Will you play VF5FS on PSN or XBL?

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. cruzlink2

    cruzlink2 Well-Known Member

    Los dos [​IMG].
  2. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    I've got the arcade version so won't get either console rev.

    Japanese VF players are mainly on 360 but many famous players have migrated off to SC5 as of late.
  3. Devilstar22

    Devilstar22 Well-Known Member

    I have a ps3 so i'll support FS that way. If i get an xbox i'll support both.
  4. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    PS3 for me, I never bothered buying a 360.

    As a fairly heavy online player or Resident Evil 5, I can say that there were a lot of Japanese players for that game. They were also quite a bit better on a consistent basis than their American counterparts. It was way easier to get high scores and place well on the leader-boards with them. I live in the Seattle area and have a relatively fast/strong internet connection of over 30megs, so I haven't really had any lag issues with Japanese players. Imo 360 will have more U.S. players, while the PS3 will have more international players.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  5. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    360 for me, I'm a big fan of xbox.
  6. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    Getting both for the sake of supporting Sega and DLC for both when I can. Mostly if I can't shell out the cash for xbl (as sad as that sounds lol) I'll just play PS3.
  7. VF2012

    VF2012 Member

    I buy it for the Xbox 360 [​IMG]
  8. sibarraz

    sibarraz Well-Known Member

  9. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    xX SETTRA Xx
    I´ll keep playing over XBL. Its good to see that most people will also stay with their XBox, or play it on both systems.
    It would have been sad to lose some old acquaintances due a systemchange.
  10. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    Well xbox of course, as the main source of versus practice for me is over xbox live.

    If they didn't lock the sticks to particular consoles I'd be happy to get the PS3-version as well. But I'm not getting a PS3-specific stick just to play on PSN.
  11. Tocuh

    Tocuh Well-Known Member

    PS3, never wanted a 360.
  12. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I'll likely get both but mostly be playing on PS3 with the Hitbox. I'll play with a stick on 360 at other times unless I'm able to find a working converter. I have a feeling XBL will have the bigger online population tho.
  13. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    I'm actually gonna try to play on both so I can play everyone. [​IMG]
  14. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I will be playing it on both.

    The most difficult thing, however, is that my friends list on PS3/360 are both completely full and it's hard to delete people because they are all real friends or people I play with often (whether it's other fighting games or Battlefield 3, etc...).

    I hate the 99 friends limit... I've had this problem for a long time.

    But if anyone wants to add my PS3 twink account (which might be my best resolution to this):

    (smurf isn't allowed apparently).

    Fortunately, PS3 online play is free, thus allowing twink accounts. Xbox Live Gold is okay for one month :p
  15. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    PS3 for sure.
  16. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    PSN, hope the connection to the VFDC members who would be up to some games with me is not completely horrible. (I can't imagine many fellow VFer here in Austria)
  17. kil

    kil Well-Known Member

    XBL only ftw
  18. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Call me rat but I'm waiting for the veredict of you guys about the quality of each version, because that will dictate wich console I'm gonna buy :) I have a slight preference of PS3 over 360 because of Gran Turismo 5, but thats about it.
  19. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

  20. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

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