Virtua Fighter 5 Update

Discussion in 'General' started by Jeffahn, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    The Virtua Fighter revolution ended with VF3. The evolution started with VF4.
    To be fair, most 3D fighting games of VF3's generation did not see a significant 'step up' in terms of series revolution in their next game, however, in my mind, VF has always set its own benchmark, each VF game is judged within the series.
    VF4 combined VF2 and VF3 and created VF LITE, Darwin would have been proud.
    VF5? discuss what they can do to bring the series forward. Remember that in my mind it has no peer in other 3d fighters, so it has to move forward from (VF3) VF4.
    Think, what will they REMOVE that you've got used to?
    How will they innovate?
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Plague said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jeffahn/Famitsu said:

    The masked wrestler character from the Amusement Machine Show trailer is called El Blaze...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    WTF? That's not a name. VF characters have first and last names.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's not uncommon for luchadors to fight under titles, especially if they wear traditional masks. Even though El Blaze probably translates to "The Blaze", El by itself can be considered a name. El DeBarge for example.

    And what about Lei-Fei? I always thought that was his first name only and dropped his family name when becoming a Shaolin monk.
  3. Jeffahn

    Jeffahn Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Plague said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jeffahn said:

    Speak to Dok Hendrix.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He did not come on here and post that comment. I don't think it makes a difference whether you secretly quoted someone else or came up with it on your own. I read it in a post with your name on it.

    I don't like seeing that kind of stuff.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just tell your therapist that you're troubled by people para-quoting a mistranslation from a 1995 pro-westling event.
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shag said:

    It's not uncommon for luchadors to fight under titles, especially if they wear traditional masks. Even though El Blaze probably translates to "The Blaze", El by itself can be considered a name. El DeBarge for example.

    And what about Lei-Fei? I always thought that was his first name only and dropped his family name when becoming a Shaolin monk.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    <font color="blue">GoatCheeseBlues</font> told me about the title thing today. I didn't go further in my first post to say that "The" as a first name seemed bizarre to me. "Now squaring off in the arena... Jeffrey vs. The!"

    I didn't know how Lei-Fei's name worked, thanks for the update.


    I don't like racial stereotypes, slurs, jokes, whatever. I'm sorry it bothers you to read that. If you like to use them, that's your right. You might not like the consequences if you try to justify their use (your deflection of responsibility kinda illustrates that).

    You gotta love what happened...

    Jeffahn: bla bla
    Plague: I don't like that
    Jeffahn: Oh... well... I'm not the one who came up with that... it was this other guy, see... talk to him.

    Don't take it so hard when you're called out for something you wrote. No need to deflect it. Personal responsibility can free you. Have some balls.
  5. Jeffahn

    Jeffahn Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Plague said:


    I don't like racial stereotypes, slurs, jokes, whatever.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't like cheese, do you care?

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm sorry it bothers you to read that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can't be bothered to be bothered, actually.

    [ QUOTE ]
    If you like to use them, that's your right.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thankyou for giving me the right to para-quote; this is truly the peak of my writing career.

    [ QUOTE ]
    You might not like the consequences if you try to justify their use (your deflection of responsibility kinda illustrates that).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, you can just wallow in your own axioms as far as I'm concerned.

    [ QUOTE ]
    You gotta love what happened...

    Jeffahn: bla bla
    Plague: I don't like that
    Jeffahn: Oh... well... I'm not the one who came up with that... it was this other guy, see... talk to him.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What do you mean you didn't know the origin of the quote? Where were you in 1995? Did you maybe make the mistake of attributing those words to yours truly? Did you miss the ironic substrate completely?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Don't take it so hard when you're called out for something you wrote. No need to deflect it. Personal responsibility can free you. Have some balls.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I hate to break this to you so suddenly, but El Blaze is a fictional character; consisting of no more than some geometry, textures, motion capture and wacky design. He does not exists as a real person. Next thing you'll be calling out Lion for ageism.

    But jeez, thanks for turning an offbeat cultural reference into a race war.
  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I'm not talking about El Blaze! (that was probably evident in my first response to you), I'm talking about the stealing hubcaps comment. It's a stereotype.

    It's not important to me if you para-quote, para-make-up-some-other-term, or wherever you got it from. I read it in a post with your name on it. I'm guessing you put it on the board. No one made you do it.

    I call you on it - I don't see you take responsibility... "I was just para-sailing-quoting-writing some other dude from 1995."

    I think that's just weak, man.
  7. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    DoA4 adds a Luche Libre character named La Mariposa and VF5 adds a Luche Libre character named El Blaze... maybe AM2 didn't appreciate the female Akira knock off. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Jumping behind downed opponents? Isn't that Ura? That's not new in VF I think... cause I know DoA has had it since 2, (Hayabusa [9][P] ). Oh wells, I really hope this game makes it to console, it's looking SU-WEET!

    PS: Myke is right, Online play SUCKS. Trust me, I've seen the experiment... it's not a fun experience if your a serious player.
  8. Jeffahn

    Jeffahn Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Plague said:

    I'm not talking about El Blaze! (that was probably evident in my first response to you), I'm talking about the stealing hubcaps comment. It's a stereotype.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did I make the coment, or did I quote it? Did you just assume that it was my own invention? El Blaze is, of course, completely unstereotypical of a Mexican wrestler.

    [ QUOTE ]
    It's not important to me if you para-quote, para-make-up-some-other-term, or wherever you got it from.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew"

    Look, now I'm anti-Semitic!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I read it in a post with your name on it. I'm guessing you put it on the board. No one made you do it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You assumed that I generated the quote myself and that I agreed with it.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I call you on it - I don't see you take responsibility... "I was just para-sailing-quoting-writing some other dude from 1995."

    I think that's just weak, man.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You will be receiving a bill from me shortly for 1 broken irony-meter.
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I would be very surprised if the arcade had online play, but it's still possible that the conswole version would. Console is mainly what the "global community" cares about anyway.
  10. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    So true and unfortunately so sad. That is what basically everyone on NA wants now these days.

    Yet this would not be good for VF. The game has too many complexities in terms of frames and what not which would greatly hinder gameplay online since internet connection is not always solid and clear. It would simply be an annoyance and hinder gameplay. The way I see it is this: if you really are enthusiastic about VF then get your ass up and go find others to play.
  11. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    personally, I'd love to see online play.

    Having played some DOAU online, I think it's best just to go into it knowing it's not gonna be perfect. That doesn't mean it won't be fun, and I think it'd help the audience for VF grow. My (limited) experience with DOA was that if you're in relatively close proximity to the oppt (same state/coast) you won't have too much bad lag.

    Maybe it's because I'm not really out to take every match with 100% seriousness, so I don't think I'd care if I lost matches to friends because of lag or commands that didn't make it in time. I think the whole problem with online play is people wanting to take it too seriously. It's a means to an end, a way to play when it otherwise might not be possible. There are a lot of people in the LA area alone I'd love to play online with.

    Just seems to me like it wouldn't hurt, but could help VF's scene. AM2's saying it's possible, so why not? The only reason it wouldn't "be VF" is if it didn't work properly (which AM2 is saying it would). I think for some people in rural areas, it's a question of would you rather play some imperfect Vs. VF5 with other people, or no Vs. VF5 at all? Is anyone really gonna opt for the latter given the choice?

  12. stealth_fox

    stealth_fox Active Member

    I live in Montreal, and while it's not rural , theres's only one VF4(not even evo) machine in the entire city. I keep playing quest mode on PS2, and though it's fun, I'd still like to get some real live comp. If they don't get a VF5 machine in the ONE small arcade we have... online would begin to sound pretty good. I know playing in lag is a huge pain in the ass, but like it's been said, online would give people in places without arcades to play actual people, and possibly be motivated to travel greater distances when it comes to tournaments/gatherings.

    Just the thoughts of a lonely montreal vfer. I'm hoping for a better arcade release in NA so I can get practice and rise up to noob status.
  13. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Hey Myke..glad to see you got your make up on right this morning. I enjoy randomness in a game because I feel it creates a more vibrant situation. I don't personally (not personally...this is a personal argument, not any analytical one), give a fuck what their reasons are. If they Sega cared about the community, the first thing they would do is impliment an online feature, not take it away. Maybe you enjoy playing dress up with virtual dolls, for me, it really does not do anything.
  14. nin

    nin Well-Known Member

  15. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Wow, thanks for the links. The game is looking friggin incredible. El Blaze fits in quite nicely I should say.
  16. nou

    nou Well-Known Member


    /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif sweet pics

    Just wondering how Korea is "the ugly step sister"? Korean chicks are alot hotter.
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thanks for the links, nin.

    The second page has some interesting stuff.

    El Blaze doing an off-the-wall jump kick on Wolf. Nothing new at first glance, but the interesting thing here is the direction El Blaze moves in -- he is moving off axis.

    We also see El Blaze doing a running jump over the downed Wolf. This is what the earlier info was referring to I think.

    I wonder if you can combine off-axis movement, jumping over downed opponents and off-the-wall attacks?

    The Pai screens look like new animation for her PPPK combo. The Jeffry screens look like a new throw animation. As with any new VF, we can usually expect a lot of renewed animations.

    BunBun Maru has a commentary on this page. At first he jokes about Dural coming back to normal and being playable, but then he predicts about how the movement system will become more interesting (as with every new VF). He's a little concerned about players runing around the stage freely, but is sure that Sega will figure it all out.

    More information is said to be revealed on 1st November during a private Sega show.
  18. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    thanks a ton nin, I'm glad you can hook a brotha up with the infos /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  19. Jeffahn

    Jeffahn Well-Known Member

  20. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

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