Virtua Fighter 5 FS Exhibtion at MLG Raleigh

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by MLGCarlos, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    LOLOLOLOL OK. i have nothing to do with that blog LOL i just support it hahahahaa
  2. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    That's cute, everyone is skipping mlg cause they be ducking GT like scared nigga's.

    Enjoy your $3k, GT. >=j
  3. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    lol get off his dick kamais

    ain't nobody ducking
  4. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    I'm just trying to trash talk a bit so people get riled up and go to mlg instead, mlg is the future damnit. :(
  5. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    MLG Day 1 report: Around 15 participants of various skill levels. From the looks of it, that was more than SCV, MK9, or Skullgirls. The TOs have changed tomorrow's finals from Top 2 win streaks play for the cash to a single-elimination tournament (expected to be Top 8 streaks.)

    GT is absolutely dominating, of course. I believe his current streak stands at 27 or 28. All 2 out of 3s...he's lost no games. The next closest streaks are 10, 9, and 6 wins.
    Chanchai likes this.
  6. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    MLG was fun. I just hope I don't end up throwing away $500 with something stupid like ringing myself out.
  7. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    i hate you
    Dae and Tricky like this.
  8. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    MLG Day 2: As I mentioned yesterday, the format was expanded from a Top 4 win-streak finals (which was never posted here, but was printed on the signs posted at the stations) to a Top 8 single-elimination tournament. Despite MLGCarlos' efforts, the tournament portion was not on-stream. Also, what the announcers said during the grand finals was wrong. It was not the top 2 win streaks playing for the money, but the winners of the single-elim. Congratulations to GentlemanThief and thanks for the sessions and tips. Very personable, very helpful guy. Also, (a very, very salty) grats to Mark for taking 2nd place and $500.
    Chanchai likes this.
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    How much did 1st place get?
  10. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

  11. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I'll respond to this quote with another quote (from Twitter [P]

  12. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    My suggestions after playing:

    I think the winstreak idea isn't bad at all, it has potential for abuse, but with a top 4/8 format, ringers will get exposed in elimination, it's probably the best way to do the event.

    That said, I think once you get to a top 8/4 format, it needs to be double elim, or at least top 3/4 need to get paid. I would have been better off tanking matches earlier Friday, or deliberately buffing up someone's streak. There is potential for abuse- thankfully VF comm isn't like that, but other FGC's/folks would do this.

    I'd suggest for a 2k pot a 50/25/15/10 split if you're going single-elim, or a 60/30/10 if double-elim.

    Overall, I really did have a good time, I appreciate MLG taking the time to put VF out there. A future VF event would draw more top players, most went to Summer Jam instead (MLG at this point will not be picked over a major FGC event by most players). Was glad to meet the folks who showed, and get exposed to what real top-level VF play is like. I could tell my game improved over the time just from the pressure- I wish I had more of that.

    MLG does a great job of giving some exposure and opportunity to the other fighting games out there, and that makes it valuable to the FGC.

    I'd suggest TTT2, and DOA5 as future titles.
    Chanchai likes this.
  13. Trykt

    Trykt Well-Known Member

    Yeah I also had a great time this weekend, nice to play VF with so many new people and learn lots of new things. I still think the format was wonky and it was super janky that the format actually changed multiple times before all was said and done, MLG needs to step up their game because ironically they are running their FG events way less professionally than any community event I've ever been to. That seems to be a problem with the people upstairs though, I wanna shout out that the guys taking care of the FG area (to record streaks and such) were great and MLG Carlos plays a legit Shun!
    Chanchai likes this.
  14. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    That was Carlos? damn.
  15. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I never said this. I had no idea how much 1st place was getting. However, what I did say was I would not want to watch GT cruise his way to 1st with no competition. And I didn't watch it lol
    Chanchai likes this.
  16. MLGCarlos

    MLGCarlos Member

    Thanks to everyone for coming out. It was unfortunate that I couldn't get the info to everyone sooner. The rules did have a few changes but only when I felt that it would make it more interesting and competitive than the original format which realistically caters to new/random players. Anyone that takes fighting games seriously would hate to lose a chance at prize $ simply because they didn't get the longest streak. My solution was to take top 8 streaks and create a bracket on challonge and seed players the best I could.

    Yea that was me playing Shun. Wish I actually knew matchups in this game since I think that would have prevented me from getting blown up from not knowing when I can attack, or what wasn't punishable.

    I will do my best to try and run back an exhibition for Dallas but I will change the format so that the top 8 win streaks will be the format by default and given the time we have at the venue we should be able to do double elim next time. The reason we didn't at Raleigh was due to us having a strict schedule where the stream was starting at 10pm. I was happy that I could put you guys on the stream for an hour mid day since we had a lot of down time and I figured it would be great to give you guys some screen time.

    I would like you all to trust me when I tell you VF5 at Dallas is 95% chance. It will be better run and much more clear the rules once it's announced. I really hope you all can make it out and give MLG a reason to pick this game up next season.

    Thanks Again,
    Trykt, Koenraku and Chanchai like this.

    AU_IM_DIGIMON Active Member

    Finals for VF on stream was a joke. One match and BOOM it's over. GTFO! Never seen a stream chat make such a mockery of a fighting game in my life.

    Not a good look. :(

    Should have at least streamed top 3 or 4 or something.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Stream chat IMO kinda liked the match. Alot of the people watching were Soul Calibur stay-overs. At first they were ragging on VF pretty hard (since most of them never played it) but then their focused shifted on Gentleman Thief plowing through for the win. I know enkindu (famous Voldo player in SC) was chatting about how fast-paced the game seemed. Most of the comments I saw after the VF match was over was: "Oh, that's it?! One Match!?" or "I wish they showed more, it was too fast" People were talking about Gentlemen Thief alot in the chat too. They seemed interested to me

    AU_IM_DIGIMON Active Member

    ...I have no idea what you are talking about. :oops:


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