Virtua Fighter 3 vs Dead or Alive 2 vs Tekken 3

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Trojan X, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    $15000 was the one with seats and giant monitor, and it's much rare we could see.

    The price I post was for a regular one single setup, and you could pay more for two monitors setup.
  2. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    You maybe correct but I still doubt it was as cheap as 3500-4000, at least if it was not bought second hand. I believe that was the going rate in the US just for the second hand board while VF3 was still being played. At least in the US that big premium version I believe was the most common one, unfortunately. Thus charging a dollar for a play was not that uncommon. In Korea they had (perhaps not entirely legal, I don't know) recycled cabinets modified with VF3 boards in order to cut down the costs. They were still more expensive than typical Tekken3/TTT setups and forced the arcades to charge more per play.
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if $3500 was for second hand or not, and the reason I knew the amount was because one of my friend who was the owner of a arcade store and he told us how hard to gain profit from VF3 cabs. Anyway $15000 was insane and I couldn't imagine how to run such an expensive cab in the arcade store.

    It's very tough for VF3 to survive at that kind of environment, too bad for AM2.
  4. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Wow, I'm still watching your video, Trojan, but I can already tell that you've created a great documentary on Virtua Fighter 3 and the other fighting games of that generation. I'm ultimately grateful to you for such a contribution.

    I figure you captured the sharp 1080p footage of VF3 using the emulator Demul?
  5. tenren

    tenren Well-Known Member

  6. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    The explanation of the Korean Step is very confusing because the flow chart differs (and is itself ambiguous) from what is described and shown in the video.
  7. Kokujin

    Kokujin Active Member

    We are talking about a random people here, not fighting game aficionados.I was saying that VF is not that popular because it's not casual friendly and it isn't flashy.In Tekken, you hit buttons and watch the fireworks fly,I read an interview last year from capcom saying they made SFIV casual friendly after seeing Tekken's success.They are 2 different games with 2 different audiences.You find everyone with a copy of Tekken 6 and compare it to everyone with a copy of VF5, and I guarantee you'll find most people with VF5 are more serious about the game than the Tekken crowd.
  8. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    Arcade machines in the 80's and 90's were actually a lot cheaper than they are now, since they sold a lot more units. From what I remember, the going price was something like $2000 for cheaper ones, and $3000 for more expensive cabs. I distinctly remember my local arcade operator saying VF3 was more expensive than any of the other fighting games, so 3500 to 4000 sounds about right. One reason why KOF was so huge in certain parts of the world was that the Neo Geo MVS system was cheap and you could easily switch the boards to newer versions of the game. Sega on the other hand were notorious for bringing out expensive arcade hardware that was hard or practically impossible to pirate.

    Also note the price of $4000 was for the old single cabs where you sat right next to your opponent and jostled for elbow room, not the huge Megalo50's. The explosion in cost later on was due to each player having to have their own screen, which was almost a doubling of hardware AND space taken up.

    I know for a fact that the costs went soaring up in the early 2000's. Ghost Squad brand new in 2004 was $16000. I think VF4 was around $10000, but earlier games were much cheaper. By the time of VF5, you were looking at upwards of $20000 for some setups, which is another big factor in the decrease in arcade profitability.

    Back to VF3's popularity. It wasn't a flop, but compared to VF2 it was a shadow of the series' former glory. Prominent players such as KyasaO stated that VF3 felt sluggish compared to VF2. Even in Japan, VF3 was like the black sheep that divided the fanbase, similar to the way Tekken 4 was received.
  9. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    You are obviously not reading what I am saying. My whole point is why should the button mashers you are referring to matter when they are not actual players of any fighting game.

    And I disagree with the majority of what you are saying. Most of the people who bought VF5 are not serious about VF5. How can I tell? Because VF5 in fact sold surprising well on PS3, perhaps more than it deserved. Most likely because it was the only fighting game available for PS3 when it came out. It sold close to a million copies. The majority of them in fact were sold in the WEST. but do we have anywhere close to a million PS3 users interested in playing VF5 seriously?
  10. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    But do we have anywhere close to a million PS3 users interested in playing VF5 seriously?

    I guess it depends on what you mean by 'seriously'.

    A million people bought VF5? That means...that a million people were interested enough to spend money on it? Maybe there is still a future for the franchise then.
  11. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    The PS3 version, released without any competition at the time, sold a million. The XBOX version, released with the new online feature but in midst of other competitions, sold less than a quarter of that. (Roughly comparable to King of Fighters or other minor Japanese fighting games) Perhaps it's possible to argue the people who bought the XBox version may have been more serious. But the million PS3 buyers serious with VF5? Very unlikely. If you somehow equate spending money==being serious, Tekken has far more serious players, no competition.
  12. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    But there is a bit of difference between PS3 VF5 and Xbox VF5. PS3 is doing well in Japan, and worldwide, while Xbox is doing better in US and not so well in Europe/Japan.

    I can see why people bought VF5 on PS3 for lack of competitive fighting games at the time...but VF is VF. Theres not mistaking VF for a 'button bashing' kind of game. It is encouraging to know that there 'could' be a million or so PS3 owner out there who are interested in FS.
  13. Kokujin

    Kokujin Active Member

    Virtua Fighter 5 sales

    Those are the sales figures for all versions of VF5.The US PS3 version only sold around 270,000 copies.

    Tekken 6 sales

    Those are the figures for Tekken 6.It sold 1.03 million copies on the PS3 in the US alone.I still believe there's a larger percentage of serious VF players when compared to the sales of the games, it has virtually no casual sales, unlike Tekken.
  14. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    I think VF5FS will move more than 270k copies, there is more interest in fighting games at the moment than there was when Tekken 6 dropped. Tekken 6 was awful and made me disown the series, bad vibes..
  15. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    I heard every numbered entry after Tekken 3 was worthless. I wouldn't know. I've only played Tekken 2 and Tekken Tag Tournament.
  16. Kokujin

    Kokujin Active Member

    I used to play Tekken hardcore and 5 was where I called it quits, it wasn't a terrible game, but Tekken never felt right after playing VF4.
  17. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Tekken Tag was the last one I enjoyed, Tekken 2 was my favorite of the series. As shallow as DOAU was I liked it more than T6. So glad we're getting another VF with online and lobbies.
  18. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    Great, this turned into yet another Tekken bashing thread in VFDC! It would not be VFDC if a week went by without someone bashing a namco or capcom game.

    Believe me, there were plenty of casual VF5 sales on PS3 and casual VF4 sales on PS2. 770 thousand copies sold in the US +Europe. That's nearly ten times the figure sold in Japan.

    If we actually had a million serious VF5 players on PS3, wherever they happen to be, we wouldn't have half the conversation we are having. Do you really think VF5R console petition would have struggled to collect 500 if we had 270,000, never mind a million, serious VF5 players on PS3 alone?

    "I heard every numbered entry after Tekken 3 was worthless. I wouldn't know. I've only played Tekken 2 and Tekken Tag Tournament."

    Apparently Tekken 6 was so worthless that it became number one fighting games in Japan and Korea for years in running.
  19. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    Changing the subject a little:
    Of course, I too wish we had as many serious players interested in VF. Bashing and deriding Tekken never brought in any new players in 20 years (if it did, we would have millions of VF players by now.)

    I am willing to bet that a lot of what I said co-incides with what Sega is thinking. They know they have limited market for VF5 now. Unlike when VF5 was first released on PS3 (with no direct competition and very few games available on the system), there is little reason for the casuals to buy FS. The window of release is limited as the market is fairly saturated with fighters and TTT2 will be released in September. If they thought they could have made money with full priced retail release, they would have.

    One player at the PAX EAST (whom I would not name here) made an excellent point. People here like to BS all day about Sega should do this and do that. But you know people's careers are at stake? Whose going to pay for it if they make huge investment and it doesn't sell? It won't be a VFDC member who pays with his/her job. It's easy to be a captain hindsight, but making future business decisions are other matters.
  20. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member


    Could you link us to your sorce for VF sales figures?

    VG chartz seems to disagree with your figure on VF5 PS3 and also on the VF4 figures:;results=200

    Also, I agree with you on Tekken bashing, enough Tekken talk on VFDC already...its a sign of insecurity when people have to bash Tekken to feel better about VF.

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