Who's Your Best Looking Character???

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Cruz, Apr 24, 2004.

  1. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    yeap, just keep practicing. also, it can be buffered, so don't wait until lei-fei has fully recovered from his last move.
  2. AdventChild67

    AdventChild67 New Member

    Does anyone know how to get those Devil Wings for Sarah? I'd like to make a cool-looking Sarah with those wings, I just haven't been able to figure out how to get them.

    REAL_JEFF_FREE Well-Known Member

    arcade D
    quest order 4
    Dodge-triple-throw-escape, 5 times
  4. Cruz

    Cruz Well-Known Member

    Another one for Sarah! Super hot cowgirl!


    Head: Cowboy hat
    Face: Librarian Glasses
    Body: Snake Bracelet (not to be confused with Python Wristband)
    Legs: Whip

    Tank top: White
    Accessories: Yellow
    Pants: Gold
    Belt & Shoes: Metallic Brown
  5. Tgood

    Tgood Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Allyourbase said:

    I just got my 1P Sarah (aka "The Bride") just the way I want her to look.

    Color: white

    Head: Sunglasses in hair
    Face: Librarian glasses
    Body: Angel wings
    Legs: Yellow sash

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I like that one, but mine baby's mama is going to
    Head: Stealth Bandanna
    Face: Night Vision
    Body: Sniper Rifle
    Legs: Hand Grenades
    ------ONE MORE THING------
    If Janet Jackson, Halley Berry, and Viaca A. Fox could have a baby then they would get Vanessa
  6. Japan_X

    Japan_X New Member

    hey everybody! my second post....and its about the bad ass...goh. he ain't all that...but what he has is surely to beat anyone's ass in the right situation...but while kickin ass and takin names...i decided a no-nonsense-flashy-combo enforcer such as goh, should have a suit that fits him. i only just got him to warrior rank yesterday so tell me what you guys think... i also have the whole first set of orbs

    1.super jet hair-silver
    2.face paint
    3.glowing brace
    4.all black outfit...belt is silver though
    and white foot wraps

    does this sound like a good get up? oh by the way, this is for first player...too lazy to do second player outfit. But if there is any other goh players who have any other interesting fashion ideas they would share or even list their own...feel free, as i'm look as to what other players have. thanks-

  7. hfblade

    hfblade Active Member

    Right now it's my 2P Akira

    Head: Long Bangs
    Face: Glasses
    Body: Dragon Emblem
    Legs: none
    Dogi Top: Azure
    Headband: Silver
    Pants: Light Blue
    Belt&Wristbands: Silver
    Hair Color: Either yellow or default
  8. SamusAran

    SamusAran Member

    2P Sarah, ring name Buffy:

    Head: Layered Hair
    Face: Blue Eye Shadow
    Body: Glowing Brace
    Legs: Commando Knife

    Tank Top: Pink
    Pants: Black
    Boots: Black
    Accessories: Default
  9. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    Anyone remember that old Sega Genesis game : Streets Of Rage.
    i had edited Sarah P2 outfit. to look like a 3d ver of the character Blaze from that game
    and the P1 outfit looks like Triush from Devil May Cry.
  10. Cruz

    Cruz Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Japan_X said:
    ... But if there is any other goh players who have any other interesting fashion ideas they would share or even list their own...feel free, as i'm look as to what other players have. thanks-


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, for a very gothic look to 2nd-Player Goh, I used the Jet Hair, Face Paint, Barbed Wire on his neck, and a Belt Chain. I also used the Silver Hair Color and he's wearing all Black.
  11. Lei Fei is my best looking badass:

    The robed costume

    All white duds,
    Dyed White Surfer Hair
    Blind Fold
    Glowing Brace

    He looks like the badguy from Kitamura film "Azumi".

    No one can withstand the power of Shaolin kung fu!

    I also enjoy modding Shun's 2p costume so he looks like a peasant, with browns/creams & whites.
  12. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Oh I turned my 2P Goh into a chainsaw murderer with the most insane color scheme I could find, change a lot between green, moss green, brown and purple, he gets a bit of a vomit-ty air...

    Chainsaw, Clown Mask, Short hair, Silver Sneakers

    The last item is changed a lot. Goh looks so silly with bare feet but I went with that for some time. As well as that bee on his pants ^_^

    The other Goh is silver with a dark shirt, short ponytail, sunglasses, J6 emblem and white footwrap. Makes him look surprisingly healthy really.

    My Lion is all yellow, I named him Pikachu ^_^
    That kid's bad voice acting really gets on my nerves so I couldn't resist really.
  13. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    My Aoi in VF4 Evo looks evil

    Head- White Headband
    Face- Ogre Mask
    Body- Jade Beads
    Legs- Butterfly Skirt

    Kimono- Mettalic Blue
    Collar and Design- Blue
    Sash and Sandals- Dark Brown
    Skirt- Mettalic Blue
  14. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I also have a 2P Pai character that looks like a member of royalty cloaked in White all over

    Head- Empress Crown
    Face- Purple Sunglasses
    Body- None
    Legs- Blade Rings

    Colors all white with gold trimming on her wrists, ankles, and shoes
  15. titanicbutt

    titanicbutt Member

    Akira (champ)

    Head: blue headband
    Face: glasses
    Body: spiked arm brace OR bracers OR glowing brace
    Legs: spare gi

    Dogi top: gold
    Headband: n/a
    Pants: gold
    Belt & wristbands: black

    + red hair

    Head: black hood
    Face: tengu mask
    Body: bracers
    Legs: conch shell

    Dogi top: gold
    Headband: n/a
    Pants: black
    Belt & wristbands: gold
  16. titanicbutt

    titanicbutt Member

    Goh (champ)

    head: braids
    face: facepaint
    body: j6 necklace
    legs: footwrap (white)

    dogi top: red
    shirt: black
    pants: gold
    belt: red

    + red hair

    head: mini ponytail OR mutant helmet
    face: facepaint OR mutant helmet
    body: spiked bat OR chainsaw
    legs: little bee

    vest: gold
    vest lining: black
    pants: gold
    belt: red

    + red hair
  17. titanicbutt

    titanicbutt Member

    Kage (champ)

    head: ninja headband
    face: night vision scope
    body: ninja sword set
    legs: throwing knives

    hood, shirt, belt, pants: black

    head: hair
    face: samurai mask
    body: bow & arrow
    legs: chain sickle

    armour: gold
    shirt: black
    pants: black
    shins: silver

    + gold hair
  18. Kage


    Head - Hair
    Body - Banner Of Trickery
    Legs - Rice Ball Belt
    Colour - Grey

    Red Hair and Yellow Eyes ~


    Face - Samurai Mask
    Body - Ninja Claws
    Legs - Triple Stars
    Colour - Azure

    Gold Hair and Red Eyes ~
  19. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Vanessa- Top: Coconut-halves-bra
    Bottom: Jock-strap, nothing else

    Shun- 2 words: Bailerena outfit
  20. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    [ QUOTE ]
    tonyfamilia said:

    Vanessa- Top: Coconut-halves-bra
    Bottom: Jock-strap, nothing else

    Shun- 2 words: Bailerena outfit

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You bumped a thread for this? You didn't even spell ballerina right... /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

    Vanessa 1P: All Grey (except default Vest), Helmet, Googles

    Jeffry 1P: All default, full "Roman" armor

    Akira 1P: Red top and head band, grey pants, default belt, Forearm pads, Stubble

    Goh 1P: All silver (but purple belt), white foot wrappings, space helmet

    I like 1Ps...

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