Virtua Fighter?

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by ZBEP, Jan 15, 2016.

By ZBEP on Jan 15, 2016 at 3:11 PM
  1. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    Remember my moments compilation videos? Good old days, but today I've come up with something else for you guys! Here it is, the ancient history of our favourite polygonal button smashing simulator! It won't be a casual look at it though, I will try to analyze a mechanical growth of the series and compare it to whatever the other 3D fighting games have come up through all this time. Also there is something special I'm preparing towards the end of the series, so stay tuned!

    This one is short because it's about VF1. This game doesn't provide much stuff to talk about, and the other videos will probably be longer and more detailed. I've also made this short to test how it works out, so if you found something that could be included in the video that I missed, or if you have something interesting to say about other games of the series, or even some other 3D fighting games that did something that Sega didn't or did before VF (like all these other Sega's FGs, i don't know like anything about them), feel free to write it here to improove the upcoming videos!

    Don't forget to turn the subtitles on, the video's in Russian.

    Virtua Fighter?

    Virtua Fighter 2?

    Virtua Fighter 3? (Part 1)

    Virtua Fighter 3? (Part 2)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2016


Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by ZBEP, Jan 15, 2016.

    1. ZBEP
      I've never seen that lol, nobody told me about it beofre you xd

      UP: I just watched that and realized that I've already seen it. No wonder I didn't remember that, everybody just got their shit pushed in by some japanese pro xd It would be like a small mention in the video, so I didn't miss much. It's literally 30 minutes of child porn.
      Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
      Dark Nova Void likes this.
    2. Sudden_Death
      lol I spotted my old "VF4: out of the ring" video at 22:26 :LOL:
      oneida likes this.
    3. og23
      @ZBEP I thought debugger was the name of one of P.Jack's strings. It's a circular low that knocks down, but you don't get a combo, you just follow up the string and knock them away
    4. ZBEP
      Yeah, it's a name of that move, but in Russian FGC we call every slow combo-starting sweep like Bryan's snake edge or Lili's db4, or king's CD1 a "debugger" for some reason. I don't know how that started but it still is like that. And that makes some sense, these moves kinda debug your reactions lol
      og23 likes this.
    5. Dark Nova Void
      Dark Nova Void
      Fair enough lol.
    6. bingalaszatanu
    7. ZBEP
      So, here is what I was holding off for the VF5 video. I decided to make it a seperate video, since it's not really about VF. I also talk about another game here, Curcis Fatal Fake, which resembles VF alot, but is still different and innovative in alot of ways.

      And you don't have to wait for any stupid subtitles anymore - I decided to record the video both on English and Russian! Depending on how the video will be received I will do the same thing for the next VF videos, and I also think of splitting them into shorter portions for different topics about the games. I will make more videos about fighting games too, so if you're interested, subscribe to my youtube channel n giv mi muns !
      Last edited: Feb 21, 2016
      Myke, BLACKSTAR, Tricky and 3 others like this.
    8. ZBEP

      A little special while you wait for another VF video there lol
      Citrus, Myke and oneida like this.
    9. ZBEP
      Some more content while I am mentally preparing myself to make a VF4 video.

      Feedback on how much my voice and pronounciation suck will be nice; I'm planning on making VF videos on english too since it's actually easier, but is it really worth it?
      Rodnutz likes this.
    10. Citrus

      Both are really fine, I understand all you say myself.
      Also I watched the previous videos, I might have misunderstood something, but if not, then what you call "debuggers" actually exist in Virtua Fighter.
    11. ZBEP
      Slow sweeps that give >50% combos and you just have to react to them and block every time you see them, so they just stop existing on high-level play? In vf? Don't remember that.
    12. Citrus
      Nevermind, I assumed wrong then.

      I wasn't sure what you meant by debugger as I never really heard that word before.
    13. ZBEP
      No wonder, this term is spread mostly in Russia which I wasn't aware of when I was creating the video.
    14. YOMI
      If the term 'debugger' come's from Tekken's Jack and his hcf+1 handsweep, that term makes no sense since that move has never been a launcher, just a very slow sweep. Snake edge is the more universal term.

      Moves like that hasn't really existed in VF, 4 to vanilla 5 Jeffry's charge 1K+G comes to mind as the only example and even then it never gave 50% combos.
    15. ZBEP
      Yep, I never understood that too, but I just got too used to this term.
    16. og23
      I kinda like that it's called a debugger, I was describing snake edge in TTT2, and I ended up calling it a debugger just randomly, it just sounds right
    17. ZBEP
      Here's what you, and I, have been waiting for.

      Thanks to Myke for the video footage (most of which is going to be used in the next video), and to ChiefGutti, for providing material for this video some years ago! By the way, if there is anybody who can contact Gutti, let me know, I want to talk to him about something.
      Myke, Dark Nova Void, Rodnutz and 5 others like this.
    18. Rodnutz
      @ZBEP Don't know if it will help but I'll PM you the last phone number I had for him. No idea if he changed it though since I haven't talked to him in a few years. I used to talk to him at least once or twice a year. Miss that guy! He's always welcomed at my place.
      ZBEP likes this.
    19. G0d3L
      Nice video as always!

      Ok now somebody has to tell me wtf was that aoi crazy stuff???
      ZBEP likes this.
    20. Rodnutz
      To far back to remember the details but it was simply a glitch from [G] canceling a move. It only existed in the very first release of the arcade game I think.
      G0d3L likes this.

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