What is everyone's VF set-up like?

Discussion in 'Console' started by LemmyIsTheGame, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    26" Bush HDTV, Component, 360 controller. Wanted HDMI but im not paying an extra £120 just for the port (Trade in value on 360)
  2. leaveal

    leaveal Member

    i heard Component and RGB are mathematically equivalent.
  3. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    Yeah but almost every european TV has a scart slot.
    95% of SDTV is RGB ready.

    If you use a good RGB cable then a TV can automaticly change channel when you turn your console on. It is just one cable for audio and video (like HDMI).

    Usually this is the cheapest cable on the market. Instant kill to any other option.
  4. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    SCART is a French standard, but is spread in Europe. NTSC TV sets have S-Video, which is not as good as RGB scart (and to my knowledge there is a chance that SCART was not necessarily born with RGB properties) but definitely better than YUV/composite. Also, before HDTVs took over, North America enjoyed some EDTVs capable of displaying up to 480p through YPbPr connection. So they were ahead of Europe, although for short.
    The Japanese have RGB SCART, even if it's very rare and has a different wiring from ours.

    It's all funny legacies from the past and bad decisions. The whole 16:9 and 1080p is suboptimal under many aspects, but that's what we have anyways

  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I play my PS3 and 360 on a 42" LG plasma through HDMI, wish i'd have got an LCD one though. Maybe a bit smaller too, around 32"
  6. pinking

    pinking Well-Known Member

    I'm playing on a 40" HD LCD SONY BRAVIA TV with the Hori Arcade stick.

    I also have a PS3 which I used to play VF on, but sold the game due to lack of online playability and human opponents!
  7. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    My 60gb PS3 is connected to a 40" Sony XBR2 LCD HDTV, via a "Monster" HDMI cable; yeah, my uneducated ass (at the time) fell for buying a $100 HDMI cable (bastards at Bestbuy!). I will soon own an Xbox360, but it's an older 20gb model that has no HDMI option. Does the 360 come with component cables? Or do you have to buy them? If so, I may opt to go with VGA instead; as I hear the colors on the 360 version of VF5 are quite funky on some TV's which I believe where connected through component.
  8. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    WOW! That makes me EXTRA glad that I got a DLP instead. I regretted it for a bit, because I thought plasma burn-in was not an issue anymore (and when I went into magnolia, all the guys were saying that too). I guess these just aren't video game players. It looks like DLP might still be the next best thing to CRT for video games (although I do know a lot of people with plasma and no issues on other forums).
  9. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you're happy with your DLP (seriously), but there are often issues with both display lag and rainbows . . .
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I run a coaxial cable through half a wheel of cheese. Then seventeen people shout "FLEEM!" Bingo! I have VF set-up!

    It's quite obtuse, really.
  11. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Rainbows, I've seen in the past (went away after only a month or so - those colored lines you'd see if you flashed your eyes quickly across something... my friend never saw it but I did). I could have just gotten used to it though so why I don't notice anymore.

    As for lag though, DLPs are known to be THE tv for zero lag while playing games. At avs and through testing that my friend did, he found lag on various LCD monitors, but not on DLPs (tekken player).
  12. leaveal

    leaveal Member

    yeah i hate those rainbows! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif i never get used to them.

    Samsung DLPs (like mine) are actually notorious for massive lag when playing non-HDTV games. which is actually true for mine. i tried Tekken Tag through PS3, HDMI and component and the lag is EXTREMELY bad. then again that could be the partly the PS3's fault... because it wasn't that much better on an SDTV with component. no lag on HDTV games, though!
  13. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    I'm on Samsung DLP as well, 52" to be specific. The 360 play VF5 running component to Samsung receiver and HDMI to the set. Don't know much about rainbows, at least I have never noticed anything on mine but then again I was never really looking for it. 360 and PS3 games look amazing and I don't have any sort of lag on with the Wii.

    When I had the PS2 and the reg XBOX hooked up to it, if I played in 4:3 there was no lag, if I ever strecthed it though, all timing went out the window.
  14. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Reason why you get lag on non-hd stuff is because the TV has to do the scaling. If the chip within the TV is not very good, there is a delay between when the picture first arrives in the input buffer, until everything is processed and it is upscaled. So on things like 360/PS3, everything should be fine. But then again, it is always TV specific depending on the implementation.
  15. leaveal

    leaveal Member

    there's an option for PS2 Game Upscaling under the Ps3 game settings. is that supposed to help?
  16. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Help in what way? Visuals, yes if thats what your asking.
  17. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Mits 65 DLP
    Samsung 32 LCD
    PS3, 360, PS2
    2 VF4 sticks for PS2
    2 VSHG PS3 about to be converted to 360
    3 360 Sticks
    HD Surround Audio Receiver
    soft sofa with drink holders and recliner
  18. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

  19. leaveal

    leaveal Member

    nah, i meant lag-wise. cause DubC said stuff lags because the TV has to do the scaling. i assume with the PS2 Upscaling thing on, the PS3 scales the game itself so that the TV doesn't have to do anything.

    lol wut @ that makeshift cabinet. that's far from unbeatable if you ask me. but it's definitely sweet as it is. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif nice work, LA_Akira!
  20. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Ya, if the console does the scaling, there should be less to no lag depending on the scaler. You want to feed your TV it's native resolution so it doesn't have to do anything on it's own.

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