Virtua Fighter Trademark Renewed

Discussion in 'General' started by Sudden_Death, Aug 12, 2016.

By Sudden_Death on Aug 12, 2016 at 1:56 AM
  1. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2016
    Jinzer0, Shinobi, Oioron and 14 others like this.


Discussion in 'General' started by Sudden_Death, Aug 12, 2016.

    1. Jason Elbow
      Jason Elbow
      If you do play online, please play XBL. PSN sucks donkey balls.
    2. DigitlSamurai
      I'm not talking about streaming. I'm talking about groups to play the game with. The streaming aspect is, like you said, the icing on the cake. Groups like VFLive, RAW and NYC VF are important, not so people have a camera to play in front of, but so people have actual humans to play with.
    3. Jacko
      That's what an XBL and PSN friends list is for. You add people who play the game, invite them to a lobby if they're willing to play and bam you have a session. You don't need a VFLive and a RAW for things like that. That's the point I'm getting at. VFDC shoutbox or even threads can be used for match-making and at one point were used for such before VFLive and RAW even came to be.

      So in hindsight, and it's not a personal attack on you it's just a fact, it is pretty arrogant to say that without VFLive or RAW the VF5FS scene is dead because the players can still play the game without those promotions.
      ShinyBrentford and Tricky like this.
    4. DigitlSamurai
      The problem is it's very hard to find people who play the game. I said in my original post that it probably was arrogant to say what I said because I ran VFLive, but let's take VFLive and RAW specifically out of the discussion.

      Aren't people more likely to play a particular game if there's an active group of players by any other name? Yes they can still play the game, but it will likely only hold their interest for a little while. Most of the new players will drop the game in a week unless given a reason to keep playing.
      Tricky likes this.
    5. oneida
      someone knows, and someone's gonna tell
      Shinobi likes this.
    6. Tricky
      vf6 confirmed. I've read the tea leaves and deduced it will be coming.
    7. Lygophilia
      Good. I wish for the game with full 3d movement, having the gameplay to adjust to it. It would make for some interesting match ups.
    8. whitegrass

      You mean VF6 will be announced or VF5FS port to PC be confirmed?
    9. Rynex
      I dont know any .. :/
      And my connection is very good from orange the most expensive service :(
      Tonighte Jason elbow atk leaved me and played tekken ........... I even was warmed up he left. No GGs nothing.. Very nice
    10. MadeManG74
      But where are you located? Europe, USA? North, South?

      Honestly, I've never had much luck with online getting much traction in any game other than something like Street Fighter. You'd be better off hitting up the regional match-making threads here, or finding a your Local FGC and trying to get people to play the game at their meet ups :)
    11. dnikoles
      Im still believe virtua fighter 6 will be announced at tgs 2017
    12. Modelah
      Don't worry. If the rumours are true it'll be VF Dance Dance Revolution feat. Parappa the Rapper.
    13. MadeManG74
      @oneida pointed me to this:

      Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
    14. def
      def I just saw this, I'm guessing the last sentence of your post is related to this?
    15. Shinobi
      I have just returned from my summer vacations and the only thing I have in mind right now is:


      That and the FS PC port, of course (well, two things actually, but never mind :p)

      DO IT, SEGA!!!
    16. def
      Any chance of Final Showdown being ported to PS4/X1? I'm guessing it be more likely for the X360 version to be made BC with X1?
    17. Citrus

      I wouldn't believe it, these trolls are really common on 4chan, and this one doesn't really make much sense.

      Just my hunch, even though this renewal could just mean more cross-overs, I feel like this time it could really be a new Virtua Fighter or something big at least.

      So yeah, we will probably hear about it much sooner than 2017. (y)

      Just a hunch :ninja:
    18. whitegrass
      any vf news will announce in TGS2016?
    19. Citrus

      Not that I know.
      We should have heard or seen something by now, if they were going to announce something VF related at TGS.

      Which means either there won't be a reveal, or it's a really good secret.
    20. MadeManG74
      It's probably VF5:FS in Yakuza 6. It was just announced overnight.

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