1. HOTDOG! The VFDC Combos database is in the process of being updated for VF5 R.E.V.O by each character's Content Manager, but here's how you can help! Each character sub-forum has a pinned thread for REVO combos, so simply contribute there to assist the Content Manager's task in maintaining the latest and greatest combos for all to enjoy!
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Wanted: Character Specialists

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jul 21, 2012.

By Myke on Jul 21, 2012 at 8:35 PM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    VFDC needs you! Specifically, we need dedicated and responsible people to volunteer as a Character Specialist. Read on for more details.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jul 21, 2012.

      I hope 2-3. that would lessen the load and provide multiple avenues for checking and different points of view.
    2. wingchun_warrior
    3. Myke
      Thanks for all the replies so far! Because many have asked, I've updated the main post with info on:
      • Qualifications
      • Nominations
      • More than One Specialist
      I've also updated the current list of candidates. If you volunteered for more than one character, then I'm only counting the one.
    4. Libertine
      I'm willing to handle the responsibility of being a Brad specialist. I'm already maintaining a Google Documents section on Brad, as well as providing most of the information in the Brad Dojo section. I think that I have about as much knowledge of Brad as anyone here.
    5. DrunkenFist
      I can help with the Taka post, there is already some good information listed. Reno can take point if he likes but I can help update. I play mostly Taka and Shun, along with some other characters.
    6. JaLoHa21
      Me and Jide are probably gonna be the best people for Goh as far as I know.
    7. Ribx
      Ah, well... If Marly's not gonna volunteer, I'll take care of the Vanessa subforums.

      Here are my contributions (not really counting with single posts, and all the times I whined about her lack of something in the shoutbox, which is super constructive and helpful):

      Simplified Vanessa Combo List

      Acebreaker's Translated Notes
    8. Myke
      By default, all Moderators are able to edit posts, combo databases, and wiki pages. I'll leave it to them to decide on their level involvement with the Character Specialist initiative.
    9. Ash_Kaiser
      Put me down for Wolf. While I haven't kept my combo list up to date like I said I would, I still know the character fairly well. Also, there are some incorrect values in the frame data for him that need to be changed.

      Feck also wants to be nominated for Akira. I nominate him as he does know Akira well.
    10. Aidan
      Im interested in the Jean section. I play him since the release straight and would claim myself to be a solid player.

      Sadly, I havent postet much on VFDC lately because I invested most of my time with the try to support my local VF-scene.

      I postet 3 Times in the Jean Combothread.
      But I postet some stuff on Hardedge (Nickname: Johnny Rainbow) . I guess you can hardly check the content, Language-wise, but its all I have to offer atm.
    11. Conti
      Expanding on my previous comment, for the most part I'd love to get access to the VFDC Combo List to gather all the combos that people on this forum came up with in one central place.

      I started my own combo list at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApjCGmcMlytVdHV4SFAwZ1Y3MkVlMDJGXzR2cFhtbmc (design mostly stolen from Chibitox), but I'm the third guy to do so by now. I'm still a newb at both the game and these forums, though, so I certainly shouldn't be the main Lion guy. [​IMG] If I would be allowed to help out, though, that'd be great!
    12. Shag
      Jide would be great but honestly he's not that active on the forums.

      What makes you think you are better than the other three people that volunteered? [​IMG]

      With that being said I nominate Leonard_McCoy for the Goh section.
    13. KiwE
      I highly recommend you saying flat out that the character specialists (character moderators?) will get the position on a trial basis and their position will be evaluated after 1 month or so. This will remove animosity when people get removed which I think they should be if they haven't created material after this time and it will but a sort of bunsen burner under a lot of people's butts to actually create content for the site. Right now there is huge pressure towards this (which is good!) but be aware that some people just want a cool color for their nick and/or some status.
    14. Ribx
      I'll probably flood the Vanessa thread with information.

      Which, considering how empty it is, will turn out to be my own personal compendium.

      When I created the simplified combo list, it was for my own use. I was doing it on notepad, and then thought: "hm, I might as well share this on VFDC". And so I formatted it a little and posted it on the forums.

      For the most part, I'm nerding it out every other day.

      Also: you'll get a cool color for your nickname? I don't want a colored nickname. I like my discrete<span style="text-decoration: line-through"> black</span> bordeux color.

      Anyway, if no one shows up for Lau, I'll also take it, even if I have to study him inside out and start posting info for him. Unless there's an issue with being the character specialist for more than 1 character.
    15. AnimalStaccato
      I'm putting myself forward for this. I think I have stuff to offer in terms of combos, testing and perhaps move implementation. I'm currently working on Maximum Damage against all characters for Lion and am about half way through his launchers. Afterwards I intend to look at wall combos and incorporating the wall into standard combos for more damage.

      http://virtuafighter.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/334156/Re: [Experimental]%20VF5FS%20Lion%20#Post334156

      http://virtuafighter.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/334633/Re: [Experimental]%20VF5FS%20Lion%20#Post334633

      I have played Lion since I started 4 years ago with only a slight deviation towards Akira when I was learning the stick who I have now all but dropped. I am an active presence in the Lion forum, having posted in almost every thread so far.

      I also started a thread designed to explore and discuss the theory side of playing Lion. This is something I intended to develop but felt the need for Max Damage combos to be more pressing. It is something that I will continue to develop once my combo list is completed and I have several pages of notes which I need to distill down to thread worthy info first, to contribute.

    16. Darrius_Cole

      If you need the most bad-assed Pai you've ever seen, someone who is full of combos, with the timing of an android...then I'm not your guy. [​IMG]

      If you need someone who will consistently check his board and make sure that the relevant information goes where it needs to go, then I am your guy.

      A project like this needs coordination among multiple people anyway, so whether you pick me, Shadowmaster, or someone else, I'll contribute anyway I can.

      My only reference is that I wrote the glossary for this site back in VF4:Evo days. Although the bulk of the data seems to be the same, it has since been moved to the Wiki and revised for VF5 so it doesn't feel right for me to link to it.
    17. Rayne
      I would nominate myself for Lion, but I'm not going to have the time. I'm happy to chip in with any knowledge I have though. I reckon Chibitox is the best Lion I've played, we had some ridiculously close matches the other day. I nominate him.
    18. Kamais_Ookin
      I've talked to Sebo - Him and I will double team the Jeffry section, Myke.
    19. Sudden_Death
      hmmmm, how about not having a color name for character mods (was this even confirmed by myke?) , im going to guess some people just want a cool color in their name :p. Lets see who REALLY wants to help [​IMG]
    20. Tricky
      Leonard_McCoy please be the Goh specialist!

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