Virtua Fighter 360 Confirmed

Discussion in 'Console' started by Jide, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    You are a fucking funny man. The flaw in your idea is that you think everyone else is dumb. They are not. People know the third world is poor relative to the U.S. Guess what -- they don't really give a shit, and a different news network won't convince them otherwise. Get your head out of the clouds boyo and greet the real world.

    Guys like Bill Gates, guys who actually put money where their mouths are, should be applauded for what they do. Guys like you...well...I've heard shit about you too, but I won't plaster them here like a guy with a chip on his shoulder.
  2. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    n response to BK:

    I don't like the fact that the industry is filled with gimmicks and crap these days either but unfortunately that's what a majority of people buy into.
    All Microsoft/Sony/Any other company can really do is keep on telling you a product is out there and then it's up to the consumer to go and buy it or not buy it. Money talks and people vote with their wallets.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i dont agree with this and i never have.

    people are told what they want by developers
  3. powerincarnate

    powerincarnate Well-Known Member

    I'll throw in my 3 cents.

    I have a PS3 by the way, I dont' have XBOX or the WII.

    1. How could someone NOT be excited that it will be out for the 360. Are people THAT connected to a company that really doesn't share that same loyalty to you??? Quite Frankly, if anyone is more loyal to their fans, it's Microsoft. Why you ask?? If you were a beta tester, which I was, for the Vista, and you found and made microsoft aware of at least 1 bug, Microsoft GAVE you a free copy of Windows Vista Ultimate. Sony on the other hand, Let's not even bring up the whole Rootkit thing with their music CDs.

    But it goes even deeper than that. If you are here then I'm asumming you are a VF fan. If you are in the US and you like VF, then you know it is HARD to find competition. Wouldn't it be good to have even more people buy and play the game. Just like it was even better than the combine VF4 sold 600 Gs instead of whatever VF3 sold??. I mean, wouldn't we WANT to have Virtua Fighter be around more than 2 years at EVO and be a permanant Fixture??? I mean, Tekken is?? why not VF. (This is another reason why there needs to be online play, but that is another argument.) MOST people who buy VF isn't going to be going to EVO or any national tournaments, there simply isn't time from school, to work for that, and money would be wiser spent elsewhere for most. But if there are more people with systems at home. Then maybe a coworker, a classmate, a dorm mate, or the guy down the hall might just have it and want to play.

    This brings up another beef with sony. PS3 was suppose to have already been out since march for japan, and here in the states and EU, it should have already had decent quantities. But with the launch like that, and a game that is completed like VF and set to release in Feb, just HOW many people would actually buy VF5. After all, in november, no PS3 game made the top 10, and MOST Of that reason is due to shortage. I don't think by February, there would be enough people who have systems and would buy Virtua Fighter that they would beat VF4's 600,000 sales (and this is not even including EVO sales).

    Now this is probably what Sega was thinking. We aren't going to sell a lot of VF5s, we made a mistake for making it exclusive. WE just spent a crap load of money building and upgrading current hardware so that we can make the Linbergh (spelling) architecture. Then we spent a crap load of money/time developing VF5, then we spend a crap load of money paying the workers that are involved with VF5 and whatever marketing and other side cost included. Games are way more expensive to make now. WHY STICK TO JUST PS3?????????? Going to the 360 was an easy choice, especially for the US where there is some 10 million potential buyers.

    So now the 360 has a chance to get Ver C while PS3 is stuck with Ver 2 unless a patch is released. In that sense I guess i'm not too happy, but what do you expect, they probably already signed an exclusive contract for a few months and the in that time, it really wouldn't be smart to just release a non updated game. Plus those looking VF5 EVO, there is no guarantee that they would release it, after all, chances are they would need to include 2 new characters and i'm not sure if SEGA is that quick into introducing so many characters this soon. (2 from VF4, 2 From EVO, 2 from VF5 and 2 more for what would be VF5 evo).

    As for WII owners asking for a port to the WII, were you guys serious? You guys might as well get use to having games released for just 2 and not all 3 systems. In this transitory period, you might get XBOX level games quickly tweaked with Wii functionality, and in the case of companies like EA, you might get a sort of from ground up rebuilt of the game like Madden 2006, but that is because EA has the money to take that gamble. BUT any game made for and only for next GEN, when it comes time to port it, More chances then not,
    Wii will get shafted. PLUS, when was the last time, a nintendo system was the King for Fighting games???? oh yeah, SNES 3 Generations ago.

    In conclusion, with Games being this expensive to make; one that is made worse with a shortage, the days of exlusives are gone and or going to be around for 3-6 months, but no longer the year or 2 years before the possibility of a port (if it is even ported).
  4. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    [ QUOTE ]
    BK__ said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    n response to BK:

    I don't like the fact that the industry is filled with gimmicks and crap these days either but unfortunately that's what a majority of people buy into.
    All Microsoft/Sony/Any other company can really do is keep on telling you a product is out there and then it's up to the consumer to go and buy it or not buy it. Money talks and people vote with their wallets.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i dont agree with this and i never have.

    people are told what they want by developers

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah and whats wrong with that exactly? If that was the case you wouldn't be playing games ever.

    You can't make a game for 10 people who want that type of game etc..
    The only way to actually stop that is become a developer yourself..
    Who said gamers have the best ideas anyway?
  5. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jide said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    BK__ said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    n response to BK:

    I don't like the fact that the industry is filled with gimmicks and crap these days either but unfortunately that's what a majority of people buy into.
    All Microsoft/Sony/Any other company can really do is keep on telling you a product is out there and then it's up to the consumer to go and buy it or not buy it. Money talks and people vote with their wallets.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i dont agree with this and i never have.

    people are told what they want by developers

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah and whats wrong with that exactly? If that was the case you wouldn't be playing games ever.

    You can't make a game for 10 people who want that type of game etc..
    The only way to actually stop that is become a developer yourself..
    Who said gamers have the best ideas anyway?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Remember when the Tetsujin during the VF2 days came up with their own game based on their likes and dislikes of their game of choice? I hear this game was very popular and not disregarded at all.

  6. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    powerincarnate said:

    1. How could someone NOT be excited that it will be out for the 360. Are people THAT connected to a company that really doesn't share that same loyalty to you???

    But it goes even deeper than that. If you are here then I'm asumming you are a VF fan. If you are in the US and you like VF, then you know it is HARD to find competition. Wouldn't it be good to have even more people buy and play the game. Just like it was even better than the combine VF4 sold 600 Gs instead of whatever VF3 sold??. I mean, wouldn't we WANT to have Virtua Fighter be around more than 2 years at EVO and be a permanant Fixture??? I mean, Tekken is?? why not VF. (This is another reason why there needs to be online play, but that is another argument.) MOST people who buy VF isn't going to be going to EVO or any national tournaments, there simply isn't time from school, to work for that, and money would be wiser spent elsewhere for most. But if there are more people with systems at home. Then maybe a coworker, a classmate, a dorm mate, or the guy down the hall might just have it and want to play.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very well said. I had a couple of friends who are xbox loyalists, know that I will be picking up a PS3, and tried to "pick a fight" by throwing it in my face that VF5 would be released on the 360.

    My argument was pretty much the same. I told them that I am happy that the game is going to be released on both systems. I am happy that the game will get a much larger user base. I am happy that it might actually bring new players to the franchise.

    Anything to further grow our community is good. I applaud SEGA for this move, and hope the trend continues.
  7. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Are you guys ready for the onslaught of VF5!!?

    SoCal vs NorCal rivalry!!
  8. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

  9. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    GodEater said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jide said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    BK__ said:

    i dont agree with this and i never have.

    people are told what they want by developers

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah and whats wrong with that exactly? If that was the case you wouldn't be playing games ever.

    You can't make a game for 10 people who want that type of game etc..
    The only way to actually stop that is become a developer yourself..
    Who said gamers have the best ideas anyway?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Remember when the Tetsujin during the VF2 days came up with their own game based on their likes and dislikes of their game of choice? I hear this game was very popular and not disregarded at all.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh shit, Anarchy in the Nippon! Man, I remember the Saturn-loving internet was ALL OVER that stupid thing when it was in utero, but after it came out and wound up sucking, you never heard about it again.

    What most people don't know is that IT GOT A SEQUEL.
  10. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jide said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    BK__ said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    n response to BK:

    I don't like the fact that the industry is filled with gimmicks and crap these days either but unfortunately that's what a majority of people buy into.
    All Microsoft/Sony/Any other company can really do is keep on telling you a product is out there and then it's up to the consumer to go and buy it or not buy it. Money talks and people vote with their wallets.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i dont agree with this and i never have.

    people are told what they want by developers

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah and whats wrong with that exactly? If that was the case you wouldn't be playing games ever.

    You can't make a game for 10 people who want that type of game etc..
    The only way to actually stop that is become a developer yourself..
    Who said gamers have the best ideas anyway?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    it's because of this that i dont play games ever~

    it's not the function of control that's the problem, it's "where the f**k are they going??"

    what isss a PSP? is it a music player that plays games? or a games console that plays films? or a PC hardware device which stores data with a screen? do you know why it sells?~ because it does everything right except games~ holds the expense of mainstream console development costs, spam of old generation playstation titles, lack of experimentation / original projects, and has the same control limitation of a playstation pad with a screen ~ and yet i see countless people buying such expensive powerful hardware and playing 16bit games as their main personal preference o___o~~

    why was it made? who is it for? does sony know? ofcourse sony knows to leech money from 4 other industries inwhich case games clash into music which clashes into films which clash into PC multimedia equiptment which doubles, triples and triples again money comming in so if they fuck up the games market, they still have consumers from different subjects with different needs buying their hardware~~

    you call that direction? i call it messed up and that's what the industry is gonna turn into as long as dumb and dummer are representing the subject of gaming taking into an account of such legendary phases in the history of gaming responsible from sega, nintendo, treasure, snk, capcom, and this direction will be a division of the industry that nintendo made with the Wii and DS catered to completely different approches to gaming~ one supports advancement, and the other sprinkles sugar on a crash and burned video games campaigne which took place in the early 90s~ guess which one i prefer to follow.
  11. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

  12. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    BK__ said:

    it's because of this that i dont play games ever~

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you mean besides VF?

  13. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    BK, welcome to life...

    If you want things to change, you'd have to do it yourself. People aren't mind readers.
  14. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    [ QUOTE ]
    nobody said:

    I'm actually morbidly interested now. If anyone has any more media or gameplay details on this or its sequel, please post them in General or something.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i played the game before, liked it though! there is a female akira alike character in it if i remembered correctly lol!

    anyway there are two videos on youtube of the sequel
  15. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    That Kei character is Brad. Same kind of kicks/knee/sweep, and even has the PPPKK move!!
  16. Paperstone

    Paperstone Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    Wow.... the similarity is astounding!!!
  17. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    ehh.. life? /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    i was just voicing my reason why i wanted VF to come out on the Wii~

    i dont think being a developer can change much either~ it;s because the industry has attracted such an enormous audience that small developers just die out quicker if they dont pay the bills~ inwhich case they are forced to follow whichever company made a sucessful break first~ and so.. they spam cash-ins on sony hardware to make easy money... and so... the cycle continues (sega do this~.. alot.)

    it's up to another 1st party leader (i.e nintendo) to give the consumers another road to consider. ~ and then it branches off into an alternate direction over time.
  18. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: Goiken Muyou

    I heard this game is actually quite good, isn't some of the tetsujins unlockable as playable characters like bunbun /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif
  19. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    BK__ said:

    ehh.. life? /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    i was just voicing my reason why i wanted VF to come out on the Wii~

    i dont think being a developer can change much either~ it;s because the industry has attracted such an enormous audience that small developers just die out quicker if they dont pay the bills~ inwhich case they are forced to follow whichever company made a sucessful break first~ and so.. they spam cash-ins on sony hardware to make easy money... and so... the cycle continues (sega do this~.. alot.)

    it's up to another 1st party leader (i.e nintendo) to give the consumers another road to consider. ~ and then it branches off into an alternate direction over time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Or, it's up to industry leaders like Sony and MS to offer an easier means for those smaller development companies to get their games out to the public.

    i.e. Downloadable content.
  20. Chinny

    Chinny Well-Known Member

    Here's a question for someone.

    Say Sega does not release a stick for the 360 version of Xbox...

    Anyone know if you can use PS2 to USB adapters for a PC on a 360? If so, anyone know of any good ones?

    The only decent stick I know of for the 360 is the one Hori produced for DOA4. Those things are out of print now, and just about every one I've found has been near $100 and UP. I don't know about dishing out that much cash for a stick.

    All I know is if I can't play VF5 with a stick on 360 then I'm gonna be pretty pissed. Seriously.

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