Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned

Discussion in 'News' started by Shou, Feb 19, 2004.

By Shou on Feb 19, 2004 at 11:11 PM
  1. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member


    Official site: Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned

    At AOU 2004, Sega AM2 has announced a new upgrade entitled Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned which adds new single player aspects as well as balancing out the game more while adding new moves. Expected in Japanese arcades during the Summer of 2004, however, no news of a console port have been announced. Expect media soon.

    Jacky Bryant Tuned

    Aoi Umenoukouji Tuned


Discussion in 'News' started by Shou, Feb 19, 2004.

    1. FaisonI
      Re: Goh = WTF

      Holy Shit! I hope like hell that Goh has some new BT move, other wise they could have kept this PK. Goh's moves and throws are so technically sound and great looking they need to give him some reversals.
    2. Onny
      Re: Goh = WTF

      it's possible they just modified his old [P] [K] into something like [P][2][K].. it would make more sense if you think about it. as it is though, that [K] looks semi-circular at least and fairly fast.. i wonder if he'll be able to [P][K][G] or not.
      and you're right, i guess they're going to give him some nice backturned options..
    3. GKaizerZero
      Re: Goh = WTF

      my bet is on backturned throws, fast crumples or even a new way to Tsukami opponents.
    4. PhoenixDth
      Re: Goh = WTF

      Its for jumping off the wall and humiliating your opponent you silly people /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
    5. Cuz
      Re: Goh = WTF

      Man just being able to turn that oaf around is nice enough!
    6. Drift
      Re: Goh = WTF

      (I'm sure somebody else has already mentioned this, so I apologize in advance. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif )

      This could just be because of the gif but it appears to me as though Goh is at a disadvantage on hit if he doesn't turn around.
    7. supergolden
      Lion is up

      Lion's skill is up... looks like a kick with an option to recover backturned (dunno if he had this already) into an elbow, p from backturned...

      Looks like he gets advantage after this as he pokes Shun in the eye (Lion fights dirty)...

    8. Raptor1017
      Re: Aoi is up

      Aoi's skill got posted. Looks like a new punch string where the third hits pushes away. looks similar to Pais 4P. Maybe you can cancel it the way you can some of her other strings? And Pai next week!!
    9. Cruz
      Re: Aoi is up,waiting for Pai

      Nothing really changed in Aoi's new skill.

      Anyways, I'm excited to see Pai's & Sarah's new skill! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
    10. GKaizerZero
      Re: Aoi is up

      do you think it can be followed up with one of her low throws? it'd be nice but it seems as if Akira is recovering somewhat quickly, so i'm unsure. and does anyone know if this is on a normal hit, mc or MC?
    11. Nybec
      Re: Aoi is up

      MC = yellow flash
      mc = white flash but hit in the recovering frames of a move
      So I would say normal.

      The input of the new move should be:
      but can be mixed up with:
      Seems like you can break before the push away double palm and also choose which way the halfcircular will hit. My guess would be that Aoi has advantage upon block of the last hit. Also seems as if it's a kind of evade when inputting [8] or [2] so maby she can break it here aswell. It would be really sweet if she could evade linears as [2]+[P] with the evade.
      Not confirmed but I think she has [P],[P],[K],[P] aswell. The [K],[P] is supposed to work as Sarah's and make a combo which makes it a pretty good mixup.
    12. agios_katastrof
      Re: Aoi is up

      that Aoi string looks sweet!!!! yet more offensive mixups in her arsenal. imho, it looks like the most useful new FT skill revealed so far.
    13. Nybec
      Re: Aoi is up

      Really? If [K],[P] works as Sarah's that would be a greater upgrade because she lacks guaranteed damage potential in situations with elbowadvantage ([6]+[P],[P] is not so good)

      Still waiting for a easy way to punish [2]+[P] with her though. Like a sabaki only working on [2]+[P] which gives better damage than that rotten reversal /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    14. Aoi_Mei
      Re: Aoi is up

      [ QUOTE ]
      Nybec said:

      Still waiting for a easy way to punish [2]+[P] with her though. Like a sabaki only working on [2]+[P] which gives better damage than that rotten reversal /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

      [/ QUOTE ]

      Agreed 100%.
      And [K][P] like Sarah´s would indeed be welcome.
    15. Nybec
      Re: Aoi is up

      Sorry for the mixup in the News thread about FT skills on SEGA's homepage. I thought you meant of Aoi's all revealed FT skills (know from japanese players) and not the animated GIF ones.
    16. agios_katastrof
      Re: Aoi is up

      heh, np. yeah, that's what i meant - just going by the little gifs- admittely, any info from the gifs is speculation at best.
    17. Wonderful
      Re: Aoi is up

      *NEWS FLASH !*

      Inside sources at Sega have stated that VF 4 Final Tuned will be a sims type of game and not a fighter.
    18. Gorbag
      Re: Aoi is up

      Pai should be up in the next hours /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    19. DRE
      Re: Pai update

      It starts with something resembling [K]+[G] leading to a backturned elbow hit-throw.

      Shun is next.
    20. archangel
      Re: Pai update

      What an awful new move they have given her seem like another useless backturned move to add to her collection but i'm interested in that first kick they showed maybe a float on MC who knows.

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