclusivity window. Am2 had originally said the game would be done in March. The phrase I heard was, "no one expected the game this early". Extra Time, Extra $$$ from Sony, downgraded port.

    Looking through the list, here's the plausible things I've taken down:

    360 Version should be Version C

    Ability to Update the game through Download

    Training Mode more like Evo:
    Recording Feature
    Set to do "scripted" actions on Guard, Hit etc
    "Guard All" setting
    Ability to set recorded/scripted actions to be performed in percentages (as in Evo)
    Ability to have CPU perform commands from list
    Tutorial Mode, even if it's just Evo's
    Tactics Advice Mode
    Challenge Mode

    Character Files:
    Base # of creatable files on hard drive/writable media space, not a set limit

    Ability to use writable media (USB drives, Xbox memory cards) to transfer character files between systems for Versus play (as in original VF4 for PS2). Ideally, character files on USB media could be used on both the PS3 and 360 versions.

    Versus Records lockout: allow character files to have the option of Quest mode not effecting rank and wins/losses, so players can collect items etc in Quest Mode, but still retain a pure Versus play record (or, have separate records for Versus and Quest modes attached to each character file).


    The AI in the PS3 version is simply the AI from the Arcade version. The current arcade version has an enhanced AI in a mode called "Knockout Trial", which also features an "Expert Mode". Including this AI in the arcade, as well as in Quest, or adding a new AI for Quest would greatly improve the game. There is little to no difference between the different characters in the PS3 version's Quest Mode, and by and large it uses no new techniques from VF5, including individual character's techniques and things like Offensive Move. Essentially, the CPU plays VF4, and the AI in Evo's Quest Mode was far superior. Players can't properly practice VF5 using the AI in the PS3 version.

    Domestic Release of an Arcade Stick like the Virtua Stick High Grade which was released in Japan.

    (Note: personally, I think requests for a stick that works on both machines are nice, but a fantasy. I don't think Sony or MS'd let that happen, but I think these ideas are better forwarded to Hori US @: http://hori.jp/us/ or to a company that could make an adapter to use PS3 sticks on the 360, or vice-versa).

    Online Features:

    Ability to share Replay files over Xbox live, or the ability to upload replays to a server, which would be available for public download. Abiltiy to watch Replays without download over Xbox live, like VFTV in Japan's arcades.

    Achievements, Leaderboards

    Quest Mode:

    Fix AI
    Return "Quests" to Quest mode, giving players "assignments" in the form of Quests to complete. VF4 Evo had this feature.
    Tournament Mode

    Return of Mission Mode, which allowed players to earn money and items in Arcade Mode, which didn't effect Win/Loss records.

    Knockout Trial Mode

    Since the items in the Item Shop are so expensive, it's extremely difficult for players to have enough money to buy them while playing Versus mode, because Versus mode rewards very little money (IE you get 50 gold for a loss, or for beating aracde mode, but some items cost 23,000 gold, that's 460 losses/completion of arcade mode to buy one item). Players should either get more money through Versus/Arcade Mode, or items should be made less expensive.

    unless someone wants to add something, or thinks any of this should be left out, I'm gonna send a fancier version of this.

    let me know in the next day or two

  20. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    That sounds like a lot to ask for.

    If I didn't have a PS3, I'd ask for 2 things:

    1) Arcade stick
    2) Portable customized characters

    The other stuff doesn't affect vs. play at all.

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