Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O. Announced for Steam

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Nov 21, 2024.

By Myke on Nov 21, 2024 at 8:24 PM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Christmas has come early with the announcement of Virtua Fighter R.E.V.O. to be released on Steam, running at 4K, featuring Rollback netcode, and more! Are you ready for the revolution?[/prebreak]

    VF5 REVO Details
    From the official site:

    1. Supports Rollback
    2. First game balance update in 13 years!
      • Based off the upcoming VF5US / VFes Ver2.0 update.
      • Includes a "revival of popular skills"!?
    3. Improved visuals (4K @ 60FPS)
    What are you waiting for? Wishlist this today!

    vf5revo poster.jpg
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2024
    Chanchai, $ir JDE, Rekano and 22 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Nov 21, 2024.

    1. Ellis
      Vanilla VF5 felt more like VF4 did, a bit more "floaty" movement, but not in a bad way, it was more of a flow.

      FS made it very static, stiff, and also juggling silliness ala' tekken became a bit more of a thing with FS.

      I like both versions i guess, but i am partial to the VF4 and 5 Vanilla 'movement fluidity' with a bit less 60-70% bar juggling. ^^
      IttoLago and Junosynth like this.
    2. ToyDingo
      Are you talking about her KK from Defensive Stance? The straight mid kick followed by the full circular high kick?

      You're supposed to crouch under the second kick, and then punish her for spamming it. You can't sidestep it.

      Or are you talking about a different pair of kicks?
      LuketheDuke11589 likes this.
    3. LuketheDuke11589
      I'm not sure. I don't use Vanessa. I've noticed some Vanessa players spam it at times
    4. akai
      What some considered "overpowered" moves in the game is due to lack of knowledge and how to deal with it.

      Vanessa DS[K][K]
      - The first kick is a fairly fast safe mid strike
      - The second kick is a full circular special high strike. Very safe on block (also puts some distance between character on block) and will hit someone that attempts to attack low.

      If you anticipate the second portion of the attack string, ToyDingo suggestion to just crouch and whiff punish is a good choice. But if you blocked the move, you do have the frame advantage at mid-range distance.
    5. ICHIBANin10000

      Bro. Real recognize real. I agree with your frustration about the casual path VF took. Join the Cult of VF5 Vanilla . We are all like minded O.G.s

      Attached Files:

    6. ICHIBANin10000
      YEAH, I gotta get that VF5 R tournament I've been planning off the ground. If my homegirl had'nt moved back in with me in August, it would've been a done deal.

      Attached Files:

    7. ShinFuYux
      I'm guessing they're adding back the removed moves from the original vf5? That would mean lei fei would need a huge gameplay overhaul if that happens because he had a few stances that aren't in the current version.
    8. Hobo-Jho
      If anything, Sega should consider taking a page out of Capcom's book and create a blacklist system for R.E.V.O. and or VF6. Players trolling I can deal with. But when you take it to a level of disconnecting before the match starts or before I win, that shit becomes intolerable.

      “Pleasant_voice3”, and a plethora of punk ass clowns don’t know how to take one on the chin, so people like him resort to pathetic ass tactics that get people like me banned off PSN because I said “ggz”. I find it unfair that Sony takes my money on a monthly basis and despite that I have evidence, they won’t even allow me to protest my innocence. They don't even look at things that players are “reporting”, they just ban you for 7-?! days. To top things off, I have to deal with him when I get back online??? I might have to save up for a steam deck…‍
    9. celsowm
    10. LuketheDuke11589
      So what does this mean?
      40i4 likes this.
    11. akai
      I believe, the picture posted above suggests there will be an open beta to test the game before it is officially launched.
      Junosynth, 40i4 and LuketheDuke11589 like this.
    12. JCnextinc
      VF community won.
      Not only Steam version we get , but also They finally made the designtion "VF" official..! :love:
      So there is a chance they won't change the name (Like Harada's idea:mad:) or make a stupid reboot, as if VF had NO legacy.

      We have a chance the game to have a "6" like all other respected franchises.
      We have a chance that next Virtua Fighter will be called VF6..!

      Plus , this "VF" logo with calligraphy/Japnese paint brush effect is just beautiful.
      Last edited: Dec 12, 2024
      40i4 likes this.
    13. NDIS
      Man... I've played the beta and now I have to say - you're catastrophically right, right, right!

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