Virtua Fighter 5 Private Showing

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Nov 2, 2005.

By Myke on Nov 2, 2005 at 7:11 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    <font color="red">VFDC EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW >></font> handcam footage (11.1 MB)
    Huge thanks to our man on the inside, Reno, and MORE PICS INSIDE!

    source: ITmedia

    November 2nd, 2005 -- Sega's annual "Private Show" was held today showcasing it's upcoming titles to the press and amusement center operators. Virtua Fighter 5 was among the titles shown, where new screens and information have come to light.

    source: ITmedia

    From Srider's post we learnt that there'll be more outfit variations available. Here's a small screen showing 3 different Sarahs and 1 extra in silhouette!?

    source: Famitsu

    More info as it arrives!


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Nov 2, 2005.

    1. CarpeNoctumXIII
      Hot damn...they just owned everything all over again. Here's hoping for a PS3/XB360 port...
    2. sanjuroAKIRA
      and that new movement (aki) looks like some reverse body check guessing game (you can go for the throw damage/guessing games there or use it simply as a feint with what are either canned options thereafter or movelist or g cancel to movelist) pull in throw meets shun's 3/9pkg that you can use in stagger/oki/ura situations.

      it has a nice vf3 type look to it. the animations are nice and solid. real & heavy. it'll be nice to see that solidity when you catch fire and the yomi is all yours. i want to play this game.
    3. Pai_Garu
      My guess is that they've added side ways dashing, with each character having unique animations. So instead of dodging, you dash sideways, similar to crouch dashing. This is what I think happened when Jacky move sideways, he wanted to follow up with an attack, but was counter hitted by Akira's turn toward P, resulting in the red flash. Akira then dashes sideways and does a dblpm. Another thing I believe they added is different knock down status', as seen in Jacky's side crumple in the vid. I highly believe that if the dblpm hits from the front, it would result in a different type of down. Lastly, it seems like they are moving away from floats as before, and moving towards mostly to crumples and bounce combo system. I'm sure there will still be some floaters like Jeffry's knee or TFT.....
    4. paulosowski
      Akira in red outfit look like Lei Wulong from Tekken.Finally he looks like kung fu master
    5. Unicorn
      [ QUOTE ]
      PawelO said:

      Akira in red outfit look like Lei Wulong from Tekken.Finally he looks like kung fu master

      [/ QUOTE ]
      Lei Woulong is Chinese and his outfit too. Akira is from Japanese, so I think kimono fits him good. Plus I don't wish to see what will Namco say if this Lei-Woulong outfit will be in the final release /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
    6. Cephiros_VII
      G R E A T ! ! !. Just can't wait for a ps3/x360 port..........
    7. paulosowski
      Akira practice Baji Quan - this is not karate but kung fu, so his GI is in the wrong place, buddy.
      It's does not matter if he is from Japan or China.
    8. Unicorn
      Yeah, I just found it. Your right that he is Kung fu master. Outfit is good for his style, but not for some lawyers - if it will be to close to Namco's Lei Woulong /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
    9. Plague
      [ QUOTE ]
      Srider said:
      I'm sure there will still be some floaters like.....

      [/ QUOTE ]

      Gotta have AKira KNEE!!!!!
    10. nobody
      [ QUOTE ]
      Unicorn said:
      Outfit is good for his style, but not for some lawyers - if it will be to close to Namco's Lei Woulong /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

      [/ QUOTE ]

      Tell you what: Namco's lawyers can cry havoc about Lei Wulong similarity once they submit to an anal probing from Jackie Chan's legal team.
      Actually, the P3 reminded me of Lee Shuwen from Ehrgeiz, another Hakkyoku-Ken user.
    11. DeLune
      I watched the movie the 2nd time and I just thought of something.

      The new girl char = [​IMG]
    12. Dandy_J
      [ QUOTE ]
      Srider said:

      [/ QUOTE ]
      That's the best explanation I've heard so far. Also I'm wondering if you still will be able to cancel a failed evade with cd (or anything), since the new stumble animation kind of makes it seem like a failed evade is failed, period.
    13. Coroo
      Holy Shit! *Drops Dead*
    14. Chibitox
      While the graphics are looking great etc and gameplay news seem to be interesting, I'm still waiting for something new with the backgrounds looks. I mean I have a feeling of "already seen" x times with those backgrounds.
      Some have the VF3 feel in them (castle, great wall) while others look like advancced version of VF4 ones (Cage). I really hope each characters will have their own background (not like evo where Goh and Brad were kindah homeless lol). Therefore I'm really curious to see what they will do for Goh stage for example.
      The fact that the videos show characters in their 1P costume plus this "already seen" feeling with the backgrounds somewhat ease the "brand new" effect. Even if I know it's still early and all, I'm waiting for the vid that's gonna make me say "man all this new shit rocks".
    15. Kratos
      [ QUOTE ]
      DeLune said:

      I watched the movie the 2nd time and I just thought of something.

      The new girl char = [​IMG]

      [/ QUOTE ]

      Yeah she definitely using monkey style which is awesome.
    16. CarpeNoctumXIII
      [ QUOTE ]
      FrenchAkira said:

      While the graphics are looking great etc and gameplay news seem to be interesting, I'm still waiting for something new with the backgrounds looks. I mean I have a feeling of "already seen" x times with those backgrounds.
      Some have the VF3 feel in them (castle, great wall) while others look like advancced version of VF4 ones (Cage). I really hope each characters will have their own background (not like evo where Goh and Brad were kindah homeless lol). Therefore I'm really curious to see what they will do for Goh stage for example.
      The fact that the videos show characters in their 1P costume plus this "already seen" feeling with the backgrounds somewhat ease the "brand new" effect. Even if I know it's still early and all, I'm waiting for the vid that's gonna make me say "man all this new shit rocks".

      [/ QUOTE ]

      I couldn't agree more. While the promise of a "new" VF is just too much for words, espeacially when it's looking THIS good, I still can't shake the "been there, done that" feeling off my head. Obviously the game will probably play nothing like VF4, but even so, it doesn't seem like the designers are trying to be creative, but just trying to make a good looking game. It sure would be nice to see the VF in some new bgs.

      And about Goh and Brad...I really hope they do get their own stages as well. As a Goh player, it always sucked not having a "home". And anyone else tired of seeing everyone look the same in each game? Of course, like it was stated, this is a early build, and we know close to nothing as to what the final game will be like, but this is really just some food for thought.
    17. FatalRose
      I am so hyped, have not been this hyped over a game since VF4 Evo hehe. Seeing these screens makes me want to become a graphics whore.
    18. Setsuna_Goh
      i really hope they don´t add an extra button to the configuration, other than that, the 8 way dashing looks good to me, seems as if that will set up a much more interesting flow in the game, knowing AM2 they will surely outdo any expectations we have so far with the game, in more ways than one.

      can´t wait for more info to leak out, i sure hope a console release gets programmed, it would sure be a pity to us third world VFers if it only came out in arcade like FT
    19. 4gotten_kazama
      Those Akira outfits are the tightest what about GOH

      Later OH YEAH!!!!
    20. southeast
      aaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!! where's aoi!!!( oh and brad and kage aswell) i sure hope that she'll get a school girl outfit! and considering shes a college student she must have one! and did anyone notice that sarah is becoming more daring with 2p costume( i mean she's in tight tube matched witha mini skirt) this is very unconventional for vf costume designs..... but everything is coming up to be pretty well, and oh i definitely read somewhere and heard from my brother that yuji naka on behalf of am2 anounced that there will be and definitely vf will arrive in its homecoming cosole( as this is the term used) i just cant remember the sight.... mmmmmm.... anyway i was using google, hehehehe

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