Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned

Discussion in 'News' started by Shou, Feb 19, 2004.

By Shou on Feb 19, 2004 at 11:11 PM
  1. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member


    Official site: Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned

    At AOU 2004, Sega AM2 has announced a new upgrade entitled Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned which adds new single player aspects as well as balancing out the game more while adding new moves. Expected in Japanese arcades during the Summer of 2004, however, no news of a console port have been announced. Expect media soon.

    Jacky Bryant Tuned

    Aoi Umenoukouji Tuned


Discussion in 'News' started by Shou, Feb 19, 2004.

    1. Chill
      Re: Final Tuned AM2 page

      Haha that's awesome. ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH?!
      (wtf is wrong with his ribs?)
    2. DeathCom
      Re: Final Tuned AM2 page

      Yeah, that is quite odd. Probably broke em at some point and they healed all strange.. dunno.

      Anyway, so is there any news on a console conversion? Im probably never going to find this game at an arcade, so my only hope is a console port. Last I heard AM2 had no intention of bringing this one home. I hope it aint so.

      Kanna_Nobutoshi, on that note about new costumes. That would have been a nice addition to FT, but at this point it looks like we are waiting for VF5 for that. However, new isnt always good. I just hope that when VF5 hits, they stay true to the character's now signature costumes. In VF3 many of the cast had just plain god awful new looks (Sarah's boring black jeans w/ heart boob hole top, spiked heels, and WAY too much face makeup. Kage and his disco pants. And poor Pai... WTF were they thinking), it was hedious. I think most of the fans hated it too, so we got the classic new in VF4. Another thing thats really cool about the classic looks coming back is that it makes it clear how far the graphics have advanced.

    3. MrFixit
      Re: Final Tuned AM2 page

      nothing listed for a home release yet? If only we could get some online support... there is no vf scene where i live.

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