Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    There are alot of complex fighting games now, like guilty gear, tekken and others, where you need lots of skill to have a slight chance against a better opponent. And they are still popular. So I think dombing down the game is not a way to make more people play it. Advertisement and fanservice do it.

    I want the next vf become faster and more technical, like vf4 was, but not a vf4-clone.VF4 required alot of inputs during the play, and it made the game feel faster and more intense. I want that back )

    And I also want my block-cancelable crouching backdash back... but it will be too brkoen without changing anything else i suppose)
  2. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    I would be deeply shocked if they cocked it up to be perfectly honest. A big part of why I respect and adore SEGA so much: they haven't, over the last 20 years, let their flagship fighting game series turn to dogsh*t, like some other companies I can think of.
  3. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Dear Santa/Sega,

    Bring back 8 frame throws. ie- light weight punch is faster, so it's more of a threat on ch @+8. Basically maintaining weight classes strengths like they should have been all along.

    Bring back offensive move+p and naked om. ie-opponent's 2p is blocked @ -5, so they decide to 2p again and you om+p to their proper crouch stagger side mostly stomach and get a nice 14-15 frame move follow up. Naked om vs. wake up rising and nets you opponent whiff allowing launch etc.

    Bring back more reward for blocking which WAS the reason why I fell in love with VF. ie- Kage 2k+g throw counterable/akira 666p throw counterable/el blaze 8p+k throw counterable lmao. Basically, if it can net you 65-70pts plus tech guess it should have a high risk.

    Sabaki's should be limited like reversals to one level and not shutdown multiple levels. ie- p or 6p.

    Recovery frames for everyone's moves need to be severely revamped.

    Stop giving multiple easy ways out for the opponent in disadvantage. This really is just a marketing ploy to sell the games and everyone knows it.

    Enforce true weight class physics like taka. ie-wolf/Jeff should not be able to step as fast as blaze etc. poor taka... @-@

    If this all came to pass I'd be afraid we would lose 3/4 of the current players and that's already scarce.

    Fasten your seatbelts kiddos, because this February were gonna see more whistles and bells added on to our once beloved core system. I have a strong feeling Sega loved the dlc numbers for fs and when it works to make money it's golden.

    Just my opinion, so don't hate.
    I'm vf4 generation and proud I had a chance to experience VF IMHO at its finest.
    BLACKSTAR and ShinyBrentford like this.
  4. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    Akira's 666P was never throw counterable o_o

    But i agree on editing the block punishment, there are alot of uncounterable launchers now. Making them at least throw counterable would be good.

    At the sabakis I don't agree since it would kill them. They are already shutting down less moves than usual parries.
  5. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    Huh? Who said anything about february?
  6. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    That skill isn't what everyone wants in a fighting game, and that skill reduces the impotance of other skills, or reduces the amount of folks who can play the game at high level.

    I think it's perfectly fine that some games remain executionfests, they are popular among some folks, but VF isn't about that- and if anything, should be streamlined further- there's a reason the VF community is older than other FGC's. (and you could see this hard at NEC, the VF folks bathed unlike some of the other communities)

    Another change I'd want to see, evades no matter what you cancel them with, you can't block anti-evade attacks for a set number of frames. Also, why is crouch dashing still in the game? How would the game be impacted by eliminating crouch dashing?

    One thing I want to see is characters have set weaknesses. The top tier chars have their weaknesses covered too much. Also damage is too high for much of the cast- the big guys and the super high risk guys are the only guys who should be able to do 100+ easily, even with a wall.
    PaiChun likes this.
  7. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Disagree. Especially how little thought seems to go into streamlining VF nowadays. Lazy TE was put in because 0f throws were ridiculous. So they get rid of 0f throw, why is lazy TE still here?!?

    I think the game would be far better without it.
  8. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Lazy TE can be predicted and countered at least, though it really hurts Jeff, I don't necessarily think it needs to be gone.

    I would like to see Splash back, make it 44P+G, and Jeff get a front grab that has RO potential (maybe an option off of headbutt?)
  9. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I like the posts in here that are long because it shows people care!

    Some stuff mentioned has already been in VF or is already there so I'm wondering where pope are coming. For example, naked OM is still there for Oki.

    VF4 didn't require a lot of inputs to play BUT it was an option for those that wanted to take it there. The best example is MTE. People that like to buffer 3-4 TEs could do it, but you could play it just using 1-2 if you prefferd (the exhibition matches on the disk used 1-2).

    SEGA themselves messes up by not including the features from 4 like Stat Tracking that you now see in TTT2 regarding YOUR play style so I hope to see that stuff return.

    4 series frame data and 5 style dash priority in one game is the only way I could see VF6 going at its core, really.

    I think Lazy TE should stay in as it's a nice beginner tool, to get people used to do doing two things at once on defence which is one of the aspects that makes VF the best.
  10. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    One route I really hope VF doesn't go is adding things to the screen like words or meter to the fights when something happens. The HUD of this game really is what makes this game immersive and fun without being told what happened and/or having to micro-manage.
    ToyDingo and MadeManG74 like this.
  11. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I think the MTE system was ridiculous and I thank Sega for taking it out and switching to the new system. However, I also think the Lazy TE system with only one throw escape is a bit silly too since it's mostly just pure random guess work. I would like a Tekken style of TE system to be in the game, a one where you can escape throws on reaction thus eliminating the randomness, but I know how much VF neckbeards will start to froth from the mouth at a system like that, so I guess we will be having the current system in the future too.
  12. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    Breaking throws on reaction will kill them. It's not tekken where throws can beat attacks. In vf throws have always been an universal way to break the block, and with reaction-breaking they will loose that usage. With the MTE system it was more logical though - you almost couldn't escape them while just standing, so you either block and be fully vunerable to throws, or you break them and be vunerable to attacks. That kinda resembled breaking throws on reaction, but still made them powerful and respectful to the whole vf logic. Now you just can escape one throw for the whole match.
  13. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    The Japanese amusement arcade show is in February. It's that magical event that displays new VF clips as teasers.
  14. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    Re-balance Jacky, do something about LTE throw system, nerf combos, nerf kingo.

    Thx Sega.
  15. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    You know I didn't intend it that way, so why try to stick it in my face like some scholar, childish.

    As far as the sabakis, I was mainly referring to goh/Vanessa. I can see why you wouldn't want to change it since its a simple auto conditioner and shuts down close range options. It would be too much for goh/van players to handle if they had to make an educated guess. Better yet, make the sabaki just a sabaki and not have some physical property to it if the sabaki doesn't work. I seen these moves not work, but still get hit on the tail end of it.

    Also for good measure, bring back the crouch staggers!!

    Femto- naked om is in fs, but the properties have changed meaning vs rising attack it tracks based on all lying down body positions of opponent.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Stat tracking, quest mode, AND ACTUAL STORY ENDINGS, PLZKTHX.

    SEGA doesn't realize just how much that having just story endings of some sort could help attract casual players (WHY do you think Tekken and especially Soul Calibur always sells well on console ports? Especially when hardcore players represent only 10% of FG sales (as stated by Ono and Harada-san)).

    And plz have a full-experience online mode, because that's the ONLY way that console games sell well for FGs now. VF6 port should be at least TTT2 level as far as online options go.

    As a matter of fact, SEGA would be smart to follow the TTT2 model overall, as far as release windows, advertising, and other stuff goes. Nov/Dec 2011: TTT prologue (Tekken move+TTT2 demo is released), Spring? 2012: TTT2 arcades is released, Fall 2012: critically acclaimed TTT2 is released amidst a flurry of ads, online shows, marketing campaigns, etc. There's absolutely no reason we should have to wait 2 YEARS for a console port -- totally stupid.

    I would make some gameplay comments, but I'm still learning too much to make proper assessments on what to change. But in my scrubby opinion, I feel that AM2 is going a positive direction, as far as revamping the controls to make them more simplified, but still very VF'ish with complexity, and making the game faster (though there are still alot of scrubby aspects that they can fix).

    Just PLZ don't get rid of Sarah in a T3 style cast revamp ;-;

    PS Oh, and tekken-style throw breaks in VF would be utterly terrible
    SPINMASTER X likes this.
  17. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Failed evade itself being a huge disadvantage isn't enforced due to the ability of canceling it into a dash or crouch dash. Now I have heard it is susceptible to a free throw, but never had any success online. The idea of being able to get out of -20 something is just plain retarded to me, but it is what it is at this point. I often wonder if I'm ganked out if small advantages online or just reacting too slow? Having said that, your point of not having recovery frames doesn't make sense. Don't you think your opponent should be punished for failed evading? Otherwise, you can just walk around the arena all day.
  18. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    That's exactly what I meant, that no matter what you did after an evade- you could be punished by an attack that is designed to punish that evade, so you couldn't crouch dash block to reduce the recovery frames
  19. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    rebalance jacky? lol jacky's meant to have high dmg. he's a high risk high reward type of character. the down side to this is his simple command list which i hate. he's to predictable with his moves. thats y u see jacky players add there own mixup like backdash launch or throw to keep players guessing. with other characters like Va Kage Elblaze etc. they can do alot of mixups for every move they have.
  20. LAzYb0i_1988

    LAzYb0i_1988 New Member

    Since were all giving opinions and such, i figure ill give a few simple idea's for Akira.

    1). Allow his 3 [K][+][G] ,[P] ,[P][+][K] to be a natural combo that fully CONNECTS and not only on side turn. The reason why i want this is because it's obsolete in every way compared to his DLC (3K+G,P,466P+K) and it's rarely used because of it. His DLC takes more damage and wall splats while the other doesn't.This move is constantly being over shadowed by his DLC and if am2 does apply this idea it would give this move at least some kind of purpose, even if it's not that useful.

    Here's that stats on Hontei Goko Hazankou (3K+G,P,P+K)

    - Takes 48 dmg on NH, 56 on CH and 60 on MC.
    - Knockdown on hit.
    - Leave's Akira at -24 on block, which is the same as his DLC.

    Remember it doesn't wall splat nor take as much damage as his DLC, so there really isn't any reason why this move should stay as is.

    How it should be:

    - 3K+G,P,P+K should be a 3 hit natural combo while maintaining his usual damage.
    - leave's Akira at -13 or -10 on block. Either is fine.
    - Should be delayable/hit-confirmable after the second hit.

    This seems reasonable and realistic enough for Sega to consider using this idea IMHO.

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