Why was blast closed?

Discussion in 'General' started by Shadowdean, Feb 16, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: I take it back

    Ah yes, Joe. Apparently it would have made more sense for everyone to stay until the very last. They were smart for leaving Blast. Why in God's name stay when you know it's gonna be gone? Tell more than a hundred people to come back, sink with this ship. There are lifeboats, but hey, it's the spirit of the ship that counts, right? Can't separate the body from the spirit, its sacrilege. There's still a chance that the gaping hull breach can be repaired before she's completely under.

    Fortunately, the Blasters were smart enough not to listen. At the same time, us Rumblers had already decided to come back to the now-Tendo City if there were no solutions found to this problem.

    And if Ice were going to name a successor, why couldn't he have done so ahead of time? He already said that he had decided well before the cities reopened that he didn't want to run them. He had close to a month to name one. He never did. Can't you see, it's not nurb closing that we are so angry about. If it were, you would have seen more anger than sorrow in the last posts there. What we are angry about is that it could've been avoided, and we were kept in the dark, and furthermore insulted when we break away from it.

    And the only point Ice-9 makes is that he had every right to do what he did. He's right, there's not a thing we could do about that. But he could have handled it in a manner repsecting those who trusted him. He did not. That is why we are angry.
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: I take it back

    Not hard to predict someone's next move when you post about it *after* they make it. Besides I'm not hiding behind words, it seems you are though. You claim to not be in elementry, or nurasary school. Then what are you an adult? If so then I have a hard time believing you fight with every single person that curses at you. You'd be imprisoned. If you are an adult you should be more mature, then that person, whoever they may be. Obviously you ain't.
  3. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: I take it back

    "Not hard to predict someone's next move when you post about it *after* they make it"

    i was writing a reply I guess almost at the same time as you, you just happen to post first, when I go and check it then i see you already posted something. then after that I just had to say that my predictions were true. its always soooo typical of someone that has run out of things to say to start being a grammar teacher. and exacly what the fuck was so wrongly written that you coulnt understand what i was saying? was it the slang? where the hell are you from? norway?
    and yes I do get into a fight evertime someone curses me out for real, what would you do chicken out? another pussy eh.

    anyway, its been fun flaming, but im getting bored of this. case closed.

    ps. FUCK SPELLING! :p

    <font color=red>PICCOLO</font color=red>
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: I take it back

    "its always soooo typical of someone that has run out of things to say to start being a grammar teacher."

    Either that, or they grew accustomed to it, being a website editor and all.

    "I do get into a fight evertime someone curses me out for real, what would you do chicken out? another pussy"

    Actually, I'd be more mature then the other guy, and either agree with them, (you can't really fight someone who is agreeing with you) or walk away. *I* value peace. Only barbarians don't.
  5. AnimeJoe

    AnimeJoe Active Member

    Re: I take it back

    <<< "Ah yes, Joe. Apparently it would have made more sense for everyone to stay until the very last." >>>

    - It would have made more sense for those people who had no interest in remaining/returning to Blast City and were blaming it for their problems with other people to stop whining, crying, moaning, and &itching about ice-9 and the Cities being shutdown.

    <<< "They were smart for leaving Blast. Why in God's name stay when you know it's gonna be gone?" >>>

    - It's not an issue of people staying and leaving, people are free to do whatever they wish. It's the constant moaning, groaning, and whining that followed the departure of some, again, something they're also free to do. The ones that

    <<< "Tell more than a hundred people to come back, sink with this ship. There are lifeboats, but hey, it's the spirit of the ship that counts, right? Can't separate the body from the spirit, its sacrilege. There's still a chance that the gaping hull breach can be repaired before she's completely under." >>>

    - When Blast City reopened, Folks weren't told to return to Blast City and continue as normal,,,there was no announcement on the front page stating that it was Open for business,, it just so happened that some of us kept checking and eventually stumbled upon an active Blast City. And we were told that the place was closing and would be given ample time to say our goodbyes.

    <<< "Fortunately, the Blasters were smart enough not to listen." >>>

    - But their whining continues..

    <<< "What we are angry about is that it could've been avoided, and we were kept in the dark, and furthermore insulted when we break away from it." >>>

    - I still fail to see how anyone was insulted, all I've seen over the past several days was folks getting all bent out of shape because they took a few comments and completely blew them WAYYYYYY the hell out of proportions.

    <<< "And the only point Ice-9 makes is that he had every right to do what he did. He's right, there's not a thing we could do about that. But he could have handled it in a manner repsecting those who trusted him. He did not. That is why we are angry." >>>

    I SERIOUSLY doubt he could have done anything else while still on track to shutting down the Cities and still not have a few angry people. I guess he could have handled it in another manner by informing members of the impending closure of the Cities then getting on his knees pleading and begging for Forgiveness from each and everyone of the members,, then afterwards he could become a born-again VFer.

    I can understand the sadness and disappointment that comes whenever we have to say 'Fare Thee Well' to something or someplace we hold dear.

    1993~ My most favorite job had reached the unfortunate point where they were shutting their doors forever and we would all get transferred to other locations. The absolute best working environment I've ever experienced had come to an end.. Naturally, sadness followed for a while but Life went on and I just cherished the great times I had there.

    1999~ October 4 to be precise, the best on-line service [PRODIGY Classic] shut its doors for good because it wasn't Y2k compliant. I was with the service since late 95, and it was my first experience with the on-line world. The service wasn't Perfect but it was MUCH better than any and all of the other services out there when it came to on-line communities and Chatting. I cherished the many Monday nights I spent in the Wrestling chatroom enjoying the WCW and WWF programs along with the other 30+ members in the room, cracking jokes at the appropriate points in the shows, arguing about the nielson ratings of the shows. When Prodigy Classic shut its doors, all of those really good Monday nights came to an end.. The successor [Prodigy Internet] is a mere pathetic shell of its predecessor, IMO, they would be better off just letting the original Prodigy die gracefully instead of muddying up its name and heritage with its inferior successor.

    2000~ The slow death of Arcade gaming served me a disastrous blow in the form of my favorite Arcade over the last 15 years finally closing its doors last year.. All that remains are the fond memories of the Virtua Fighters, Virtua Fighter IIs, Oscar, Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stones, the six screened NINJA WARRIORS, the six screen DARIUS, G.I. Joe the Arcade Game, the many years of excellent Neo-Geo arcade gaming, the 56 different iterations of Street Fighter, and many other glorious gaming moments. I understood the need to shut it down, especially since the once very busy weekend nights there had unfortunately become nights in which I and maybe 2 or 3 other people were in there. I don't like it but I understand and will always cherish all of the memories made there over the last 15 years.

    2001~ The retirement of Blast City. The most recent loss, I have such wonderful memories about the place. It provided me with MANY opportunities to do what I love best- talk about the gaming industry with fellow gamers..

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