Why is everybody playing 2D fighting games?

Discussion in 'General' started by IvorB, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I disagree. People just want to have fun, they may not know what "balanced" is but they know what they enjoy playing.

    Funny thing is, if you button mash in KoF, you're unlikely to get more than 2-4 hit combo, whereas as you could do the same in VF and achieve a similar number of hits yet do more damage...

    I think I'm going to ignore you from now on...
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man


    Yeah, and it usually involves beating the other guy.
  3. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Not necessarily... my winning percentages are terrible for both type of games yet I enjoy playing them. Winning is a question of talent + practice and less to do with how "easy" a game is.
  4. Guyjin

    Guyjin Member

    Oh VFDC, you so silly!
  5. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    This thread proves that even VF players are human and have faults, lol.

    VF, hell, just 3D fighters from Sega are the only ones I enjoy. There's more 2D series I enjoy from other companies and can appreciate their differences, but even then VF trumps them because there's more of a dynamic exchange game keeping both players active at a fast pace. Some people don't enjoy that and might find movement too involved with the constant dashing goig and others like myself enjoy that there is more left hand movement going on. Despite that there are times I'd rather just get down in SF, just because.

    There are more people on average in other 3D games as well as 2D games that are clueless about VF. So called VF fans can be just as clueless about VF as well.
    CheekyChi likes this.
  6. ilikecheez

    ilikecheez Member

    easy, basic answer to the topic: 2D fighters are more easily accessible and are where the money is at. its all bout da paypah. Collusions galore. vf is great and all, but we'd be kidding ourselves if we said there was money to be won by playing the game competitively. if you play vf competitively its because you love the game and not money. people actually play 2d fighters (popular shit like sf4 and mvc3) because they want to win money. some love the game, sure, but people are always "training for evo", or the next big major.
  7. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    This right here is why people like them and don't like them, and conversely like/don't like reset heavy VF( the people that understand and know VF but still don't like it) is these type of things as mentioned else where, give the player a goal or something "cool" to look forward to. The consecutive hits give something the player to reward them with for grinding in training mode and downtime to for both players to think about their next move and or setup.

    TODs or near TODs are bad, but Im fine with them as long as they end quick (VF combos, X-Factor, ST combos) and get you back in the game by starting the next round and going back it. Stuff like Crouch Cancels, TAC are bad because they delve into too much down time and turning the game into a 1-player Fest which is bad. I won't say bad design as the A3 and UMvC3 examples weren't designed, CvS2 is badly designed because of what BAS left in as well as the game being boring as hell to watch and play(for mor than 30 minutes).

    If Im playing against someone, I wanna play against them the entire time, not just during the neutral game. This is why VF and board games like Chess and Go are fun for two players. You have all these options that are open for the players to play off each other, creating a back and forth between the two, yet you can reduce their options and completely dominate, despit the back and forth "rules" which can be so satisfying (winning player)yet so frustrating(losing player) until the match is over. Cancelling and buffering multiple defensive tech is why VF is such a blast to play when D-ing up waiting for your opening, but at the same time so frustrating, is having that stuff blown up.

    I prefer busting phatty combos in Bayo and DMC, because if I'm sitting in front of a game with a controller in my hand, I wanna get mine in as well. I know I'm in the minority though.

    On another note about glitches and what not. ETE and MTE in VF3 were glitiches that were later fully realized as a gameplay mechanic and expanded upon in VF4-5R. VF series isn't without them either. The aforementioned ones in VF3, and PKG in VF2. At let's not forget about cross-ups on FS. If it's found I the game, let it rock unless it's just ridiculous beyond reason.
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man


    I was talking about controlling space.
  9. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    If u are 15 an under then 2d is for u that's what I think 2d games are for they look so kiddish and fake like a teen made them on the other hand 3d games are deep an technical with more of a teal feel to them so kids keep playing ur lame sf,kof,skullgirls,persona,cuz that's what they are a hand drawn cartoon but to each his own I guess even thou I just don't see how people can play those games instead of vf,tekken,sc5,doa I guess there blind an dum sorry for being harsh but that's how I feel about 2d and I'm not alone
  10. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    That's why you arent alone in being retarded.
    BlueLink and leftylizard like this.
  11. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    By ur avatar I think ur the retarded one sorry Homie but u are wack
  12. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    VF is my favorite game right now but wingchun warrior, you are doing such a terrible job arguing for it, you are kinda making me wanna hate it just to spite you.

    seriously mang, I hate to get into stupid beef here but you are being pretty ignorant, nothing wrong with not knowing much about 2d games or not liking them, but you are doing so with terrible logic and arrogant douche attitude to back it up.

    If you just made your uninformed points without throwing in all the insults nobody would fault you, but you are arrogant and proud of your ignorance and you do VF a disservice when you try to defend it. you, homie, are the one who is wack at the moment.
  13. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I've read and heard IRL comments doggging VF that are more retarded than what wingchun is posting, so it's not THAT bad in the grand scheme of things, but it's still pretty bad.

    PM Dawn > all.
  14. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    I'm sure there are absolutely uninformed 2d fighter fellas who say stupid shit about VF, but in my time in the SF scene.... really the worst things I've heard is it's too hard to learn for a game with no scene, not worth the time investment.....which was kinda absolutely true(in this scene) in the pre online play days.
  15. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member


    I think maybe this is it. Reduced options equals more accessible and easier to pick up and get good. I guess many fighting game fans are playing fighting games for different reasons than I am because I am attracted to having the vast array of options and strategies that complex 3D fighting games provide.

    Also I think probably 2D games are simpler to make from a production perspective so devs are producing these games to fuel the demand rather than making complex 3D fighting games. I can't even think of a fresh 3D fighting game that has been released this gen.
  16. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member


    Funny you should mention Dive Kick because I saw a video of this a while back and thought someone had released it as some kind of joke/parody of old school 2D fighting games, what my mates and I call "Flowing Stream" (constantly jumping towards the opponent with an aerial kick). I thought it was mildly amusing but last night I saw that it is an actual game being released that they are charging actual money for :eek::confused:o_O. And people are hyped.

    They had a video of these game reviewers playing it and it was literally two of them dive kicking each other endlessly. WTF??? They were sitting there dive kicking each other saying how cool it was and how much fun they were having.

    Check this game out:

    I'm all for diversity in fighting games but seriously, what the hell?? Can anyone on here explain this sh*t??
  17. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Dive Kick was ruined immidietly when they announced more characters than just Dive and Kick. It was funny for that little while when the first trailer with UltraDavid came out, but now it's just like I don't care.
  18. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I don't think 2D/3D will make a game any harder or simpler to make. To be honest, development time is usually only restricted by time and budget laid out by the business plan.

    I also have a different view regarding the difficulty of 2D/3D fighting games. That's like comparing western chess to chinese chess. They are very similar but have different rules and pieces. But you can't really say which is more complex/difficult to play - they just require a different strategy. People will have a preference to one but that doesn't indicate whether it's easier/harder. It's also like comparing sports...
  19. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    They've still have yet to make an A.I. that can beat a human at Weiqei/Go, where it's already happened at Chess. :p
  20. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I didn't mean weiqi/go when I said Chinese chess. I meant the one that is like western chess. Xiang qi? Don't know the pingying for it.

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