Vote VF5 for world cybergames

Discussion in 'General' started by Manjimaru, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. DanMooJi

    DanMooJi New Member

    Voted for VF5 although I don't like having to cast my vote for other games that I don't think should be there. Oh well. On a second note I thought it was common knowledge that most of the major gaming competitions are in partnership with Microsoft MLG and WCG among others.
  2. Assassin8168

    Assassin8168 Member

    Voted, I was kinda surprised that WCG is doing MMO's(go Ragnarok). When you click on VF5, the PC option doesn't even light up. It is for games like Guitar Hero and such that have options. I was kinda surprised T6 was not on there as well.
  3. Marauko

    Marauko Well-Known Member

    I still can't believe that VF wasn't in the WCG before! VF is the perfect fighter for competitions! I really hope it makes it thus will help to raise the popularity of it.
  4. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    voted for a bunch a random other games.. voted for vf5 for xbox..i think.. ts kinda late..
  5. Quadroflange

    Quadroflange Member

    Voted for all my faves. Considering I own and have played most of the games on the list (not including unreleased ones) I think i was in a rather good position to vote for every genre. Thankfully I could vote for my current fave: Call of Duty 4. Voted for VF5 and SC4 by the way.
  6. leaveal

    leaveal Member

    voted. and lol'd at hating on Starcraft for being shallow. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  7. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    voted. However, I don't want to be a pessimist but, really, after watching the WCG DOA4 finals I almost puked. I don't knw but is it just me or DOA4 really is a shallow game so that casuals CAN get good at it?? Its like the Playskool version of VF5. I really hope VF5 gets in because it REQUIRES TRUE SKILL. Unlike DOA4's attack string after attack string and hoping u can reverse shallow 2-D gameplay. Sorry, I know many folks like it and I respect that but THE TRUTH is VF5 requires SO MUCH SKILL and MIND GAMES that it RIGHTFULLY deserves the WCG spot. But we all know its corporate bullshit run by non gamers that won't allow VF from being there. Sad... I would like to see how those supposed elite DOA4 champs handle a session of VF5 with a really good VF player who will evade their stupid strings. Reversals? Whatever, VF5 has them too.
  8. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    DOACentral says otherwise.

    If the WCG has the same mentality as CGS (beat-em-up added as long as it looks good at low level play), I doubt VF5 will make it to the list.
  9. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    Not many players in DoA branch out from other the game in general. Other than myself and PL most are exclusive to DoA. And after playing with Maddy (who is retired btw) he crushes me but VF isn't very "stringy" and not very "reversal" based.
  10. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    They don't care for it to look good at low level play. IT seems they just want it to look entertaining to casual observers. High level play from VF does IMO. But this isn't WCG's mentality. It is the mentality of like CGS and stuff. If WCG cared about how games looked to casuals, there is no way they would have warcraft, counter strike, or racing games there. Nobody is really interested in watching any of those.
  11. Shinn_Akira

    Shinn_Akira Well-Known Member

    Me and DubC were also hardcore at DOA and considered high level players but we branched into VF??
  12. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    High level online, before quitting the game. Lets make the distinction clear before getting crucified. I played seriously for 6 months, then found the game had no more left to give to me and was shallow, so I didn't deem it worth travelling for, and quit. Although, I did book a ticket to travel for it once to a tourney, but I got stood up when I was at the airport (found out LITERALLY a minute before asking them to give me my ticket that I would have no transport from the guys who were housing me, to the tourney place) and had to cancel.
  13. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    I have never seen PL on this game.
  14. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    PL plays quite a bit. I used to play with him every so often. I think he plays almost every day. But he is always on from way early... don't think he has a job.

    *whispers* Ninja, I think Low Sweep wanted you to acknowledge HIM as someone who plays other fighters.
  15. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    What are u talking about?

    Edit: oh wait i read the other page now. lol
  16. GMonroy

    GMonroy Well-Known Member

  17. sakuyarules

    sakuyarules Active Member

    I just bought vf5 yesterday, I played Soul Calibur 2 (my first fighting game) & 3 (I didn't like as much, too much flash and lag), and DoA4 (for a day). So I'm not really biased much between DoA and VF. Neways, maybe someone should post this on a japanese VF board, because if VF is as big in Japan as I've been reading on this site, the votes will help a lot. Just a thought.
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Its all good.,
    This is a quick analogy so don't take me wrong:

    DOA, Tekken, Soul Caliber, are entry level drugs
    If you really want to get high play VF.

    The thirst is for skill and growth. For many in the VF community
    part of the fun of VF is developing and playing with players that
    are constantly adding more skill to their game. And in VF I think you can always get better no matter how good you are. On the other hand DOA, Tekken, Soul Caliber don't require as much skill to be considered good, and there are limits to how much you can grow in those. Even when you are a master in those games it
    is not as rewarding as getting good at VF.

    When I feel like relaxing and freeing my mind for new approaches to VF, I'll play Tekken, Soul Caliber, or DOA2 for a change of scenery. They are nice entry level fighters but for real skill based competition there is NO comparison between any of those and VF. I play Tekken on line I'm just average, but I've been pwned by players with a little less skill, because of game balance.

    When you loose in VF you know its to somebody who is truly better than you or at least playing at your level. I've been in many many matches and have watched many, I don't think I ever seen
    a lower skilled player beat a higher skilled player in VF, I have seen it in Tekken and Soul Caliber. I haven't watched many DOA matches though so I don't know if it happens there.

    The highest ranked players in VF have those ranked because they have the most developed skill sets (its just that simple)

    I hope they add VF because once everyone sees what a real fighting game is like it might raise the bar for all fighting games, which is for VF a good thing.....
  19. Dwin

    Dwin Member

    Virtua Fighter 5 has been added to the World Cyber Games.

  20. Cruz

    Cruz Well-Known Member

    That's great!

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