Who's you best character?

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Slayer, Aug 24, 2002.

  1. Gobackhome

    Gobackhome New Member

    Sarah has to be the best character, she is fast and deadly, but her muscles look kinda weird and those items she gets in kumite mode are cheap and crap!!!
    Also love Pai and Aoi!!! The men in the game are boring and are so cliched.
  2. Dougydug

    Dougydug Well-Known Member

    ...you've abandoned Vanessa....is this because she is the most plausible female fighter in the game?...or is it that you like the glamour of the other three...if anything, weak looking females who still manage to cause unbelieveable damage (Pai in particular) are the more cliched....
  3. Joespeed

    Joespeed Well-Known Member

    Character : <font color="brown"> Pai </font color>

    Rank : <font color="red"> High King </font color> /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    Ring Name : <font color="yellow"> Joespeed </font color>

    Win(s) : <font color="blue"> 1325 </font color>

    Losses : <font color="white"> 118 </font color>

    Win Percentage : <font color="orange"> 91.82259182% </font color>
  4. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    lol, I like that name Joespeed. heh I got to admit though...the girls are kinda a clinched and they are so freaking hard to beat sometimes. /versus/images/icons/crazy.gif
  5. GengisKhan

    GengisKhan New Member

    Player: <font color="red"> Vanessa </font color>
    Ring name: <font color="red"> HardCore </font color>
    Rank: <font color="red"> Conqueror </font color>
    Wins: <font color="red"> 363 </font color>
    Losses: <font color="red"> 11 </font color>
    Win Ratio: <font color="red"> 96% </font color>

    Vanessa rocks the floor out there, though I use a little cheap combo, /versus/images/icons/smile.gif it cant hurt, especially with Akiras, stunning hardass moves like SPoD AKS3 (though it doesnt do much dmg, it looks awsome!) , and the knee (yes the knee is effective, very effective if used correctly) and the others...

    I also have a Kage on 4th Dan
  6. 1k1k

    1k1k Active Member

    I already replied to this thread but that was way back when i was a noob o_O

    My Aoi Kumite went from 40% 1st Dan to 70% Grandmaster so i started a new one (named Atropos after the Greek divinity) who i got to High King after 695 wins in a row (and no losses due to about 40-50 well-timed Return-to-main-menus - i just wanted to see how many games it would take to get to the highest rank, i'm not trying to impress anyone as no one would be impressed). Oh yeah i've collected 3, almost 4, sets of orbs and have 38 or 39 out of 43 (?) items..some of which i'll never get because i never fought the Aoi who has them and/or they can't be won in versus mode (like the Ornate Folding Fan). So if anyone's thinking about starting a Kumite Aoi char..i guess that's about the most you can hope for (sigh).

    anyway..50-100 of those victories came from various human opponents but i play on the PS2 and no one i know stands a chance against me. All but one are stuck at 1st Dan, and most of them play exclusively as Pai (yawn).

    I have one Kumite char of each of the other fighters and they are ALL stuck at 1st Dan, but a couple are one or two matches away from 2nd Dan and the only one i've spent much time on is Akira (whom i suck as).

    so as u can see Aoi is my fav by a very very large margin
  7. Occisor

    Occisor New Member

    Well, I just started playing VF4 seriously a few days ago. I've had the game for about a week. I picked Shun Di when I first put in the game and have never stopped using him. I don't plan on not using him any time soon either since I went into the Kumite Mode this afternoon and scored 20 Wins / 0 Losses. Yes! Thank you Training Mode!
  8. Ura_Bahn

    Ura_Bahn Well-Known Member

    My Lion has gained a few items since i last posted, Pink sunglasses and Yellow sunglasses to name a few. And as for the AI system.........I should delete it and free up some memory card space /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    Rank = Battle Lord
    Ring Name = <font color="orange"> Pointy Fist </font color>
    Wins = 808
    Loses = 118
    Win Ratio = 87%
    1P = Blue Hair, Green Top, Brown Bottom and Silver Knuckles.
    2P = Yellow Bike Helmet, All Yellow Costume and Silver Knuckles.
    Total Items = 35 (I made a mistake in the last post /versus/images/icons/grin.gif )

    Akira (A.I System File)
    Rank = 10th Kyu
    Ring Name = <font color="orange"> Saiko Fist </font color>
    Wins = 1
    Loses = 23
    Win Ratio = (Cant remember but is gonna be crap)
    1P = Default
    2P = Default
    Total Items = 0 (Dont play him much)
  9. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    Character: Lion
    Ring Name: Maneater
    Rank: Conqueror
    Win Ratio: 80%(no cheating)
    Items: Goooooooooood ones

    Character: Jacky
    Ring Name: God X
    Rank: Emperor
    Win Ratio: 91%(again, no cheating)
    Items: All of em

    Character: Kage
    Ring Name: DIOMZ(no idea why I named him this)
    Rank: 7th Dan
    Items: Most of em

    Character: Lau
    Ring Name: Tao
    Rank: 5th Dan
    Items: Not many...

    Character: Akira
    Ring Name: 2secKO
    Rank: 2nd Dan /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
    Items: Not many

    Character: Lei
    Ring Name: VINCE612
    Rank: 8th Dan
    Items: All of em cept orbs.

    I have more but I didn't list them unless they were higher than 2nd Dan.(except Akira)
  10. vosor1

    vosor1 Well-Known Member


    vanessa - high king
    wins - 1712
    losses - 93
    items - 32

    vanessa - AI -
    rank - hero (very hard to get her past this)
    i taught all i know into the AI its very good indeed,sabaki,reversals and she actually carries out most of the combos and throw escapes i taught her...

    all above done with NO cheating.


  11. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    wolf: hero
    wins:290 somthing, can't remember
    items: can't remember

    i think kumite is too easy with wolf, IMO...
  12. MasterP

    MasterP Member

    I am best with Pai. I am going to get all characters to 1st Dan before I expand on Pai any more, but she is at 6th Dan now. Only had the game 1 month, but been a VF lover since VF1 ARC. once I get everyone to 1st Dan (so I can play them all in blocky mode). Pai is awesome IMHO you just have to hit everyone 1/3 more times and reverse a lot. also the 2 stances are great. I call her Slappy (guess what stance I use most)

    I hate that crackwhore Vanessa and the bitch Aoi. everyone else is OK.
  13. Djinn

    Djinn Member

    Lion 2nd Dan (named Rayne)
    Items 12!! (and i got em all before 1st kyodunno how.. and i havnt got 2 controllers.. so no VS thingy /versus/images/icons/smile.gif )
    win: around 70
    Lose: around 15-20 :p
    Win rate: Do the math.. cuz i cant remember

    Jacky 1st Dan (Named Djinn)
    Items 3 :p
    Win about 60
    Loss About 10
    Win rate ??

    <AI> Jacky 2nd dan (Named DjinnBot)
    Items about 8
    Win 142
    Loss 50
    Win rate 73 (i know this cuz he his kicking butt as i type)

    well i know they arnt great but ive only had this game for about 1½ day /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    ps. also got Lei (named MonkeyMan) Vanessa (named Tequilla) and my lil bros jacky (named Killer Ken) all at 1st Dan
  14. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Akira-High King
    Jacky-High King
  15. Vesuvius

    Vesuvius Active Member

    My best character is Lion
    1st dan
  16. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    High King
    around 700 matches
    not + about which items as that is not really too important to me. but i do have a lot.
    *no restarting to save rank
  17. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    My main character is Kage-Maru.
    I have High King rank and about 2500 wins, and 1500 losses with him.
    I often play VS against better players, so that is the main reason for the heavy loss ratio.
    I also play with Akira - around 500 fights
    Jacky - Around 500 fights
    Wolf - 350 fights
    Lau - 400 fights.

    I'm trying to end up with around 6000-7000 fights until I get my hands on Evo.

  18. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Where are the thieves? I don't get it /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  19. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    Ah…It’s the name of one of my favourite CD’s.
    No biggie really. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  20. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    It's ok, you can tell people you are a Shakira fan.
    Not many will pick on you for it. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

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