What was your favourite VF game?

Discussion in 'General' started by VirtuaFriend, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Ok... i could describe it like this:

    When i saw VF3 in arcades for the first time it was something that i never felt before or after. I couldnt believe what i saw. The graphics? the physics? the gameplay? it was magical. It was too revolutionary at that time.

    The most hours i spent for a VF was for VF4evo. i did all characters Champions and also i completed quest mode at 100% with Akira. Yeah, even quest orders,missions ,items,emblems etc. all all all 100%. I havent completed all of training stuffs though but at least i completed the tutorial and the combo trials with all characters. It was the first VF that i tried to learn how to play, those guest orders and training stuffs forced me to do it. For me is the best fighting game ever made.

    So i kept 2 as my favourites VF. VF3 and VF4EVO but if i would choose one i would choose VF4EVO.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
    Shinobi likes this.

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