Virtua Fighter 2 is returning to PS2!!!!

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Mr_Frankie, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Listen you fucking idiot of a saturn fanboy. Some of the people on this board actually know the difference between fucked-up port and the original game, unlike you who obivously can't tell the difference between a cow and a monkey if they were in VF2. Please take your saturn cock blowing back to your mom and leave it where it belongs. Nobody cares about your cry for help, please go kill yourself because you think someone's dissing your system.
    STFU already
  2. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Neonomide said:

    I know this whole site is bursting with elitist pissheads who only think VF is ever going to be worth playing in two player mode, against semi-gods who eat, sleep and shit VF 24/7.

    Doesn´t it make you feel more expert to shit on Saturn VF2, because most of it rocked anyway?

    Anyone really know how they screwed Sat VF2 so totally, or are they just entertaining their empty heads? Only thing I noticed was Kages pounce, which didn´t matter because he had [6][6][K] with better properties anyway.

    but I have no issue against the great Saturn conversion, which I own in mint condition. I just get pissed after this unfare smashing of what probably still is the best 32bit title ever made. With knobs on.

    Saturn VF2 had a great (if guite ascetic by modern standards) expert mode which really should be somehow included to the new version, with some bonuses on (ie VF4/ Evo) and great AI intact. I have always been one of those woodheads who enjoy fooling around with AI:s. Not because I´m stupid and mediocre player, but because it is challengive and downright different form of playing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I tried to split your post up into pieces...but there's so much to reply to.

    Ok, first of all, just because I feel as though the game of VF is best enjoyed as a one-on-one player experience, doesn't make me an elitist pisshead. Let's just get that clear. One thing that you fail to recognize, is the *especially in VF2* you can never really appreciate playing the game at a highly competitive level if you exclusively play the game as a single player experience. This point is not even worth debating - it's solid fact.

    Secondly, the port was not great. When assessing the value or 'greatness' of a port you must consider both graphics and gamplay. The graphics are sub par, no doubt. Representative of the game, sure, but far from a replica of the arcade version. From a gameplay perspective, there are even more issues. Let's look at some examples, sshall we?

    1. Floats on the Saturn version are higher.
    This in itself is enough to make the game quite a bit different. Higher floats = more combos = more damage, etc etc...

    2. The saturn version plays faster
    Again, here the very feel of the game is different. VF2 required strict timing for certain combos, etc. Lose this, and you lose your match.

    3. Easter eggs from the Arcade version not present in Saturn version
    In the arcade version, on Jacky's stage, you can get the bird to fly down from the mountain and 'pester' the losing character. The arcade version of Kage's stage had torches that could be knocked over by a falling opponent being rung out - not present on the console. Additionally, in the arcade version had the feature of Lau's ponytail growing longer and longer with repeated wins against another Lau player.

    I'm sure there are others, but I'm not an expert on the matter (GE?).

    It's my impression that your experience with the arcade version of VF2 was rather limited. And I would even expect that your experience with a competitive VF2 crowd was even less. Just for the record, the arcade version has the expert mode you speak of - it was NOT a home port bonus. And, on top of that, the Expert Mode is piss-poor as the AI is different whether you're playing on the 1P or the 2P side.

    Look, we're not bashing the Satrun Port. We all had a ton of fun playing it. However, given the success of VF2 in North American arcades and that there was quite the competitive scene, very few (if any) veterans of the game would choose to play at home over the arcade if given a choice.

    Take that for whatever it's worth. All you're doing is clearly showing your lack of knowledge about the game of VF2.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  3. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member


    I think what Shang is trying to SAAAY is that you and others are getting the very wrong impression that us "elitistssese" never enjoyed the Saturn port. Bullshit. We're fans of the series and enjoyed it - all the fucking while grinding our TEETH.

    As a real fan of the game (someone who's played it enough in the arcade and was not introduced to the game on saturn because the saturn port sucked and...) it was extremely disappointing to see such a crappy port from a purist's perspective. This made me jealous just looking at the Tekken guys get such great quality ports on the PSX... OH and dont bring up hardware please because all that is going to do it prove that the Saturn was fucking outdated before it even came out kthhnnnxxgg.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    Listen you fucking idiot of a saturn fanboy. Some of the people on this board actually know the difference between fucked-up port and the original game, unlike you who obivously can't tell the difference between a cow and a monkey if they were in VF2. Please take your saturn cock blowing back to your mom and leave it where it belongs. Nobody cares about your cry for help, please go kill yourself because you think someone's dissing your system.
    STFU already

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL.....Hey Shag man, you're so funny and so fucking cool......I love your "dope" posts....the way you swear and bitch at all the morons and put them in their place. That shit is SOOOOO funny man, and SOOOOO fucking cool!!!

    I just love you man!!!!!!!!! Please keep it up, and maybe one day I can chill with ya and da big players at some tournament or so, yea? That's if you'll have me and I'm funny enough dude.......Keep chillin SHANG, my main man!!!!

    SHANG!!.......yea people he's COOL!!!!!!
  5. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    hey MAXIMUM fuckhead... two questions,

    1, have you ever played vf2 arcade in your life?

    2, have you seen F-911 the movie yet after the 100 pages of garbage you wrote?
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I think there are clearly two camps on this issue. On one side we have the group that have had little or no experience with the arcade version/scene. I have no doubt that they hold the Saturn port in high regard. How could they not? It's essentially VF-fucking-2 for them! If that's all you knew of VF2, why wouldn't you think it was an awesome or even revolutionary game for that system?

    Now on the other side we have those who have had a good amount of experience with the arcade version/scene and to them the Saturn port falls short in many factual areas. To them, the port represents a diminished experience so it should come as no surprise that they don't hold the Saturn port in high regard, or at least not as high as the first camp.

    In the interests of world peace and harmony, can't we all just accept each other's views and acknowledge they're based on different experiences? For one side to try to reduce the value VF2 held for the other just pains my soul.
  7. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    heheh shang... =P

    ta mun shi bun bun...

    man my pinying sucks...


    Myke - the braying of barnyard animals cannot be ceased by reasoning with them =)

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    hey MAXIMUM fuckhead... two questions,

    1, have you ever played vf2 arcade in your life?

    2, have you seen F-911 the movie yet after the 100 pages of garbage you wrote?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    1. Yea, in my student days at Glasgow. But definately not as much as you man......coz you clearly have "da deep VF knowledge" combined with "da Shang cool appeal". The way you can talk VF frame advantage then go diss lame peeps with tough talk turns me on man.....yea!!!!

    2. Yea, I saw it. interested in my political opinions now. I'm honored man....truly!
  9. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    MAXIMUM fuckhead... if this your best attempt at humor then you just as dumb in life as you are on vfdc. Too bad you are too stupid to realize everyone here rather smell horse shit than to read your "political opinions".
    God, if I get to meet the person who showed you the internet I'd poke his eyes out. Do the world a favor and cut your balls off and make sure you don't toss it in a river, we wouldn't want the fishes to be dumb as you.

    KTG: bun bun...
    Myke: world peace!

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Hey, I'm serious man, and I admit I'm not as funny or smart as you Shang. I mean, who could be? You're a comedy GENIUS!! I mean those OWNED jokes are total RIOT, yea? The way you post a pic of some dude being pissed on or whatever, then swear your ass off at all the lamerz on a's simply too much, and just too funny.

    Man, I bet you used to pull loads of chicks at the arcade while playing I right? I mean that tough-talking Asian arcade-kidz image must make the ladies wet. You are so cool man, please keep it up.

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