what improvements will the 360 version have

Discussion in 'Console' started by 420Gamer4Life, May 10, 2007.

  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I wish for PS3 item patch! The black bandages will be mine!
  2. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    I want Jeff's pirate hat. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  3. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    id love if sega made a patch for the VF5 on PS3. even if it was just for new items. it would give quest mode more replay value. i doubt itll happen though.
  4. Altec103

    Altec103 Member

    Is the XBOX360 getting version C?
  5. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    Rayearth, though you're closer than most people, think it's after Hikaru Utada. -_-

    And about the AA, I don't get it, really. When I played it I was playing on my 4-year-old rear-projection HDTV that only does 480p and 1080i and it STILL looked fine in 1080i, I don't think I saw more than one or two instances where I thought "Ya know, this should be smoothed" or any such jazz.

    Then again, I'm not fond of AA anyway since I can tell when things get blurrier from it. I don't even like filters on my emulation of sprite-based games. :p
  6. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    Altec103 sega says the 360 version of VF5 will be based on version b. sega does still have time to add extra content though. im just wondering what online content VF5 will have for 360?
  7. DeathCom

    DeathCom Well-Known Member

    -Raw training mode (compared to Evo, and being worked on for the 360 release). Not being able to demo most moves is really annoying.

    -Long load times that surely could have been better optimized (WTF is with recycled match load times for example)

    -Stupid costume selection system (true its from the arcade but its still dumb, if you have FOUR costmes, let us cycle FOUR on the select screen) Priority selection is good, but it should extend to all selections at hand.

    -HORRIBLE costume customize screen. Firstly, its not even WIDESCREEN. Secondly, you have no zoom control or anything to even examine what your altering. Truly half assed implementation compared to Evo. (I would also complain about the 10pt limit or the selection that seems less than Evo and certainly FT, but thats not a problem with the port, though could have been addressed in it.)

    -Weak AI that falls for more crap than Evo did. (again something being worked on for the 360 release)

    -EXTREMELY Long boot time. Worse you cant even boot unattended cause it asks too many questions / confirmations that should have just been saved defaults. (do I want to use install files? Duh... its just retarded that it asks)

    -Quest mode lacks the depth overall found in Evo. Plus, being on an "online" console it should have new ghost data you can get. And your character you create should be added to a world pool of ghosts. It would keep quest fresh a lot longer. Again, Id go into how stupid the whole item match is against the AI, but thats more the game than the port. I find myself constantly quitting matches that will either not advance my ranking, or not give me an item if I win.

    VF5 on PS3 is a great game, it just has no common sense put into it. AT ALL.

  8. Caj

    Caj Well-Known Member

    I definitely agree with all your points DeathCom.When I first played the PS3 version I was lead to believe that VF5 was an overall rushed port.Not as bad as other games but rushed regardless.I'm pretty sure the PS2 ports of VF4 and Evo had a lot development time available to be put into it from how refined it was.

    I'm guessing the PS3 version has so many small flaws is because most of the development time was put into the graphics.PS3 is widely known for having difficult hardware to work with (tougher than the PS2 ever was)

    I'm also sure that Sony was pressuring Sega to get the game out ASAP since the PS3 desperately needed games and still do.So this leads me to believe why the PS3 version has so many of the small flaws you mentioned.By the time they were finished with optimizing the graphics as much as they could it was too close to the final deadline to add any extra modes,double check how practical existing modes were,optimize loading times etc etc.
  9. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Overall presentation of VF5 is weak compare to VF4 and Evo. However, I don't think the title was rushed. Based on some of the past interviews with Sega employees, the primary goal was to bring an "arcade perfect" port of the game to the PS3.

    What most people complain about are the extras that some have gotten accustomed to, based on their experience with VF4 and VF4:Evo port. Past arcade ports from Sega, for the most part, were pretty much "bare bones."
  10. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    SEGA is going to take the laziest route they can to do the 360 port. They are waiting to the VERY last minute to "ANNOUNCE" the only improvements are BUYLLSHIT like extra AA on the cobblestones, a DOJO MODE for utter n00bs and some slightly better than piss poor Ai so when people protest about how bare bones it is, it'll be too late.
    EXTRA AA on the freaking floor of arenas is about as important to me as extra AA on the energy bar.
    There will be no seperate custom character saves so you can bring your custom character to a friends house, and NO Ghost data uploads and downloads. Thats WAY too much work for SEGAs third string port team. the 360 version is NOT 1080p like the JapPS3 version, and (most importantly)its NOT going to have a Virtua Stick High Grade so really who cares If they did extra anti aliasing on the cobble stones if you dont have a decent stick.
  11. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    This notion is being spread around by lazy programmers that never pushed themselves further than Microsoft foundation classes. You put something in front of them that doesn't act <u>exactly</u> like a PC and they freak out.
  12. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    That's exactly it. I remember reading about how Epic was going on and on that they couldn't get Gears to look nearly as good on the Ps3 as the 360 but that's because they've been PC programmers and designers for so long, god forbid they actually learn another system architecture. This is why you see so many goddamned PC ports of Xbox games and why you see so many Xbox ports of PC games that run so much better than on other systems.

    Anyone ever wonder why developers like Treasure can get so goddamned much out of a system even early in the system's life? It's because they use the arch instead of trying to make PC code and then hacking it around to "work" on the console.

    Whether or not the PS3 can handle certain things compared to the 360 depends entirely on how they are programmed. Certainly, in PC terms they might be equal or the 360 might be better in some aspects, but there's a pretty good chance that the PS3 could outperform the 360 if given a programmer who works with each system with "perfect" knowledge of each.

    So many people said the PS2 was SOOOOOOOOO hard to program for and we saw a lot of half-assed gamed because of it, ports of PC games were almost universally terrible (Max Payne) but then early into the system we saw some interesting and then beautiful games (Stretch Panic, quality of the game itself be damned) and what do we get now? We get some seriously nice-looking games like God of War 2 and Valkyrie Profile 2 and GT4.
  13. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Yeah you guys are right, must be why none of the Japanese CONSOLE ONLY developers who work EXCLUSIVELY on consoles and who are used to CODING STRAIGHT TO THE METAL can come even close tech wise on next gen machines to what these PC GUYS in the west are doing on 360 and PS3.

    PS3 is so fucking difficult and expensive to work with right now that the majority of Japanese developers including companies like Konami, Square/Enix, Sega etcetera have been forced to license Unreal3 engine in order to get stuff out there for a decent price within a decent time frame.

    You can thank Crazy Ken for that.
    what you cannot do is blame MS or Western developers for it, the lack of skilled high spec developers in Japan is their own fault and the difficulty of working with the PS3 is entirely Sony´s.

    Oh BTW since when does a TriCore IBM PPC architecture count as a PC architecture?
  14. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Why would the PS3 force anyone to get Unreal?
  15. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    vf5 on ps3 isn't really 1080p, its native at 720p which would be the same as scaling a small photoshop doccument up with image size. Running in 1080p mode simply upsamples the 720p output.
  16. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    One:Let me know if you Actually HAVE a 1080p Sony Bravia XBR to test your game on so we can compare notes.
    Ok dude and Tekken 5 Dark Ressurection isn't "REALLY" 1080p and Gran Turismo is only "KIND of " "SORT of" 1080p. Ok. No offense but I think I'll email IGN and 1up dot com about that before I take your word for it. For that matter I could say my RainbowSix Vegas on 360 isnt "REALLY" 720p: its "upscaled" from native 480p. Either way there's a marked improvement in R6 Vegas when you move up to 720p, same with 1080p VF5.

    Is JAP VF5s Upscaled 1080p as piss poor as 1080i? Im sure 1080i Is where all this so called "shimmering and Tearing" IGN claimed was in the Ps3 vF5. Ive never seen any of that shit in VF5 and Ive had the game 5months. Whatever. I suppose MaRvel Ultimate alliance,Fantastic Four Rise of SS, NInja GAiden SIGMA and GT demo is supposedly"upscaled" 1080p?

    Seriously That changes very little, The point is the image is still NOTICIBLY different, ie BETTer Than 720p mode. 720p mode never gets used on My Bravia XBR, not on VF5.

    I know one thing, Ps3 VF5 isnt the same faux 1080p Xbox currently poses as to pretendto be 1080p. When they announced the dubious Xbox "upgrade" in firmware update, IGN asked M$oft
    if the 360 actually had the GPU horsepower(with its measly 10MB of video ram) to DO TRUE 1080p games and Peter Moore's (or whoever) answer was "NO Comment".

    Im sorry but Ill take your explanation of Vf5 1080p with a grain of salt Akira, because the net is full of envious detractors (both professional and individual)that have been trying to downplay Ps3s specs since its announcement. For instance KIKIZO put out an article months prior to PS3s launch
    with quotes from"Annonymous inside developers"that claimed Ps3 games would "slow to a crawl" if they ever displayed in 1080p. And here we have a year later Ninja GAiden Sigma Demo playing just fine in 1080p. And Marvel Ultimate Alliance was a Launch title in 1080p. I have Rise of the Surfer and it has 10 to fifteen characters onscreen in 1080p with no lag in sight.

    Im hoping I can carry my custom Goh character over to my Brothers 360 when the 360 Vf5 comes out, but somehow I doubt it.They havent come clean on the lack of significant improvements because there arent any and they dont want any negative press and angry emails. They pulled the same stunt with Vf5 PS3.
  17. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Well... I would vouch for LA Akira's credibility. At least over 1Up (as much as I love them) and especially IGN (though their Gear section is pretty decent).

    That said, I don't think LA Akira cares or would take it personally. Not like he has anything to prove. He just put his input in there and not to get in anyone's face. Pretty sure he respects your skepticism. I know you said you meant no offense, but you looked like you went out on a limb a bit to provoke. We're talking graphics here, we're not defending our mother's honor or something.

    But I think his setup was a 1080p Bravia... That said it doesn't matter so much.

    1080p probably looks "better" but I wouldn't be surprised if it was just upscaled. And if it was upscaled, I would wonder how much slight lag would be added in the process.

    For image comparison's sake, I did test out VF5 on both 720p and 1080p (I did turn off all other resolution options when testing 1080p) on a Samsung DLP (around 44"?). While Samsung DLPs aren't the best for gaming (added image processing creates extra lag), they're just stunning visually. And I have to say, I didn't notice much difference visually, nothing to write home about anyways. 720p looked really gorgeous. 1080p looked the same but I actually thought I saw slightly more jaggies.

    Saying that VF5 is native 720p does nothing to down on the PS3's power. There is no ulterior motive, just a question of fact and how the game was designed. Besides, a lot of people here really like the PS3, at least because VF5 is on it.

    I am pretty certain that 720p is the native resolution though. On top of that, it doesn't matter too much to me, 720p is gorgeous for this generation.

  18. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> One:Let me know if you Actually HAVE a 1080p Sony Bravia XBR to test your game on so we can compare notes.</div></div>

    Look out now! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Because the engine saves them money and time and time IS money as well so it saves them money and MONEY.
  20. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Could you take a pic of yerself and post it here.
    Its not that I want to know what you look like, its just that I wonder how big that chip on your shoulder is.
    I mean it must be HUGE, enormous, gargantuan, astronomic even.

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