Virtua Fighter Rant!

Discussion in 'General' started by Adamay, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. tyefye

    tyefye New Member

    I hate when people take forever to get to a point, state your point and THEN complain about it.

    Anyway, VF's character roster has been perfectly fine so far and the characters that have been added add new styles (love little monkey girl Elieen),

    When I first played VF I thought the limited selection sucked compared to others games, but soon enough I realized more characters often hindered variety in gameplay than actually adding more.

    VF's characters all feel unique, using different tactics, rather than just a different set of combos to punish your opponent. With VF I'm not being beat because my opponent used a certain character, but rather I didn't know how to properly use mine.
  2. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    If you can't win online with Eileen the you're not doing something right. She is overpowered.
  3. tyefye

    tyefye New Member

    you could be right about Eileen, I've got my ass handed to me a few times against her, but then again I suck.

    Still the game is more balanced then other fighting games. And version R will probably address more balancing issues.(and most likely create more with Karate and Sumo)

    I still want to see How Sumo is going to play out in version R.
  4. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Why? Does it have something to do with you being a fan boy?

    Please shut up. The idea of violence over games makes me hate kids.

    He dissed poke-mans, lets get him! wtf
  5. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Indeed. I shall assemble my posse. Let the beatdown commence.
  6. luminux

    luminux Member

    Well the guy has an opinion....But in my opinion, his opinion sucks. The two characters Sega adds in every follow up are always better thought up and balanced than in every other fighting games. No other franchise come close at having so different characters and style while keeping that awesome balance that we learned to appreciate.

    Using Mortal Kombat as an example to prove his point destroyed all the little credibility that he had. Trying to act like you know everything when you know nothing is pitiful, even more if you go public with it...emo or not.

    And i didn't finish it...2 minutes and i could'nt stand it anymore. My brain is to fast for his talking...Hope he'll never be a teacher.
  7. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    Adamay, I viewed your entire "rant" and have a little feedback that I would like to share.
    The reasons that you are pissed at the Virtua Fighter series are the very reasons that the series continues to succeed as an "underground" title. For the most part- people who play Virtua Fighter have no interest in story, character "coolness", or presentation-- it's all about the GAMEPLAY! Virtua Fighter a fighter's fighter. The developers of this game have placed a much heavier emphasis on character balance and fighting mechanics than back-story or presentation.
    Characters in the VF series are indeed boring asthetiaclly (spelling?) speaking- and there have not been very many new characters introduced since the beginning of the series. However- the characters that ARE included are extremely balanced, and each one of them requires completly different set of strategies to master. This is unlike other games such as Tekken were every character has the same initial underlying strategies. I mean, each character in Tekken has different combos and special moves- but the underlying spacing/dodge-whiff strategy is universal between all characters in this game. This essentially reduces each character to be being the SAME during gameplay And trust me-- I know Tekken- provided you are not some tournament attending Tekken master or something chances are I would fuck you up at the game- I happen to be VERY good at it!
    Between each Virtua Fighter game- there are many tweaks in the system which cause a tremendous impact on the gameplay. However, these are subtle tweaks which only those playing at a HIGH LEVEL would notice.
    Which brings me back to my overall point- Virtua Fighter is never enjoyed at a casual level to it's fullest. To get to the core of the game- you have to put a lot of time and effort into appreciating the complex gameplay. The thing is-- Virtua Fighter is ALL about this High Level gameplay- it has never been about introducing a dumb mish mash of characters or story for marketing's sake.
    Take Mortal Kombat for example-- the latest installment included about 50-60 (God knows how many) characters into the game. Each of these characters were cool-looking and had backstories and what not--- But a lot of them were essentially the SAME characters with diffrent special moves, and slightly varied attack combos. I mean, in MK Deception there were two fighting stances and one weapon stance. In Armageddon there are only two stances to pick from. Basically Midway SACRIFICED fighting gameplay for marketing purposes. As a person interested in fighting games for the GAMEPLAY and COMPETITION this pissed me off. And as I said with Tekken- I'm pretty bad-ass at this game too so I know what I am talking about. (On MK Deception I was ranked around 100 or so online-- CONSISTENTLY)
    My basic point is that YOU want want the rest of Coporate America wants. More asthetiaclly pleasing bullshit like characters and backstories, but you don't care as much about the GAMEPLAY itself.( don't get me wrong characters and backstory are important, BUT NOT IN A FIGHTER) For the next VF, I don't want a selection of 40 boringly stock characters as much as I want tweaked and balanced gameplay- accompanied with better graphics (of course!) and better online options.
    Of course, I guess we are of two different groups after all. I am from the "Cool" group- and you are from the "I am a fucking commercial retard" group........HA JUST FUCKING WITH YA.........................................................................but seriously dude you suck.
  8. Blahzie

    Blahzie Well-Known Member

    WALLOFTEXT /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  9. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    Thats how I roll!
  10. Adamay

    Adamay Well-Known Member

    Hey pleportamee that's not me! LOL I hate emos...
  11. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    This fuck up is worth me typing my first post in weeks.

    That's 12 fucking minutes I'm not getting back.

    This guy is an absolute joke and has no opinion what-so-ever. He rambled on for 12 minutes saying something that would take a normal person 4 minutes to say (not that a normal person could spout this much sewerage).

    The only thing I picked up from his "rant" was that VF is crap because they don't remove characters - absolutely insane. So apparently, all it takes to be innovative is remove Brad, Lau and Akira from VF5R and add in Taka and the new guy. How dare he use character amount as an 'argument' anyway, when he sticks up for Tekken's copy and paste jobs who do nothing but add an extra number onto the character roster.

    That's basically the only point he had - the only other one was that VF4 Evo's great because he bought it second-hand on a budget label - please tell me why it's not an option for him to wait and buy VF5 used in the future for "10 bucks". Does he not realise that VF4 evo was 40 or 50 bucks when it came out? The worst fucking argument I've ever heard. (also, buying VFs on budget and renting them shows just how much of a "hardcore" VF fan he is)

    Plus he displays some great VF knowledge.

    Let's see:

    VirtuaL fighter
    Law Chan
    Cage Ma-roo
    LIE-on Raphael
    Oh-ee (can't remember he surname)
    Some sumo guy
    He can't remember Brad's name (well, I'm sure after playing VF4Evo to death as he must have done, it would be hard to remember one of the characters' names)

    And to top it off, the loser can't even say 'prod-ee-cessor'. (he needs prodding up the ass with a friggin red hot fire poker)

    Oh yes, and Mortal Kombat is the best fighting game series. Give me a fucking break.

    There are going to be people on this forum who you tend to disagree with from time to time but no-one has shown this ridiculous lack of brainpower. Well done to Adamay for showing us the pinnacle of a dumb "VF fan".

    "VF5 is not innovative enough" - Well if he holds VF4 Evo in such high regard, what the fucking hell is wrong with "More of the same"?

    An absolute cretin (but you would know that from just looking at the weirdo).
  12. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    Oh did you just find this video on the internet and post it then? I hope not! If so I just typed this big ass wall of text for nothin. Dammnit.
  13. luminux

    luminux Member

    haha pleportamee...loved your wall of text...espacially the finishing lines. It's a shame that this guy will probably never read this topic.
  14. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    Did he call Brad, Bruce?...o_O
  15. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    lol what a fucking wanker
  16. luminux

    luminux Member

    I took a deep breath and looked at it til the end....he said that Eileen was a cliche character (he didn't even know her name). I have to know in wich other game he saw a character using monkey kung-fu cause i sure don't know it.
  17. GMonroy

    GMonroy Well-Known Member

    Maybe he had Marvel vs Capcom 2 on the mind. LOL
  18. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    well, i wanted to stop watching after he started s-l-o-w-l-y naming the VF1 character list~ ^^__

    on a side note, ~ some people in this thread need to lighten up~

    it's a very common prespective of a common gammer who isnt from a beatem-up background. ~ i get the same thing from common friends who spend hours playing football games and halo~. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  19. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Yes, we know this, but he is someone who classes fighting games his favourite genre and actually says he is a "hardcore Virtual Fighter fan". He is a joke and someday, if he reads this forum, he will realise it himself.

    It's obvious that this prick set up his camera with absolutely nothing to say and tried to talk for 12 minutes. His "argument" ending up in a completely opposite direction that was intended and was talking absolute crap. What ever he thought of he said.

    Absolute wanker.
  20. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    LMAO SO TRUE!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Cage ma-roo hahahaha

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