Wall Strategy

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by MannyBiggz, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    [8:10 pm ET update]

    Some notes and observations after testing what's shown in the video:

    - It turns out that it is indeed possible to extend a wall combo by landing the jump kick following a stand-up bound while facing a wall straight ahead. I guess I was just not executing this properly when I was testing this out before.

    - Regarding the first wall combo in that video above, I can confirm that the Back Turned [P][+][K][P][P] string must knock the opponent into a right-angle corner prior to landing the standing jab. This combo will not work in an octagon ring since the opponent can get up right after the hard bound move [P][+][K] hits. Moreover, this combo will not work if the opponent slides along the wall away from any corners, as he/she will then be knocked back beyond the range of the follow-up jab in this scenario.

    - The [2_][3][P][+][K] > Sundome knee sequence gave me an idea to post a series of combos to verify and list on the GDS file.

    - Regarding the combos started by [4][K], a forward dash ([6][6]) is needed in order to get close enough to the staggered opponent in order to land the follow-up [6][4][P][+][K] attack from open stance. However, no forward dash is needed to complete this combo from closed stance, as what is shown in the video clip.

  2. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    thx for the warm welcome i thought people would be flaming for including a ground throw but as far as i know that is how she makes the most of the combo and as for your corrections yes i did mean 2[K][P] though i usually use 236[P][+][K]instead of 43[P][+][K] for more damage i hope my second combo works
  3. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    I can confirm that both of your wall combos indeed work. Good stuff.

    And that's a very nice find to note that using [2][3][6][P][+][K] after the wall stagger attack does 5 more points of damage than using [4][3][P][+][K]. I'll have to test out a bunch of wall combos making this substitution to see which characters and stances they'll work on, then include all of these wall combos on the GDS file.

  4. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    thanks i love to help about the 9[P][+][K][P] it is supposed to cause a wall slide so you can follow up with 66[P][+][K][P] but it doesn't cause a wall slide half the time why is that does it have something to do with closed foot position and open foot position?
  5. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    I think it's just a fluke occurrence when the opponent bounces off the wall in a slightly different way which causes him/her to avoid the low wall slump after the [3]/[9][P][+][K][P] attacks hit. It might be a situation where the opponent was standing just a little too close to the wall prior to the start of the combo to execute it from start to finish. I'm not 100% sure about this though.


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