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Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown Version B Announced for March 2015

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Nov 4, 2014.

By akai on Nov 4, 2014 at 5:54 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    A new arcade version of Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown was announced today on Japan's official VF website. For several years, the arcade and console version of the game was Version A Revision 1. The announcement for Version B states that it will not be part of the ALL.NET system (aka the VF.Net online and cards system) and that further details will be released on transitioning from Version A Revision 1 to Version B. The announcement does not state any game balance changes or if any new features will be added to the game. Version B will be released in the arcades in March 2015. You can read an English translation of the announcement at Event Hubs.

    Tipped by @Unicorn


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Nov 4, 2014.

    1. Kikimaru
      Please return stagger on [6][P] vs Crouching to the old way!
    2. Shoju
      There was a lot of negativity coming out about FS from the VF players over there. Shou and another VF player from Japan said it wasn't liked (he said it was called the boring game on his forum) and the popularity ratings in the arcade mags were lower than before. Everyone I've asked that played all 3 versions of VF5 liked VF5R the best. I don't think I like any of the changes they made in FS myself.

      Don't know if anythings changed over there now or if newer players are getting into it or not.
      BLACKSTAR likes this.
    3. Pai~Chun
      Is this good news? :confused:
    4. Tha_FeauchA
      Guess it depends. I'm leaning towards yes. It's no secret that they went out of their way and took a different path with FS to dumb VF down and did things to make VF more accessible (the way throw escapes work, etc.) and flashy (long combos) to try and bring in players. So, maybe with this update, they'll try to bring VF back a lil closer to its roots and undo what they did, as far as an update will allow them.

      That's my take on it anyways.
    5. YOMI
      I'm pretty sure this will just be a balance update, so good-bye Taka, Akira and Jacky :ninja:

      I think that shit was pretty silly since it just meant you need to be ready to mash on your stick at any sitatuation, the FS way of just giving good advantage drives the same point but with no added redudant execution.
    6. Stl_Tim

      If your opponent decided to attack in disadvantage with the only universal move that allows you to instant duck at -4 to -9 which is 2p, then the elbow would stagger and not only mc you. Yes, you need to stagger recover and chance getting hit again. What a perfect way in the game to shutdown your stupidity for not hit checking.

      I think it's absurd that fs took this away just to sell more copies. Oh wait, that didn't work.

      I want vf back not Sesame Street Fighter.

      Sega please..
      BLACKSTAR likes this.
    7. MarlyJay
      Firstly, FS did sell more copies. Secondly i don't really trust them to implement the stagger properly anyway. It'll be OK if it always grants at least +6 on fastest stagger escape, AND doesn't push the opponent out of throw range as they fall on their arse.

      This isn't currently the case with a lot of staggers in the game though.

      I'd prefer just a deepening of Nitaku (in general) along with a harsher penalty for getting CH out of 2P by elbow and sidekicks. +10 and +12 would get people thinking about spamming dickpunch.

      Edit to add: I don't think there will be any gameplay changes anyway. I suspect people might be disappointed.
      Kamais_Ookin and Jacko like this.
    8. Stl_Tim
      Good to know. Now, fix the freaking game, so I can have my target audience back. This new generation has no chops.
    9. WingedRegent
      Your target audience? I don't think you're on the dev team for the game. Otherwise, you could "fix the game" yourself. :p

      There's no need to be elitist regarding video games at all quite frankly. Sure, we can argue things have gotten dumbed down to some regard, but to be dismissive of the "new generation" when everyone was, at one point, a "beginner" to the game is just a bad attitude to have, especially on a game like Virtua Fighter. While I do think some things could be changed from FS Version A (I like MarlyJay's suggestion regarding 2P), it's not as if the game is fundamentally broken. It's still "Virtua Fighter". It just happens to be a little different in some ways, and depending on how it's viewed, some are better and some are worse.
    10. Jeneric
      You only had to do one input to get out of elbow staggers, no mashing was necessary.

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