Why isn't VF big in America?

Discussion in 'General' started by austinc1, Nov 11, 2001.

  1. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Pardon me, I'm English.


    That's no excuse. Don't take the mick.

    Back to the point at hand.

    I've given up on "converting" people to Virtua Fighter. If someone asks me for my opinion or advice then I'll gladly give it. But few have the patience to stick with the game passed their first inevitable defeat. "It's just not Tekken." I constantly find myself shaking my head in dismay.

    I feel the masses are fickle. Though the Playstation 2 conversion will do a lot to help remedy our plight the commercial force of Tekken has consumed the public and few are willing to turn their gaze to the majesty of Virtua Fighter. Screw them. I enjoy the game, those who dismiss it are at a terrible loss.
  2. Keylay

    Keylay Member

    I never heard of VF until VF2, but never played it because Saturn was old back then. I gave on video game systems after Sega Genesis, then I bought PSX because my cousins got it. Never got a game till 6 months later(Jet Moto), then another 6 months later, I got tons of games, but VF was never on PSX and that was the only console I liked. I got Dreamcast, but I never knew VF was on it. I think VF isn't that popular in America is because not many people have played it. Plus the fact that the only fighting games me and my friends knew were MK, SF, and Tekken.
  3. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    VF isnt piopular in america becouse it lacks MODES and we all know how MODES make the game .
    Forget boring stuff like challenge and gameplay .
    We need more story MODES like in Destrega or Tekken style MODES like bowling or beach ball .
    The MODES are where its at .
  4. Keylay

    Keylay Member

    I didn't say VF isn't popular because it lacks modes. I said VF wasn't popular because isn't wasn't put on very popular systems. Now it might change because it is going to be on PS2.
  5. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    The characters aren't mean/evil/ no interesting story or endings.

    The characters aren't modeled off of pop culture figures

    There aren't flashy sparks or ultra high hitting maneuvers

    Mashing in general doesn't get you anything "cool" looking

    Nothing about VF is really in your face or exaggerated which makes people think "I've really done something!"

    The selling point of VF4 will be Lei Fei imo, he'll remind everyone of the old kungfu flicks with the shao lin monks.
    Generally he's the first character people will play. If Sega really wanted to do it up they should have added a capoeira style character also lol.
  6. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    How 'bout a stripper with a heart of gold? That would boost marketing and sales.
  7. Daniel Thomas

    Daniel Thomas Well-Known Member

    I think Kayley is making a good point about Virtua Fighter on the home systems. Great as VF2 and 3tb were, the Saturn and Dreamcast were only seen by a limited audience, and were nowhere near as successful as the Playstation. The wider public simply isn't aware of what's out there.

    I just want to relate a little something I've been seeing about the VF4 scene here in Minneapolis. I've seen (and played with) a good number of rookies and newbies playing their first game. Normally, playing VF for the first time proves awkward and confusing. You don't know the moves, there's a lot of "dead space" on the joystick (there isn't a move for every direction+a button), there's a good recovery time between lots of moves; very much the "thinking man's" fighting game. When you play a rookie, you have to coach him/her along, explaining the basics and how it all works.

    But this time, it's surprisingly different. VF4 is faster, the recovery times are far shorter, the characters sport a good number of canned combos, and pressing any direction with a button will produce something on the screen. The game is still as deep and complex as it ever was (and far deeper than any other fighter), but it also possesses a low-level game that it never had. Finally, Virtua Fighter is available to the masses! Within five minutes, players are catching on and lining up to play another match. And the playing is pretty diverse, too. There's a couple Lei Fei players, but there's others using Vanessa, Lion, Pai, Jacky, and Sarah. As for more experienced players, you've got everything from Akiras who seem to know SPOD and nothing else, people (like me) who can beat up on scrubs but get beat up by experts, and those guys who just kill everybody with their Lion and Jackys (and a touch of Shun-Di).

    My point? VF4 is wonderfully accessible to new players, without becoming too frustrating at first or decaying into a scrub-fest (experts will still win every match). Anyone who loves videogames owes it to themselves to play this game, and we should help nudge them along. It's certainly better than whining about "why VF isn't big in America."
  8. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    I agree that Virtua Fighter 4 has gone some way to bridging the gap. It's just a shame that some people think endings and beachballs take precedence over gameplay and effort.
  9. Trigger

    Trigger Active Member

    The reason VF isn't popular isnot either its lacking of modes or being on unpopular system. VF isn't popular plainly because people often fail to see the merit of VF.

    I'll tell you how did i get my VF2 Saturn version. That day I went to a local game shop with a friend of mine who loves fighting game and also owned a Saturn. As a VF dedicate I suggested him buying VF2 and told him we'll be having great fun with the game. That night we played VF2 together. The following day, before I went home, he gave me that VF2 game said that I could have it as long as I want. FOR F___ing FREE !! And that's how I got the game, my VF2. Darn.. I got a free stuff but couldn't be glad about it.
  10. Jet

    Jet New Member

    Hi people! I'm new here and I'm from New Zealand........

    Heh, you think the popularity of VF is that bad in the USA?

    Check out over here, like no-one has ever heard of it...and even if they did they would say "Don't play it" "Don't like it" "Not appealing" or "Its boring"

    They just don't know how to play it and it sickens me, damn arcade parlours don't even give it a chance, actually they do.....these days, I don't even see one Virtua Fighter machine anywhere, back then there were quite a few but it hardly gets coins shoved in.

    It sucks, we need more VF players in NZ! I guess I can just play Tekken instead as its pretty popular around here and Tekken is my favourite fighter followed by Capcom/SNK fighters then VF closely 3rd.
  11. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    When i was visiting my aunt in florida last month, i was playing a few games of Tekken4 he joined my game, beat me a couple times and said, i play down at Rocky's Replay they have 4 Tekken4 machines and 2 Virtua Fighter 4 machines, i asked him right away, which one you think is better, he reply's, Virtua Fighter 4 without a doubt. I just play Tekken 4 for fun. I still have not played Virtua Fighter 4, but i was hoping to get to Rocky's Replay to give it a go.

    (Keep in mind that i whooped him in Tekken 4 the next time we played) =) Kazuya -n- Akira my Favs :)
  12. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    What you are saying about Rocky's Replay is true-- 4 Tekken4 machines and only 2 VF4. I play there all the time and at times there is nobody playing T4 but lots of people on VF4 and vice-versa.
    While I think gameplay is a bigger attention keeper for the veterans, newbie's, IMO, want to see flashy moves (fireballs), a gamesystem where they are already familiar with the moves (Capcom), and maybe some kind of ending. Alot of people would love to see a movie clip when you beat the game.
    IMO, a lot of people liked mortal kombat for that same reason (not that it had a movieclip, but a finale' = fatality).
    Right now a newbie comes to play and they get frusturated with some many different moves that they don't even know, they feel they cannot compete. I don't know how many times i've heard "it's too hard, there are too many moves". Pathetic!!!
  13. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    Well the guy i met worked at Circuit City selling cellular phones. He was using Hwoarang in Tekken 4, and he has a spiky type haircut, where's a leather jacket.
    Says he plays VF4 with his friends, at rocky's replay.

    Too bad i didnt get to go :(
  14. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    HEY!!!! THATZ MEE!!! whatz going on man!! =), Wow it's a small world isn't it!!!

    Are You Still In The Area?
  15. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    One game I've seen a lot of people liking is DOA. Sad. Let me vent.

    The characters aren't modeled off of pop culture figures.

    I think one of the more 'popular' fighting games thats been around that attracted people because of a low learning curve, flashy/stupid/lame moves, and TITS and ASS, has been Dead or Alive. IMO, which I think MOST of you will agree, this game is so shallow. It's something MAYBE to show off a console systems graphics and that's it.

    There aren't flashy sparks or ultra high hitting maneuvers

    Plenty of cheesy explosions and button mashing combos in DOA......

    Mashing in general doesn't get you anything "cool" looking

    In DOA, you get to see some computer bitches asses and titties wiggle........Shit, if I wanted to see that shit.....well you know theres places and people that will show me theirs.

    Nothing about VF is really in your face or exaggerated which makes people think "I've really done something!

    You are right, except for dropping someone on their head which usually looks nasty....

    The selling point of VF4 will be Lei Fei imo, he'll remind everyone of the old kungfu flicks with the shao lin monks.
    Generally he's the first character people will play. If Sega really wanted to do it up they should have added a capoeira style character also lol.

    What's wrong with eddie gordo/tiger......?mash mash mash, I WIN........

    Just a little vent about a shitty game.......
  16. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Although DoA2 is obviously pandering to the masses, deep down it wishes it was VF2, so the gameplay is pretty good on Arcade controls (where the obscenely powerful reversals are moderately difficult). If you're playing scrubs, DoA is even more boring than Tekken (since button mashing will give you effective canned strings) but once everybody is used to reversing the 3rd hits of each combo, it starts getting more fun IMHO.
  17. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    sup Blonde_One?

    hehe just got back from over a friends house =)

    Hey that was you eh? hahaha :)
  18. Cheath

    Cheath Member

    I wonder if virtua fighter was released on the PSX it would be very famous. virtua fighter is famous in japan because everyone bought the Saturn. Tekken is famous because it was released on the PSX. I got mad when they didn't make Soul Blade 2 instead they made a different game not matching it's calibur 2 . and don't forgot every new comer chooses Akira as their first person. DOA's graphics and Tina's alternative coooostume got it famous. MK had the -alaties. and don't forgot the biggest one COMMERCIALS
  19. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    From two years thick ashes a thread arises. Its petrified flesh hangs off its zombielike body.

    <font color="red">"Why have I been awakened?" It thunders. "In thread heaven among the virgin threads I have slept for two years! Why! Why do you torture me so?"</font>

    Vith Dos points to the newcomer and cast flame spell.
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


    Thanks Vith, I needed that /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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