Virtua Fighter vs Tekken

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Oct 18, 2016.

By Myke on Oct 18, 2016 at 7:23 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    WatchMojo recently published a Virtua Fighter vs Tekken comparison video. It compares both series in the categories of story, characters, legacy, lasting appeal and combat. What do you think of their assessment?

    Tip: @Altered, @Unicorn


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Oct 18, 2016.

    1. Unicorn
      I completelly understand our opinions differ. Maybe we are even arguing about something slightly different that the other one is.
      But for me, your bolded arguments above make me believe that you can not see forest for the trees; as I can not but see VF as a complex game, where you can not just "take out" one element and discusse it while making everything else being "different topic, irrelevant, end of story".

      To put it simple - adressing "bigger picture" (as you claim you did) by ruling it out of discussion by default is not something I will be able to agree with in here.

      But again, this may be just different opinions or different POVs we are standing on.

      For everything I wrote above about being OK with different opinion, I am not OK with this. As far as this conversation goes, this is the shittiest "argument" used so far.
      Because this is not an argument, it is the "I am right and you are wrong" bullshit. Because all I am able to see here is "if you don't agree with me, thats fine but I am right and you can go fuck yourself" kind of statement. It is not even important what you are arguing for or against, the statement stands out just being worded like it is.

      If youre not interested in listening to other people opinions, do not bother to discuss with them.
      And vice versa - if you are interested in discussing with people who do not share your opinion, please stick to actual arguments over haughty crap like this.

      Thanks a lot.
      Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
    2. Unicorn
      @BLACKSTAR By the way, if you are so touchy about words being put into your mouth, you may stop doing it by yourself to other people just to (let me quote yourself) "use that as a foundation for your argument's credibility"

      Just a sidenote needed to be made.
      Well, you got a point here; I wasnt really intending that, but I can't deny that it sounds like that after reading it over again. I apologize for my tone, I'll be a little more cognizant about it in the future.
      Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
      Unicorn likes this.
    4. Unicorn
      @BLACKSTAR Thanks man! (y)

      If only more people on internet can be like this...
      If only I can be like this :whistle: :oops:
      Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
      BLACKSTAR likes this.
    5. oneida
      @BLACKSTAR quick note, you CAN break direction throws in VF3, and I'm 99% sure you can in VF2, too. whenever i play vs CPU, anytime Jeff blocks something at the start of a round, he'll respond with back throw, and I escape it resulting in both characters being back-to-back.
      BLACKSTAR likes this.
    6. Myke
      To clarify:
      • VF3 only allowed for a neutral and one directional throw escape.
      • VF2 only allowed for neutral throws to be escaped with a [P][+][G] input. Jeffry's Body Press throw ([4][P][+][G]) was the one exception to this rule, being the only directional throw you could escape with a [4][P][+][G] input.
      oneida and BLACKSTAR like this.
    7. oneida
      man, what are the odds that I've been exploiting the one exception this whole time?
      when you say only one directional throws can be escaped in 3, does that mean that 6P+G is escapable but 46P+G is inescapable?
    8. Myke
      Pretty low I'd imagine! Have you played lotto recently?
      No, I just meant that in VF3 there was a limit to the number/quantity of valid Throw Escape (TE) inputs you could enter:
      • only one (1) neutral TE input along with one (1) directional TE input.
      So in your example, both throws [6][P][+][G] and [4][6][P][+][G] can be escaped with the same directional TE input of [6][P][+][G]. This follows the traditional rule we know today with the TE input only required to match the final directional input.

      As a further complication, any half-circular throws (e.g. Wolf's Giant Swing [4][1][2][3][6][P][+][G]) had their own rule for throw escapes. That is, the TE input needed to match the initial and final directional input. Therefore, to escape Wolf's Giant Swing, you needed to enter [4][6][P][+][G] to successfully escape.
      Kruza likes this.
    9. dnikoles
      to be honest this video sucks the only category in which tekken is better than virtua fighter is story.....and this is because virtua fighter never had ending videos like tekken or if you prefer they do not emphasis in story virtua fighter always was all about the if am2 making a new virtua fighter game i guess they must consider to add a storyline in the style of doa or mkx if they want to get more fans in the series ...and to be more popular..
    10. Luya
      Only story in Virtua Fighter series is from Virtua Fighter Kids which is very much a parody.

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