Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown Feedback?

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2021.

By Myke on Jun 4, 2021 at 10:40 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Now that the game has been out for a while, you've hopefully(!?) spent enough time playing it! We here at VFDC have an opportunity to pass on some feedback to SEGA, and to start things off we've got a stack of suggestions inside but we want to hear from you! What are you waiting for?

    el blaze polygon.jpg

    The following suggestions have been collated by @MadeManG74, @Jide and myself, but of course would love to hear what you think as well! What are you waiting for? Start sounding off NOWWWWW!!!!!

    Ranked Match
    • The option to record in training mode while waiting for a match.
    • The ability to change dummy character without cancelling matchmaking.
    • Stage select.
    • Once you’ve successfully matched with someone:
      • to show if the opponent is using Wi-Fi or not
      • Region Icon when matched with someone
      • Option to change to Ping instead of connection bars.
    • To constantly show your connection to the opponent.
    • Region filter on matchmaking
    • Bonus points for completing the first to 2 set
    • An option to set the CPU to the last character you played vs after a ranked match
    • Be able to filter by any rank when searching
    Room Match
    • Invite friends/anyone to your own room.
    • Search rooms via username.
    • Once there are too many lobbies(20?), some lobbies will not show and the user has to search again.
    • Option to filter out locked rooms (can currently filter "for" locked rooms)
    • Option to filter by region
    • Option to filter for "Friend's Rooms only"
    • Ability to play multiple matches simultaneously when more than 3 (4?) players are in the lobby
    • (Infinite) Instant rematch possibility when only 2 players are in the lobby
    • Option to lock ranking + W/L, currently no option to play without losing/gaining points
    • Stage Select between matches in a set
    • Region Restriction on room creation as an option

    • Add Combo Training, above and beyond what's available in the built-in command list
    • Add tutorial to teach additional VF offensive and defensive strategies beyond the basic Tutorial
    • Add Trial Challenges for advanced techniques

    Command Training
    • Bring back Time Attack with Leaderboards for command lists

    Free Training
    • To change character without having to go back to the menu.
    • To change the stage without having to go back to the menu.
    • Show player lifebar to train perfect tech roll.
    • Ability to record/playback options after Guard or Wakeup
    • Online Training Mode - For experts to teach beginners VF.
    • Add option to map the training "Reset Position" function to another button (defaulted to R3)
    • In Playback mode, the "Reset Position" function doesn't work!
    • Extra options for positioning in the ring: parallel to the edge of the ring
    • Ability to save current position as the "Reset Position"

    Offline Versus
    • Make Dural playable
    • Ability to save replays
    • Ability to undo character selection at the Character Select screen

    • Ability to set music playlist according to VF version and stage
    • Mix and match UI, e.g. retro life bars with new UI

    • Rollback netcode
    • Connection strength indicators (bars) can be misleading
    • More Single Player content (ala Quest Mode)
    • Ability to search and view replays online
    • Ability to pause and frame advance forward/backward while watching replay
    • Additional character edit slots


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2021.

    1. Vargus
      Well I "think" everything that we could possibly want has been listed already, excellent job guys! Keep on updating that 1st post as a summary of all the different ideas.

      However, It seems no one has this frustration that I have. Ever since 2012 I have wanted 'tournament pause mode' in all fighting games.

      IE toggle between press Start to pause or HOLD START for 3 seconds to pause.

      SFV did this funnily enough, its like they stole my idea, LOL

      Tekken hasn't done this properly yet, they just disabled the start button, which sux when you want to skip pre-fight animations and win poses. It also sux when, mid tournament match there is a problem and you have to restart and cannot a pause immediately and go to restart, character select or stage select. You have to sit there and kill 1 character, then the menu options appear for rematch etc, this can really slow down offline tournaments. Not to mention looks even worse when streaming.

      On flip side, while playing a tournament match and you accidently press that start button, because your button arrangement on your arcade stick is not helpful with this, you end up forefitting the round as a result.

      Tournament setting mode in T7 is not always or widely used, which kind of defeats the purpose, due to its inconvenience.

      'Tournament Pause Mode' fixes both these problems.

      Not sure if other fighters have adopted it, I hear DBFZ does and maybe anime fighters, but I haven't confirmed it, as I don't play those games.

      On a similar note of improvements, everyone that has experienced VF4evo's Tutorial mode, swears by it, but I've got to ask...

      Is there anything missing that they could have added, but forgot to put in the game? It seems like nothing is missing given all the praise it gets. Maybe they could put in whats missing into a new improved VF5us tutorial mode.

      Sorry for all the color, it just looked too bland to leave it all default black.
      Last edited: Jun 5, 2021
      masterpo, erdraug and smbhax like this.
    2. Gibon

      It's like SEGA doesn't understand that online is only for a selected group of people, and even among those people many quit because there is a lot of offensive, ill-spirited shit going on during online matches.
    3. charleypk222

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jun 5, 2021
      gido and Gibon like this.
    4. faster 10 lightning
      faster 10 lightning
      The "online" should be the TEST to see if all your training paid off.
      That doesn't mean that you have to play 100% of yourtime online, especially when you reach a certain age where:

      -you don't want (and can't) waste time waiting for others to find/start matches (between the empty ranked match and majority of locked rooms)
      -you don't want people that disconnect when they lose
      -you don't want to deal with ill mannered kids
      -you don't want performance issue in your games (lag)

      That's why you need more offline content, so people can freely enjoy the game despite what happens online with other people.
      But in 2021, giving only Arcade, VS and Training as the single player content is ridicolous.
      Last edited: Jun 5, 2021
      SDS_Overfiend1, SSfox and Gibon like this.
    5. cobratron
      fixes coming

      translation: We are also urgently responding to the implementation of the "invitation function". We are enthusiastically developing the development staff for implementation with the fastest timing possible. When the delivery date is decided, we will inform you. Sincerely.

      Seiji Aoki
      nou, Sonic The Fighters and smbhax like this.
    6. Gibon
      I expected the patch to fix much more than this. The "invitation function" should have been there form the start, too.
      Zekiel and faster 10 lightning like this.
    7. faster 10 lightning
      faster 10 lightning
      there is a lot to add.
      They are addressing invitation because I see lots of japanese people complaining about it.

      I hope they start to hear western gamers as well.
      Gibon likes this.
    8. TheTHCGamer
      Keep I'm mind that we need to be a bit patient because it's probably a really small team that's continuing to update the game.
      Zekiel, gido, ToyDingo and 4 others like this.
    9. faster 10 lightning
      faster 10 lightning
      yeah, but I don't think Sega has the luxury to take things slowly.

      Next week Guilty gear strive will be released, and while it's a massive downgrade from previous entries, it has rollback (that alone make for a great marketing push in FGC), many online modes and lot of single player content.

      Newcomers could already abandon VF if things aren't fixed and Sega doesn't announce some real content (both online and offline).
      gido likes this.
    10. def
      Somebody mentioned before VF5 announcer, if not already mentioned, I would like the announce voices from previous games, particularly VF3-4(original) announcer.
    11. SolidSonicTH
      Maybe also get the announcer from VF1 to go with the retro UI?
      gido and I.M. Amazon like this.
    12. faster 10 lightning
      faster 10 lightning
      We need the ability to load second player costumes in Offline Versus mode.
      Currently the game doesn't load the 2P profile, so it doesn't read 2P player data and costumes.

      VF5 vanilla supported had this option.
    13. Player_1
      Apologies if some of this has been mentioned, but here’s what i crave (apart from a Criterion worthy pc VF Collection including every iteration of the game: & that’s Final Tuned in particular!)

      1) A quick fix for fixing quick matches based on the quickest online connection available, quick!

      i almost immediately and entirely gave up on online because of this, while playing in Rooms has been vastly superior and enjoyable for me. make Rooms the first online option in the UI as i’m sure Quick Matches are putting off many new and casual players, or simply adults bereft of time and not reading up about the game.

      2) Rollback is what i hear i need to support, and a good version of it at that!

      3) Selecting custom profile data for the entire cast/opponents in every single player mode!

      i have been craving this since VF4, where i would absolutely have 90% less trouble fighting dumb a.i. (apart from EVO that is) if i could dress them all up in the highest of fashion or the lack thereoff.

      4) One restrained Canonical Martial Arts Outfit per character for the entire cast!

      and as a bonus the fashion sensibilities of late 80’s & 90’sHong Kong martial arts cinema. selecting skin tone as well.

      5) The ability to turn off hit sparks mostly for the potential of SunhiLegend’s gifs.

    14. def
      I also think they should add subtitles for intros and outros. Also so it can be understood what non characters are saying in other languages. I know this site has those quotes translated. I remember in a Q and A many years ago I think it was on Sega's site when promoting VF5 Online for Xbox 360 they said they would consider subtitles in the future.
      gido likes this.
    15. JCnextinc
      _An option TO TRUN OFF the yellow/red/blue clouds hit effects. :cry:(Like VF 4 option)
      _keep the dust effect
      _Licence Challenge with Dural Hidden stages.
      _DLC story mode (like Pachinko VF5
      _Nostalgia costumes (Sarah latex/shiny leather sexy suit etc..) Nostalgia hair cut and models.
      _BRING BACK Wet clothes
      _Night and day stages. Fog snow wind.
      Tekken_Sux likes this.
    16. Krish
      Please just don't let the walls disappear, Sega. It's a glitch.
      smbhax likes this.
    17. RedLineFGC
      Yo guys, I hope this thread is still being monitored for requests.

      My biggest issues/wants are:
      • WiFi indicator, this really is the biggest reason people are having a bad time with randoms, but when they're in lobbies it's not so bad.
      • Please add skill based trophies, the game is overrun at lower levels with trophy hunters just idling or hitting PPPPP so they can get the easy platinum trophy for the game. Makes ranked pointless as you're getting boosted by being matched with these people.
      • Please allow us to skip outros,
      • We need the ability to invite in lobby matches via the PSN friend's list,
      • An unranked match option outside of lobbies, so I don't have to awkwardly sit in chat with random people I play with.
      • In training, we want to be able to select a move from an opponent's movelist that the bot will repeat, to practice punishment (requiring you to know the character),
      • No quick rematch in lobbies, not sure why this doesn't work, but the button is greyed out and we always have to return to the lobby to rematch,
      • Training tutorial at the level of VF4 Evo,
      • Quest mode,
      • Ghost battle,
      • More customisation in each pack,
      • More UI options,
      • License Mode from VF5FS,
      • Easily view replays (with a large cap, T7's 30 isn't very much),
      • PC release, Steam specifically,
      • Combo challenges/tutorials, including wall combos and differing crumple states,
      • Different hit sparks, and ability to remove the hitsparks, also,
      • Rollback would be great, but it really messed Tekken 7 up (as well as increasing the native input delay), so I'm wary of blindly demanding this.
      Some of these are a bit unlikely, but I figure I'd get all my ideas out there.
      Last edited: Jun 6, 2021
      Zekiel and Shinobi like this.
    18. SSfox
      Tekken 7 rollback is bad implemented, try MK11, GGS or even KI (2013 game) to see what good rollback is.
      Zekiel likes this.
    19. Haubsthehobbit
      I just want to be able to have a mix of tracks from the vf series instead of having to stick with just one games tracks and switch game tracks to hear the one song I'm in mood for that day
      Zekiel, Junosynth and nou like this.
      Sonic The Fighters likes this.

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