Who's you best character?

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Slayer, Aug 24, 2002.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I dare you to dance like Heruru, then say he's got really easy moves.
  2. Valdimiar

    Valdimiar Well-Known Member

    hmm.. The dances are harder than they look.
    HanaBiRei's dancing on the evo disc replays is brilliant though, are the dance suppposed to be usfull to use to avoid the opponents attacks or are they a show off thing.
    Anyway, I meant that Lei Fei's
    ([8][P]+[K]+[G] Stance) [2][K] [K] [2][P]+[K]+[G] [P][P][K] [K]+[G] is defenitatly easier than Akira's
    [3][3][P] [P] [2_][6][P]+[K][2_][6][P] combo and they are both staple combos and do almost the same damage.
  3. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    a combo that can be easily struggled out of is not a staple combo
  4. Jacks

    Jacks New Member

    Rank: 1st Dan
    Wins: 122
    Items: 9

    I'm pretty new to this game, so i practiced alot in the Kumite mode. I think it's better than Free Training because of the different pressures (time, damage, ranking matches). That's why i have that many losses. I've been stuck at 1st Dan for a while now. I can seem to get a ranking match even though i've been beating asses left and right lately.
  5. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    you're saying you can struggle out of [2][K], this i have to try!

    In any event, my stats

    (all characters have <10 losses, and some were done by my brother)

    Simba- Lion - High King 800+ wins
    Iron Chef - Lau - High King 700+ wins
    SupaflyPai - Pai - High King 700+ wins
    Shinobi - Kage - High King 650+ wins
    Zyukini - Akira - High King 700+ wins
    v1y - Jeff - Hero 200+ wins
    EiEiO - Shun Di - Hero 200+ wins

    All other characters at least 5th Dan except Lei Fei I think, which is at 4th dan.

    I would consider myself quite expert with akira and kage, and my sarah is improving rapidly. my brother is mostly a lau/pai player.
  6. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    Aoi champion 2400wins/600 loses
    Sarah champion 1500 wins/300 loses
  7. Lion
    Mantis boy (I liked the name)
    items:motrocycle helmit,Blue and Red color,knife

    3rd dan
    items:Mecha helmit,silver edge pendant

    3rd dan
    items:red hair,blue and purple color(I haven't done much with him yet because he's hard to use)

    9th Kyu
    items:none(just started)

    9th kyu
    items:none(just started)

    9th kyu
    items:hyper afro(that's all I really want for him)
  8. O_o

    O_o Active Member

    Kage Maru
    Ring Name: Shuriken? (uncomfirmed)
    Matches: about 550

    (before evo, kage about 2000 matches in the original vf4)

    Goh Hinogami
    Ring Name: Anathema (yaa!!)
    Matches: about 400
  9. xLeo

    xLeo Member

    High King
    Wins 600
    Loses 16
    Ratio 98%
    Items 25
    1P All Silver
    2P All Black

    Um....How is that possible? to get black you need 100 losses.....yet you claim 16.

    But Anyway...

    xLeo - Kage
    W 386/ L 154 : 100 losses for black color set, about 20 from my brother's Vanessa /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    Up to W.M.A.C. II.
  10. AMG

    AMG Member

    MY Best player is KAGE!
    Win Ratio:80%

    My Kage can't beat all others!
  11. TrigIII

    TrigIII Member

    My best character is Lei Fei at Champion with 5024 wins and 100 losses, all items except for Manchurian tail (Hair) that you get from Tactics/Advice. Combo 5 and 6 are just impossible !!!! HOw the heck do you do Down P+K+G > P P+K that fast?!!!!!
  12. Donkey_Shun

    Donkey_Shun Well-Known Member

    I've just started VF4 FT recently... use to play akira/ lau and shun in vf3... but guess.. now my best character is my old donkey shun /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif needed more practice still /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  13. Tgood

    Tgood Active Member

    Ring Name: HellRasier
    Win Ratio: 99.5%
    Date: 34
    Win(s)/ Lose(es): 408{wins}/2{loses}
    Head: Hair Ribbon{Blonde}
    Face: Glasses/ Eyes: Red
    Body: Short Sword {Back}
    Legs: Flowing Wave Skirt
    Clothes: Red
    Ring Name: Terminator
    Win Ratio: 99.1%
    Rank: Champion
    Win(s)/Lose(es): 10004 wins/ 9 loses
    Head: Stealth Bandanna
    Face: Night Vision
    Body: Sniper Rifle
    Legs: Hand Grenades
    Clothes: Green
  14. Athran

    Athran New Member

    My best? Har, my ONLY character is Lion - ring name : Brother. Haven't equipped much in the quest mode, only the leather choker and the knife, I love his 2P as it is (although I use the silver bands) and I very the colors of his 1P all the time (only the knife equipped again).
    Kage (no ring name for now, still thinking of something funny) has always had my intersest too, but ever since VF2, I never learnt him. I really should start.
    Vanessa too, but slightly - ring name : Fluff (don't ask why, I have no idea), but I've narely started with her.
  15. DragonCop

    DragonCop Well-Known Member

    My best Character is Lau Chan and his ring name is Supercop.I already unlocked his knife and his golden bracelet.I can't remember what my rank is in Evolution, but I'm still in the first tournament with two trophies under my belt:A Survival Match trophy and A Knockdown Clash Trophy.

    At this very moment, I'm struggling with The Ironman Matches.I repeatedly get my ass whipped by Leifei.com, Cobra, Little Lau, Yoshi 8000, Stunna and some Akira player in a purple costume.

    I hate it every time when I lose a match that I almost win.I end up throwing my controller on the ground or against a wall and yell curse words at the tv.

    I decided to spend most of my Virtua Fighter Time in training mode perfecting my skills for Lau.
  16. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    stfu n00b everyone knows that Vale Tudo is the only style that works in real life.

  17. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    military martial arts motherfucker do you speak it?
  18. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Painty_J, here you are again with your un-needed posts which say nothing and accomplish even less. Stop sticking your name at the end of every thread In a lame attempt to be heard.
  19. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Hey I was replying to Elite, dipshit, and he said Vale Tudo was the best. I made my vote for military etc etc etc because that is what Vanessa uses and durghfhrhg that would just happen to be the character i play. sit down shut up
  20. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    No-one cares what you think, and you don't have a vote, junior...

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