Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown Feedback?

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2021.

By Myke on Jun 4, 2021 at 10:40 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Now that the game has been out for a while, you've hopefully(!?) spent enough time playing it! We here at VFDC have an opportunity to pass on some feedback to SEGA, and to start things off we've got a stack of suggestions inside but we want to hear from you! What are you waiting for?

    el blaze polygon.jpg

    The following suggestions have been collated by @MadeManG74, @Jide and myself, but of course would love to hear what you think as well! What are you waiting for? Start sounding off NOWWWWW!!!!!

    Ranked Match
    • The option to record in training mode while waiting for a match.
    • The ability to change dummy character without cancelling matchmaking.
    • Stage select.
    • Once you’ve successfully matched with someone:
      • to show if the opponent is using Wi-Fi or not
      • Region Icon when matched with someone
      • Option to change to Ping instead of connection bars.
    • To constantly show your connection to the opponent.
    • Region filter on matchmaking
    • Bonus points for completing the first to 2 set
    • An option to set the CPU to the last character you played vs after a ranked match
    • Be able to filter by any rank when searching
    Room Match
    • Invite friends/anyone to your own room.
    • Search rooms via username.
    • Once there are too many lobbies(20?), some lobbies will not show and the user has to search again.
    • Option to filter out locked rooms (can currently filter "for" locked rooms)
    • Option to filter by region
    • Option to filter for "Friend's Rooms only"
    • Ability to play multiple matches simultaneously when more than 3 (4?) players are in the lobby
    • (Infinite) Instant rematch possibility when only 2 players are in the lobby
    • Option to lock ranking + W/L, currently no option to play without losing/gaining points
    • Stage Select between matches in a set
    • Region Restriction on room creation as an option

    • Add Combo Training, above and beyond what's available in the built-in command list
    • Add tutorial to teach additional VF offensive and defensive strategies beyond the basic Tutorial
    • Add Trial Challenges for advanced techniques

    Command Training
    • Bring back Time Attack with Leaderboards for command lists

    Free Training
    • To change character without having to go back to the menu.
    • To change the stage without having to go back to the menu.
    • Show player lifebar to train perfect tech roll.
    • Ability to record/playback options after Guard or Wakeup
    • Online Training Mode - For experts to teach beginners VF.
    • Add option to map the training "Reset Position" function to another button (defaulted to R3)
    • In Playback mode, the "Reset Position" function doesn't work!
    • Extra options for positioning in the ring: parallel to the edge of the ring
    • Ability to save current position as the "Reset Position"

    Offline Versus
    • Make Dural playable
    • Ability to save replays
    • Ability to undo character selection at the Character Select screen

    • Ability to set music playlist according to VF version and stage
    • Mix and match UI, e.g. retro life bars with new UI

    • Rollback netcode
    • Connection strength indicators (bars) can be misleading
    • More Single Player content (ala Quest Mode)
    • Ability to search and view replays online
    • Ability to pause and frame advance forward/backward while watching replay
    • Additional character edit slots


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2021.

    1. Mech
      Button Configuration should be Push button to set, like how it is on the Yakuza version.
      MadeManG74 likes this.
    2. nou
      Awesome rollback netcode


      push-button configuration

      Legacy controller support

      I like the less items. You can view items without owning the DLC, unlike FS, and I haven't seen any stupid ones yet.

      VF4:Evo-styled training mode.

      VF4:Evo-styled Quest mode would be cool too, but not required.
      Zekiel likes this.
    3. b4k4
      I believe people before me will have covered a lot of important things, though I admit I couldn't read the whole thread.

      Outside of the UI improvements to lobbies where there are some obvious issues needing fixes (seriously how did they forget invites?), I believe there is a crucial training mode feature set missing:
      • Implement a feature that allows the training dummy to play recorded actions back as a reaction to certain situations.
        • For example "Guard, Recording 1" or "Counterhit, Random Recording"
      This is an essential training mode feature for modern fighting games that can allow players to test specific situations (e.g. "After my 3K is blocked, will my punch sabaki execute fast enough to beat their standing jab?" or "After my 2P hits on CH I've noticed they like to either evade TE, or abare with knee, and I wonder if I can find a tool that will cover both options?"). This feature is really important for guarded attacks, in particular, but having the option for normal and CH would be good as well.

      One thing I will add on the lobbies is that they need better documentation. They have a lot of good features, but those features are not at all obvious. It would be very helpful to have a small tutorial or walkthrough of the lobby settings, rather than having to learn what does what via trial and error.
      Carlos Lenz and Zekiel like this.
    4. SUGATA
      VERY IMPORTANT for cybersport (please , @Myke add to the list):

      1) In ALL modes add the ability to SAVE REPLAYS.

      2) Then when view the saved Replay ability to turn on FRAME DATA, INPUT (w/o hiding it on pause or scrolling like it was in VF5) + FAST and SLOW (frame by frame) scrolling the replay on FWD and (!) BWD too. This was in VF4 evo!

      3) Ability to download/see OTHERS REPLAYS (for ex his last 5 matches) of ANY player by entering his Psn id or in leaderboard! This was in DOA 5.
      Last edited: Jun 5, 2021
    5. I.M. Amazon
      I.M. Amazon
      Push-button configuration is an underrated but brilliant QOL improvement, good catch.

      I too prefer fewer items--but I wouldn't mind some more, or more templates, if only to facilitate "throwback" costumes (Vanessa's in particular springs to mind).
    6. lotrzyna
      @Myke - please update first post (legacy controllers and more) and perhaps sort it by number of people requesting? Or perhaps we could make a huge poll with all improvements proposed in the conversation and allow members to give points to 10 improvements they feel are most needed - 10 points to 1 point?

      My list of improvements with importance points in front of each improvement:


      9) PS3 era Arcade Sticks need to work. (mine VSHG does not)

      10) Net code needs to be rewritten - it is said to be new and better and in reality it is much worse than it was back in FS time. I have not encountered a game with so humongous lags, probably ever, not even in 56k era ;) - seriously - if this game wants to stand a chance in "e-sports" the code needs to be rewritten, perhaps help from other companies would be a good idea?

      6) There should be a way to achieve customization items via gameplay not only via real money.

      4) Saving replays and downloading high rank players matches should be added.

      3) As mentioned by someone before - adding games like VF3, VF4, VF4Evo, FV, FV2 would be perfect - perhaps as paid DLC? -
      all that considering that the game will cost some money on other platforms. If the game is free on all platforms no wonder net code does not work and customization is not free.

      8) In ranked/room matches - selecting by region should be possible, even better by country. Rankings could also have one additional level - country.

      7) Any rank should be added to search filters.

      2) "Play" option on every move in command training. Clearly visible command icon showing command to play the move.

      5) Only one "stamp" possible to send by one user every 5 seconds - "stamps" spam is terrible.

      1) Holding circle on loading screen should activate "high pitch" Sega sound :)

      I hope that me using "should" instead of "could" form is acceptable?

      Kind Regards,

      Last edited: Jun 5, 2021
      Zekiel, MadeManG74 and SSfox like this.
    7. smbhax
      High quality sticks have been readily available since the PS3 era.
      nou and Zekiel like this.
    8. smbhax
      When I search for "vf5fs all customizations" the result is mostly my own videos so eh well here's one with all the costumes I made back in the day, at least something for every character:

      Most of the other videos in that playlist are VF5FS editing sessions, you can see a bunch of the items in those. I don't have a video just running through all the items though.
      SSfox likes this.
    9. smbhax
      It's nice to see people asking for more single-player modes, there's no point in adding more single-player stuff until they fix its bad old FS AI so that it can actually defend competently, though; since FS you can just spam the AI to death with punches and kicks, that would get real old in a Quest mode, just like VF5 Quest mode gets old when you realize you can throw that AI at will.

      I'd enjoy them fixing Sarah's new Blouse model so it isn't all rumpled and oversized. Eh and make her jeans texture not look baggy, finally (they duplicated the weird sag lines faithfully from FS : P).

      Oh yeah also her arm warmers or whatever look like weird tattoos now.
      Last edited: Jun 5, 2021
    10. SSfox
      Thanks, that will do it for now.

      I forgot how awesome customization was in VF. Tekken had awesome too back then but since Tag 2 it has gone downhill **, when a franchise won't have a real competitor, it sometimes can really turn into a dogturd..

      The best thing that could happen for vf5us is they bring back all those customization while fixing netcode. And Quest mode would be just the icing on the cake.
    11. smbhax
      I didn't mess with Tag 2 much but its customization mode looked pretty incredible and quite a bit beyond the level of detail in VF5FS's customization. My impression is that Tekken 7's customization is fairly similar to Tag 2's, with maybe slightly fewer options (although I haven't looked at it in 8 months).
    12. SSfox
      Nah it was legit trash, everyone can share same clothes. Both Steve, Feng or Dragunov could wear a Chinese armor, I mean wtf!!! There was 1 or 2 unique piece of custom for each character and everything else was generic random shit that everyone can wear.

      PS: Sorry for off topic. If you want continue this discussion we can go in another thread.
      smbhax likes this.
    13. Gibon

      The stages are completely remade and much more detailed than in FS.
    14. Zaibatsu
      All the major possible improvements are listed in the article, but "ROLLBACK NETCODE" should be at the top of the list, not put aside in the "miscellaneous" section.
    15. SSfox
      Zekiel likes this.
    16. Jide
      Grab a PS4 Stick and play sir! Lol
      Zekiel likes this.
    17. Chanchai
      Two big items on my list are not on the current list as I see it:

      * Bring back Semi-Transparent Walls when the camera collides with the wall. This is a big deal because the situations around the wall are very “analog” and there is even speculation that in the transition to the new engine, the wall properties are slightly... different.

      * Make Side-Turn Major Counter hit spark more distinct. Yes, it’s a little distinct, but it is focus taxing and a little awkward. That said, because Red hit sparks exist, avoid using green (because of color blindness)!
      erdraug and smbhax like this.
    18. faster 10 lightning
      faster 10 lightning
      Totally agree with the wishlist

      But Single Player content like QUEST mode should be a priority.

      Now the game is free with Plus so we're safe, but when the will not be free anymore, people will just leave.

      VF5US realy too much on online, also online is pretty basic and netcode is imperfect.

      There is a LOT to add and to fix, but we must let Sega know our wishlist, so we must contect them on twitter, email etc.
      Gibon likes this.
    19. joanot

      Room search by ID and friend invites will be added on the next updates.
      Zekiel, MadeManG74 and smbhax like this.
    20. Shin ZAKIRA
      Shin ZAKIRA
      My only request beside the great suggestions that have been made, is that they fix the some of the faces. Specially Akira and Pai.

      also, Rollback net code. Even if it kills them.

      If they’re working on VF6, an extensive Story Mode along an excellent Rollback net code will help boost the games sales.
      Zekiel and Gibon like this.

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