Virtua Fighter x esports Announcement Breakdown

Discussion in 'News' started by MadeManG74, May 27, 2021.

By MadeManG74 on May 27, 2021 at 9:03 AM
  1. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Less than two hours ago, Sega livestreamed an announcement and in depth look at the upcoming Virtua Fighter x esports (Or Ultimate Showdown, as it's known outside Japan. The full stream lasted just over an hour and can be re-watched here;

    Here's a breakdown of the major points discussed;

    Virtua Fighter 1 Skins
    Low poly models for the cast will be made available as DLC for the game. Date doesn't seem to be confirmed yet.
    VF5US VF1 DLC2.jpg VF5US VF1 DLC1.jpg
    EDIT: Destructoid has some more information about the DLC, known as the 'Legendary Pack'

    Online Tournament, Room Match and Team Battle Mode Summer Update
    A summer update at a TBA date will feature an online tournament mode, complete with brackets, and improved Room Match functionality. Finally, a Team Battle mode has been hinted at! Details are scarce, but some footage could be seen in the live stream.
    The Room Matches also seem to feature the ability for spectators to send stickers to the screen to cheer or jeer the players fighting!

    Arcade Cabinet
    An arcade version, complete with cabinet has been revealed! It appears to be a head to head format and uses the character/data cards similar to Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown.

    Heaven and Hell Dream Match
    An exhibition featuring some of Virtua Fighter's top players may be going down soon! It will debut on June 1st on Famitsu/Dengeki Online's Youtube Channel

    eSports Circuit - 2021-2022

    An official eSports circtuit will extend from this year into 2022, as the top players battle out to be crowned the champion.
    More details to come, but it seems that players will have to apply and then be selected via lottery for the 'pre season' matches.

    Arcade Stick Prize
    Official 'exhibition matches' will be held, and the winner will walk away with this arcade stick prize! Details yet to come on this one;

    VF Camp
    VF Camp.jpg

    A website has been launched that Sega describes as being for building social circles, sharing information and building events and community! It sounds like this will be linked to the circuit and the exhibition matches.

    Virtua Fighter Merchandise
    Last edited: May 27, 2021
    Chanchai, Braveheart, SUGATA and 17 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by MadeManG74, May 27, 2021.

    1. smbhax
      The DLC page is now available on the game's Japanese site: (Google Translate: )

      Google Translated contents list of the Legendary Pack, which is currently the only DLC shown on the DLC page:
      • ・ Character customization items (about 2,000 types)
      • ・ Character costume type (19 types in total)
      • ・ Character model of the first Virtua Fighter (38 types in total) *
      • ・ Stage of the first Virtua Fighter *
      • ・ Battle UI of the first Virtua Fighter *
      • ・ Successive Virtua Fighter series BGM (180 songs in total)
      • ・ Stamps for watching games (36 types in total)
      • * This is a remake of the original Virtua Fighter design.
      • * The stage of the first Virtua Fighter cannot be used in online battles.

      I wonder what they mean by "Character costume type (19 types in total)"? (The Japanese is "キャラクターコスチュームタイプ(全19種類).") We've seen for instance that Akira appears to have three costume types; even if everyone else had just one (which is not the case, I just don't remember the others I've glimpsed, specifically) that would still be more than 19--but maybe they mean something different. (Edit: probably means 19 types added, which probably means the base game has two costume types per character, and this pack adds one per character except to someone, probably Dural.)

      The dates for both stand-alone and with-the-game releases of the Pack are now shown as 6/1. Previously, at the bottom of the PS4 site's TOP page -- -- it had said 5/31 for the with-the-game purchase version, but that date has been removed, so everything is now just listed under the 6/1 date.
      Last edited: May 31, 2021
      MadeManG74 and SSfox like this.
    2. SSfox
      Curious if the base game has 2 or 3 costumes type. Sounds like dlcs include 1 extra costume type for each character.
      smbhax likes this.
    3. smbhax
      Oh right, it means 19 *additional* costume types. That suggests the base game just has two per character, and the DLC adds one per character, except for probably Dural.
      Last edited: May 31, 2021
    4. smbhax
      VF official channel released a new graphic comparison video--I think maybe we saw some of the initial side-by-side stage comparisons before, but not the sweep-over comparisons that start at 0:11, at least:

      Those orange bags under Jacky's eyes. : o Might have to put glasses on that fella. But his eyes had the ol' unfocused uncanny valley look before (0:15) so I guess the result is almost the same, it's just that now without glasses, from certain angles (0:17) he kind of looks like he's staying up all night shotgunning energy drinks. Oh maybe his new job is eSports athlete. /dumbjoke At least his eyeballs actually focus properly, that's a big plus; the 5/FS characters had real trouble with that.
      Last edited: May 31, 2021
    5. SSfox
      Weren't already 3 in maximillian build? I could be wrong but I don't think he has vf1 skins.
    6. smbhax
      VF1 stuff was in Max's live stream, for instance -- and you see Types A, B, and C for Eileen in that character select square button pop-up menu, with the two VF1 types below them.
      SSfox likes this.
    7. Gibon
      The DLC milking is pretty bad here.

      The new faces look really ugly and that sweep comparison shows it even more clearly. Are the devs blind or just don't care?
    8. SSfox
      Oh I missed those. Welp guess things are more clear now.
      smbhax likes this.
    9. smbhax
      I'm willing to bet they work way more hours per week than most sane people.
      masterpo and MadeManG74 like this.
    10. Sonic The Fighters
      Sonic The Fighters
      Maybe we will also have the items that are only in the arcade version ?
    11. def
      NEW ONES TOO???!! Sounds good to me. :) I doubt it, but I wonder if the VF characters that were in DOA5 games will have some of their DOA only outfits appear? Hopefully we will get new customization items too. I wonder if hit sparks can be customized like in Tekken 7.
    12. MadeManG74
      I thought everything from arcade was in the console version? What was exclusive?
    13. VF2011
      The only items I know we didn't get were the singing dolls due to trademarks. I'm not sure if they were in the Japanese home version or not.
    14. Cheribam_J
      My first thoughts after playing a bit:

      * As predicted, the game is 100% online oriented. The only offline mode, as usual, being the arcade mode. But you can play it as much as you want, it won't be affecting any of your stats (% usage per character, % of KOs/ring outs/etc...). Online play is all that matters here.

      * You have everything you need to know about how you play online, though. % of victory per character and per stage, % of KOs/ring outs/excellents/etc... It feels very complete in that regard.

      * 4 costumization slots per character only. Which seems fine considering it's even more limited than VF5 Vanilla was. Besides those 4 costumization slots, costumes A, B and C are selectable from the get go on the select screen (along with the VF1 models).

      * Stages really look splendid. For most of them I still prefer their original versions from VF5 Vanilla, but I'd say they're better than they were in R and FS.

      * Characters look great as well. Only downside being, you guessed it, their faces.
      ChiefGutti likes this.
    15. SSfox
      Netcode is terrible!!!
    16. SUGATA
      Important question: there is no ability to SAVE REPLAY, and to WATCH REPLAY?!
      It’s terrible mistake from Sega for cybersport game! How to analyze replays W/O FRAME DATA DISPLAY?!
    17. masterpo
      I'm hoping there gonna add some of this stuff as DLC. Replays are obviously missing.. Other features are also missing that are in VF5FS. And VF5US is supposed to be a polished, upgraded but remastered version VF5FS. So I'm hoping some I'm hoping the rest of the missing features from VF5FS will be added by August????

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