Will you play VF5FS on PSN or XBL?

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    I'm going to buy it for ps3. I would say that to me, I won't have to worry about bad reputation, that seem to have led to account suspensions, from the years on Xbox. People took that a little too far from losing. I will just stay with a community this time.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Don't worry about bad rep, it's only you that can see it.

    The rep system never leads to suspended accounts either, people have to file complaints then MS look into it, doubt they'd suspend anyone without clarifying the complaint was valid.
  3. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    I will show support by getting it for both PSN and XBLA. But I will probably play it more on XBLA since that is where all my friends are.
  4. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    I want to get it on both but i'll probley get it on 360 1st. Eventually ps3 too :3
  5. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Waverusher Kobi
    360 only. I don't own a PS3.
  6. westtrade

    westtrade Well-Known Member

  7. Jinzer0

    Jinzer0 Active Member

    Getting it for Xboy360...

    Its funny If it weren't for the fact that VF5 was online for Xbox360. I would have gotten a Ps3 instead [​IMG]
  8. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I'll be playing on PS3, since it's the only console I own.

    Feck, it all depends on the region. I know only one person in Poland who owns a fighting game on X360 and even he has a stick for PS3 to play with others. All other FG players here have PS3s [​IMG]
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    So the super star japanese players do not get on XBL now? What about some of big name Koreans?

    You mean I won't see

    Bun Bun Maru
    Homestay Akira

    Not even a Shinz?

    Maybe they login under other names?

    So are you guys posting that the very top players simply consider themselves too good to play online? To good even for casual play? Someone said the same thing about top SC5 players, but i'm pretty sure I was in a room with Kayane, about two weeks ago, ( I was kicked from the room though [​IMG] )
    right before I was about to my scrub skill on showcase [​IMG]

    I know some of the worlds top Tekken players play online, because I have been victimized by several of them. Even if the connection is not that great, you would think that the Japanese would get on just for the fun of playing someone outside of Japan..

    You think they would be a least a little curious right? Just the thought of playing against females from all over the world should raise a little curiosity right? (Yes there are females all over the world that like VF) Not many but they're out there, and I personally know more than a few that have PS3's [​IMG] and I'm sure they will be online kicking ass and taking names.

    Every body knows online is just for casual play, so why would the Japanese be worried about the connection?
  10. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Why would they play VF5 Version C online when they can play Final Showdown at the arcade?
  11. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Mastertroll was talking about those pro's playing FS online once it comes out, there was no mention of them playing the current vanilla online.

    Regardless, I agree! [​IMG]
  12. ShinjukuATM

    ShinjukuATM Well-Known Member

    Itazan has a xbl gt but does not play vf5.Only ssf4.
    Korean player rikojiang played ver.C online...
    In ssf4 some top players login under other names.
    Kayane is not a top player.Even Kerrigan is better.
  13. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC

    On topic...I will play both with friends online, but I am hoping to spend most of my time with the local gaming community.
  14. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    The better players will be on both but I imagine we'll frequent XBL more often due to there likely being more players and XBL being way more user friendly and generally better than PSN.
  15. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Xbl because I don't have a ps3.
  16. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    ShinjukuATM, I didn't post that she was 'THE' top player, I'm merely giving her credit for being 'A' top player, just a few
    googles of her name suggest that at least some ppl consider
    her a top player(obviously I'm in that crowd) [​IMG] Don't you think we should give the young lady credit where credit is do? LOL

    Kayane Seems like "A" top player

    Kayane Guiness Book of World Records?

    Kayane wins 64 person Tournament???

    Kayane Ranked in Soul Calibur Top 5?
    I guessin, top Japanese players might just want to play casual games with ppl from other countries/cultures just for the helluvait. Why not?

    I personally get a kick out of playin ppl from Russia, France, or Canada when I'm online. I'm finding that different places in the world, the fighting games are played with different approaches and styles.

    Are you guys sayin that everytime the Japanese bring up a VF screen that its strickly business and all about the Win/Loss ratio? C'mon... Yall... [​IMG]

    My guess is that now that VF will be online on the Playstation we will see top players from Japan online just messin around, why wouldn't we...?

    I want to be able to brag that I've lost matches to many of the best Japanese players in the world!!!!
  17. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    They are, but they also prefer stable connection too. I bet you will see "Japanese Only" on their bios just like the old days.
  18. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    I will play FS definitely on Xbox Live. Don't own PS3.
  19. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    i will play for both!! ps3 and xbox!!:)
  20. Yuki-sensei

    Yuki-sensei Well-Known Member

    only have a 360.... so 360 it is!

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