Why diss Vf3?

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Happy_Friend, Oct 19, 2001.

  1. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    <A target="_blank" HREF=http://virtuafighter.com/cgi-bin/versus/showthreaded.pl?Cat=&Board=versus&Number=3764&page=&view=&sb=&o=&vc=1#Post3764> read it again, twat </A>

    Yup, we did, and I think this thread just shows how much of a fucking idiot you are (out of countless others).

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  2. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    If Wolf thinks that Jackass will hit him with ppp can't he do the low kick or f,d kick or the arm leg sweep thing after blocking or side stepping the first one?
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    She was just weak to begin with. No quick midlevel floaters except her sidekick, which doesn't net you a combo as much as you'd like. And without stuff to start your float combos, you need high damage single hit moves or great throws. I don't think pai really has any of these. ST is okay and FC throw are okay, but not the guard break or TFT or anything. Why did they have to make all of her basic minor pokes be so risky? Even the damned f+P peck was slowed down. Irritation.

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  4. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > Yet I managed to make her a threat to some players.

    Yes, yes you did. By *stopping* using her and using Jacky instead. Shrewd move! Genius!

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  5. chucky

    chucky Well-Known Member

    Yup I heard that to.. ppl. always be saying that VF2 was way better and shit, I for one like the new changes from VF2 till VF3, with the new throw system and all..
    VF4 owns all though!!!/versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    VF3 is my favorite in the whole series by far. But to be honest, I love all of the VF games and still play VF1, 2, and 3tb quite a bit.

    In general, I really love the positioning game of VF3 (shaped by ring shape, walls, ring out zones, and undulation), the "solid/structured" gameplay (for lack of a better word), the way it's balanced (maybe because I play characters that have quite a lack of advantages in VF2?), and the defensive options which tends to create a lot to consider in attacking. To me, VF3 is still a very fast paced game, VERY FAST; however, I will admit it is not as "intense" as say VF2 and VF4. VF3's just my favorite because I love the way it feels, plays, allows, and restricts. I like the external focus as well as (and maybe moreso than) the internal focus (which is probably why I like Quake 2 so much over the other Quake games).

    As far as VF2, I love the simple feel of it. VF3 is very hard to find decent players for many reasons... But with VF2, what someone might lack of in "block button" sense, they could make up for in spacing (at least against a non-expert anyways). Maybe carried on by other fighting games, but many players seem to be capable of at least handling the spacing and in VF2, it tends to give people a lot more confidence in their play (whereas in VF3, a lot of people probably felt like they were getting hit out of everything they did if they didn't block or dodge). Reiterating myself, I like the intensity of VF2, something which VF4 brings back to the game in heaps. The "simplicity" combined with the lack of structure in some areas (mainly throws and reversals, creating VF2 option selects) gives VF2 this immature-but-innocent feel that is indeed a lot of fun to me, I admit. It just has some things that we will never again see in a fighter, at least not in a well-designed fighter... Because they're not supposed to be there, they go against the ideal of a decently leveled playing field, etc... Yet VF2 did carry them all with great class. Or at least that's how I feel about them. So I love VF2 for the intensity, the innocence (innocent from being highly structured--matured), the purely simple but crazy possibilities of the game, the fact that I don't have to travel too far to find people who can be above decent in the game, and how it excessively accomodates players of both plan-oriented (charged yomi tactics/strategies) as well as setup-into-crazy-ass-dexterity-oriented (high damage combos a few simple setups).

    It's not a huge line between my favoritism of VF3 over VF2 because quite frankly, both are a true pleasure to play. Best of all, for their own different reasons and feel (enough that I can play all of the VF titles without feeling a need to disregard one or another!!! And this includes VF4 which is its own game!). But I will still personally pick VF3 over VF2. It could be the fact that I truly don't mind playing machi as hell opponents as well as aggressive as hell opponents. In my experience (lots of experience, but severely limited in terms of high level play), VF2 is so well suited for aggressive play (and a good deal of knowledge). VF3 is very well suited for both aggressive and machi (defensive as hell) play, but aggressors will be rewarded WAY MUCH MORE in VF2 (whereas in VF3, it's more of a morale reward). For me... my priority is the highest challenge in just about any form, machi or aggressive... And VF3 seems to carry a ton of it to me in ways that I like or don't mind. However, don't think I'm only seeking just REALLY GOOD PLAYERS, purely fun play is close to that "challenge" priority.


    Note: To clarify position and spacing... I think of VF3 as having a stronger Positioning game... I'm referring to position within the ring, the alignment of the two players (undulation), where the threats are and where the advantages are. How this positioning affects the players/characters and how much their knowledge reinforces this positioning game is of great interest to me, so I refer to VF3 as having a positional game.
    VF2 has a much simpler "positional game," in that it's more or less how far or close am I to the ring out zone or corner. HOWEVER, in my experiences, VF2 has a much more intuitive yet involved spacing game that surpasses VF3 as far as I can tell. This is probably the aspect of VF2 that really pushes the intensity and the direction for "close-up" (mid range) battles. As far as I'm concerned, when I play VF2, it feels like there are 6 degrees into the danger zone between me and an opponent. Whereas in VF3, it feels like there's practically only 4 (long range, sidekick mid range, elbow midrange, up close/throw range).
    So to clarify what some might confuse in what I wrote about VF3 having a stronger "positional game," I'm referring to position on the playing field. Whereas with VF2, it has less of a positional game (but also a lack of options to get out of trouble for some characters too), but to me it seems to have a stronger spacial/footsie oriented game.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Chanchai on 10/23/01 06:28 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  7. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Yes Rich and again you manage to support me once more...PPP is the ultimate weapon against wolf, with a few slight variations you can take out some of the best wolf players with it.If jacky does pp or ppp, backstep, then it is very hard to beat jacky players.

    If jacky does pp or ppp, backstep, then it is very hard to beat jacky players.

    "yeah, well, if a Jacky player chooses to do this, then he won't have very many friends and will likely be ridiculed for having no skill whatsoever and others may even try to pound him one in real life because he was being such a fruitcake while playing VF."


    If you watch my match or sam seguru, there was little wolf could do.

    The only point you made was that there were possible escapes. Yes thats true, but how many if even the best in japan couldn't prevent it? Why don;t you pick up wolf and show me how easy it is to beat PPP? After a few matches and altering the timing of the PPP, you'll think its the cheapest thing in the game.

    Its too easy and the reward is too high against wolf players.



  8. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Yeah I stopped playing her. Does it mean I cant beat the heck out of people using pai?

    Here comes rich outta left field again...and its okay when he does it...but when I do...FLAME TIME!!


  9. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Actually these were my biggest gripes against pai. All I wanted pai to have was a better midlevel float starter.


  10. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    better mid level floater? (rich mode:who fucking doesn't!! You fucking moron!?).. .Actually what else floaters are there? Can anyone name 5 non-mid level floaters. So when you coming to Boston and collect your 50% win bet Andy? ahaha
  11. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Do you still play the game? hahahaha

    Really though Shang you were so competative when you were playing, what happend to you?

    Pai does need a better mid level floater, or in fact another mid level attack that works better.

    Her sidekick is her main mid move, it has terrible recovery. Her other one FC, f+P floats only on MC.

    The solution is give her a better mid move thats faster, or make her side kick more like Shuns.


  12. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    >Does it mean I cant beat the heck out of people using pai?

    Yes, most likely against children with cerebral palsy.

    >Here comes rich outta left field again...and its okay when he does it...but when I do...FLAME TIME!!

    Because everything that comes out of your mind is mindless, thoughtless spew. Someone should at least attempt to control it. I'm beginning to give up, though. You're a fucking joke, you really are, and I think most people who'se opinions I care about have begun to see it (or have actually already known for a very long time).

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  13. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Can anyone name 5 non-mid level floaters

    Well, to be fair (most require MC to be useful)...

    Kage's b+K+G
    Pai's standing K
    Jacky's b+P
    Lion's b,b+K
    Lion's b,b+K+G
    Shun's b+P
    Jeffry's P+E
    Sarah's K,P

    There's probably a few more here and there that I missed.

    Technically, almost everyone's standing K can be a floater.
  14. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    is her sidekick worse somehow? I thought it was still uncounterable. True, if dodged you're not well off, but still.
    Something short range with fast recovery would be nice, but that's the FC f+P move's job. If that also floated without MC it'd be cheeeeeaaaap.

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  15. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    LOL, everyone's K?? hahaha nice one! and everyone's turnaround K too? Lau's KG? Actually everyone's P can float too if you MC a kickflip. Ice9, why don't you look at the usefulness of most these move you listed maybe you get my point of non-mid level floaters...(ok i give you credit on bbk). while i'm at it i'll name some too.. jeff kkp, lau kppp, Akira ffk (!). Aside from trying to flame me, how about listing 5 that you'd actually see in a serious game. I'll start, bbk lion, ffk akira, k pai. 2 more?

    And andy... I've stopped playing vf3, I only try to enjoy the game as it at times. So what? you are missing the point... you don't seriously think people want to play you because of your "skills"?? People play you because they are sick of you and want you to shut the fuck up. And if that's the "bred" of competition, then the game is already shit! It's just most people don't bother with you. You are like a old cow screaming you are number 1 while everyone already quit the race.
    It's hard to get in to vf4 with this"bred competition" bs going around. drop it already.
  16. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    thats a joke shang, you stopped playing vf3 not the rest of the world. Jeff stopped by NY last weekend for a healthy dose of comeptition, and while yes VF3 is dying down, VF4 will replace that. Will that stop you from saying you;re good at VF4 if you play shang? I doubt it. You used the nickname egojacky didn't you?

    And if you didnt realize it yet, every single person who's met me knows I post about me being better or one of the NY'ers being better just to incite them to compete. There is a purpose in the posts, thats all, just to appeal to the gamers that care only about the competition.

    The recent posts by all the UK players should have shown you that, people are playing to win in many places in the world, and to get them to come a simple why dont we play and see who's the best man wont work.

    You suck, play me and try to win, in fact if you win 51% i'll pay for your flight is much more inticing and ultimately sets up a much more competative atomosphere. After the game though, we should be able to detach ourselves from it and have a good time regardless.


  17. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Andy, only you go around saying you are good in vf. ANyone 1/2 respectable let their action speak for themselves.

    > And if you didnt realize it yet, every single person who's met me knows I post about me being better or one of the NY'ers being better just to incite them to compete.

    Andy read this over and try to use a bit of logic. Obviously I've met and I DO NOT know. And I'm sure Rich has already spoken for himself. so your "every single person" is a LIE.

    >After the game though, we should be able to detach ourselves from it and have a good time regardless.

    haahah, you are either naive or a hypocrite. I bet on the latter
  18. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    """"if you win 51% i'll pay for your flight """

    Ah andy kun, since I am gonna go over to NYC next yr...
    Will u share this hospitality with me as well???


    <font color=red>~~~ ' IRC
    I Repeat Classes!/versus/images/icons/mad.gif~~~'
  19. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    I prefer the term Andy-kunt.

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  20. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Shang, you know, when I reread my post, I thought, "Hmm, maybe I should add in the sentence 'But I know what you're trying to say'" but then I didn't want the pluses to disappear and I also thought you would understand the implied humor in "Well to be fair."


    LOL, everyone's K?? hahaha nice one! and everyone's turnaround K too? Lau's KG? Actually everyone's P can float too if you MC a kickflip. Ice9, why don't you look at the usefulness of most these move you listed maybe you get my point of non-mid level floaters...

    Well you *did* ask for any non-middle floaters (and nothing about its usefulness), and I gave 'em to you.

    A P on MC wouldn't be a floater since basically the opponent would have to be in the air when the P connects. At least that's how I define it.

    (ok i give you credit on bbk). while i'm at it i'll name some too.. jeff kkp, lau kppp, Akira ffk (!).

    Isn't Akira's f,f K a middle? I didn't count Jeff's KKP or Lau's KPPP because since you asked for floaters, I assumed you wanted a single move that floated. And the two begins with a standing K which I already mentioned.

    Aside from trying to flame me, how about listing 5 that you'd actually see in a serious game. I'll start, bbk lion, ffk akira, k pai. 2 more?

    I wasn't trying to flame you but tried to make things fair by pointing out the truth, just in case Andy couldn't.

    Kage's b K G is great in TFT combos.
    Sarah's KP is quite common in combat.
    Shun's b P is good against another Shun.

    I listed three just in case Akira's SJK is a middle, which I think it is..

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