Video of bus bombing in Israel

Discussion in 'General' started by Shadowdean, Feb 4, 2004.

  1. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Can't someone post faces of death next?!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Urm right, whens the last time Western media showed the head of a Palestine baby halfblasted of, footage of Israeli soldiers kicking and beating with their guns a 15 year old boy, settlers shooting into a crowd of Palestinians peacefully protesting.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well maybe they should try to work from that media / propaganda "weird" angle instead of trying to maximize the kill count when they blow themselfs up to get noticed.

    Other notes; Israeli actions are sanctioned by the goverment and are in use of military / police.
    Palestinian are terrorist actions that their own goverment (openly) doesn't support. Israel would, in a real war fuck up Palestina 9times a week and twice on a Sunday. Statistics aside I think it's really naive to claim the situation to be, atleast mentally minded, even as I haven't seen any israeli family celebrate their son crashing with his jet into a palistinian place if he happened to get a fragcount. But then again such a mentalstate amongst someone (wether it's induced or thought up on his own) would be one of the things that scares me the most in the world (studying psychology) - specially if it's possible for an entire group to think in the same manner instead of an isolated individual. I don't really give a shit if it's their "only way of getting back" cause it scares me that much.

    Shadowdean; sorry but you do really come of as one of those people with a fixed and biased pow and if you can't see that your posts just seem emotionally driven (Osama ffs?) that's weird. And yeah, nothing is simply black and white irl.

    Fishie; Zero-Chan can hold her own, you don't have to run of as a knight in shining armor all the time - you just make her look dumb doing so and there are better sites to pick up girls from.

  2. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Can't someone post faces of death next?!!

    Urm right.

    Anyway, I dunno what world you live in but letting a 2 year old boy slowly bleed to death after he is being hit by a bullet an Israeli soldier fired by refusing passage to a hospital and holding the parents up at a roadblock(all roads inside Palestine teritories are owned by Israel and can only be used by the actual inhabitants at their discretion) or firing a rocket into a crowd in the hopes of hitting a suspected terrorist leader, then circling around waiting for an ambulance to arrive and then fire at the ambulance to make sure that the terrorist is killed(he wasnt even in the car as it turned out)does in my world qualify as terrorism.

    I dont know what youre sense of morality exactly entails but weather by terorist actions or millitary action the count is gruesome around 3400 innocent Palestines and around 850 innocent Israeli´s have been murdered in this conflict.

    As for your other point, Baruch Goldstein amongst the majority of settlers is a hero, its no different from the mindset of those who support suicide bombers.

    The settlers do result to terrorism as well, thing is theirs is government sponsored, read what they say, how they behave and what their motives are.

    Wether by transfer or elimination, this is oure birthright greater Israel so wether by transfer or elimination we will get what God gave us.

    And yes they have threatened to mass slaughter Palestines as well as all Israeli´s who oppose them and would drive them from the lands they consider to be greater Israel and wich they stole the last decade from Palestine farmers etcetera.

    Your right it is not black and white and as long as the UN is made redundant in the conflict by the US veto ing every single resolution with regards to Israel there will be no solution.
  3. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Can't someone post faces of death next?!!

    So, is this to say you support people blowing themselves up on buses? Thats a great sense of morality you have there. You support terrorist organizations who target poor and mentaly unbalanced people and goad them into becoming homicide bombers (washington post did a huge expose on Hamas about a year or so ago)? Gee...thats a great view of the world you have there.
  4. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Can't someone post faces of death next?!!

    Where the fuck did I say that?

    In the other thread as well I called such acts indefensable.

    For me the taking of innocent human life under no circumstance can be justified, this goes for BOTH sides.
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Can't someone post faces of death next?!!

    And now youve gone from insinuating to outright claiming im a terrorist supporter.

    And why, becouse I disagree with your onesided biased views?
  6. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Can't someone post faces of death next?!!

    For those who dont know who Baruch Goldstein is here is a link, you can find way more about him and his actions that led to his death as well as that of over 50 Palestines(29 by his hands and another 26 by following riots) and two Israeli´s.
    Just do a google

    He has become a hero among some of Israel's right-wing extremists. Some extremists set up a tombstone for him which read "Here lies the saint, Dr. Baruch Kappel Goldstein, blessed be the memory of the righteous and holy man, may the Lord avenge his blood, who devoted his soul to the Jews, Jewish religion and Jewish land. His hands are innocent and his heart is pure. He was killed as a martyr of God on the 14th of Adar, Purim, in the year 5754." Members of the banned Kach organization, to which he belonged, glorify his mass murder. Most Israelis were repulsed by this action, and Israelis lobbied their representatives to take some action against this glorification of his actions. In 1998, a bill was passed in the Israeli Knesset that forbade the erection of monuments to terrorists; in 2000 a small shrine built around Goldstein's tomb was demolished. At the time it was also declared that a discussion of the wording above was pending.

    There are more, Baruch Goldstein is the best known one, each year several Palestines get shot by settlers.
  7. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Can't someone post faces of death next?!!

    Here is another link, its written by Israel Shahak who is a leftist Jewish intelectual who is generaly dispised by the Jewish religious right, many hatepages against him exist becouse he writes about the things that are rotten in Israel, things wich are seldomly published by mainstream press in the western world:

    One important background fact about Goldstein exemplifies the influence of Jewish fundamentalism in Israel: long before the massacre, Goldstein as an army physician repeatedly breached army discipline by refusing to treat Arabs, even those serving in the Israeli army. He was not punished, either while in active or reserve service, for his refusal because of intervention in his favor.
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Reading Comprehension 101

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    So, is this to say you support people blowing themselves up on buses?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bloody hell, Shadowdean, just when I thought you couldn't get any stupider. Do the planet a favour and learn how to read. Thanks.
  9. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Reading Comprehension 101

    Myke, do yourself a favor and learn to follow a line of logic and stop this process you propose as thinking. I was only spitting back at fishie along the same lines that he was using at me.
  10. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Reading Comprehension 101

    Urm thats exactly what he did.
  11. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: Reading Comprehension 101

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    Myke, do yourself a favor and learn to follow a line of logic and stop this process you propose as thinking.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, considering you haven't followed your own advice for about 1900-some posts now...
  12. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Reading Comprehension 101

    [01:01] <13Shangster> josh: you are a moron
    [01:01] * SweetPie has joined #vfhome
    [01:01] <Trophico> Shut up shang
    [01:02] <ChrmnMa0> 11~[14 Shangster 11]~ 15your still insignificant
    [01:02] <13Shangster> you are a fucking moron mao... lol you got owned on vfdc
    [01:02] <ChrmnMa0> owned by myke?
    [01:02] <ChrmnMa0> lol, please
    [01:03] <ChrmnMa0> thats like saying Zero-Chan is pretty
    [01:03] <13Shangster> no you got owned in life for being a jew!!
    [01:03] <13Shangster> HAHAHAJH OWEND!!!
    [01:03] <ChrmnMa0> lol, yeah, cause then we own you /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    [01:03] <ChrmnMa0> in life /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
    [01:04] <13Shangster> you own who?
    [01:04] <13Shangster> hey you know. I have a good arab friend, he couldn't come to the us now cuz of YOU!!
    [01:04] <ChrmnMa0> Asians
    [01:04] <ChrmnMa0> me, personally?
    [01:05] <13Shangster> you
    [01:05] <13Shangster> yes people like u
    [01:05] <ChrmnMa0> thats funny, half of my friends are arab/northern african
    [01:05] <ChrmnMa0> and they somehow managed to get here
    [01:05] <ChrmnMa0> oh
    [01:05] <ChrmnMa0> lol
    [01:05] <13Shangster> arabs?
    [01:05] <13Shangster> are you SURE?
    [01:05] <ChrmnMa0> yes
    [01:06] <ChrmnMa0> you don't see many Tunesian jews
    [01:06] <13Shangster> muslims?
    [01:06] <ChrmnMa0> yes
    [01:06] <13Shangster> and they have no problem with you bring pro-isreal?
    [01:06] <ChrmnMa0> no
    [01:06] <ChrmnMa0> a lot of them are pro israel
    [01:06] <ChrmnMa0> you'd find
    [01:07] <ChrmnMa0> if you ventured out of your little world, that things are not as black and white as
    some people here would like you to believe
    [01:07] <13Shangster> why are you insulting me personally?
    [01:07] <ChrmnMa0> tic for tat
    [01:07] <ChrmnMa0> it was not an insult
    [01:07] <ChrmnMa0> merely a recomendation
    [01:07] <13Shangster> ...
    [01:07] <13Shangster> ok...
    [01:07] <ChrmnMa0> if you get insulted by it, thats not my problem
    [01:07] <Trophico> Isreal is made up of over 25% muslim...
    [01:07] <13Shangster> i didn't say i was insulted
    [01:08] <ChrmnMa0> yes, cause they have like 9 kids a peace
    [01:08] <13Shangster> i said you insulted me
    [01:08] <ChrmnMa0> Jews don't have such large families normally
    [01:08] <13Shangster> who?
    [01:08] <Trophico> That's because Jews have bad genes
    [01:08] <13Shangster> u lost me dude
    [01:08] <SmurFu> shang:Ma0 isn't stupid
    [01:08] <SmurFu> he's just too passionate
    [01:08] <ChrmnMa0> no, its because we just have different social pathos against how many children we
    [01:08] <ChrmnMa0> we are not a nomadic society
    [01:08] <SmurFu> which makes ppl think he's a jerkoff
    [01:08] <ChrmnMa0> which many musliems sects still are
    [01:09] <13Shangster> so people have more children are nomadic?
    [01:09] <ChrmnMa0> generally
    [01:09] <ChrmnMa0> because they help out with the chores
    [01:09] <ChrmnMa0> taking care of the world
    [01:09] <ChrmnMa0> etc
    [01:09] <SmurFu> Muslin is no different any religion
    [01:09] <Trophico> Genghis Khan did have 26 wives :\
    [01:09] <SmurFu> different than
    [01:09] <SmurFu> it's just fucked ppl who are charge
    [01:09] <ChrmnMa0> its a regional thing also
    [01:10] <13Shangster> that's kinda silly don't you think?
    [01:10] <ChrmnMa0> what is silly?
    [01:10] <SmurFu> The world hasn't been regional in like a 100 years
    [01:10] <ChrmnMa0> when the united states was still an agricultural society
    [01:10] <13Shangster> you relate people having more children to something completely different
    [01:10] <ChrmnMa0> we had a LOT of kids
    [01:10] <ChrmnMa0> per family
    [01:10] <BMF`> shang, that's it? 3900mb/s...
    [01:10] <BMF`> i'm getting over 5000
    [01:10] <13Shangster> how to do that?
    [01:10] <BMF`> with 5:4
    [01:10] <ChrmnMa0> and in Judiasm, there are different social pathos about having children
    [01:11] <SmurFu> PPL says it is regional and believe are just freaking moron who doesn't want to accept
    international viewpoint
    [01:11] <ChrmnMa0> the very religious jewish households still have more children than less religions
    [01:11] <13Shangster> you have ddr bmf!
    [01:11] <ChrmnMa0> but most of israel are not religious jews
    [01:11] <ChrmnMa0> they are jbb or reformed
    [01:11] <BMF`> you mean dual channel :p
    [01:11] <13Shangster> mao: what does that mean? that jews are superior?
    [01:11] <ChrmnMa0> no
    [01:11] <ChrmnMa0> you fucktard
    [01:11] <13Shangster> yes DUAL CHANNEL
    [01:11] <BMF`> you will prolly get over 6000 with dual channel
    [01:11] <ChrmnMa0> it simply means we do things different
    [01:11] <13Shangster> why are you insulting me?
    [01:12] <ChrmnMa0> why are you putting words in my mouth?
    [01:12] <13Shangster> do things smarter?
    [01:12] <13Shangster> no i'm trying to undrestand u
    [01:12] <ChrmnMa0> well
    [01:12] <SmurFu> ..........
    [01:12] <ChrmnMa0> your not trying hard enough
    [01:12] <ChrmnMa0> your putting words in my mouth
    [01:12] <ChrmnMa0> and for someone who makes their kicks about yelling pwn3d
    [01:12] <13Shangster> what does your "we do things differently mean"?
    [01:12] <ChrmnMa0> you don't have much to say about insulting people
    [01:12] <ChrmnMa0> we do things differently
    [01:12] <SmurFu> Ma0: no one should ever try that hard
    [01:12] <ChrmnMa0> we do not have as large of families
    [01:12] <13Shangster> yes I know that
    [01:12] <ChrmnMa0> many industrialized nations do not have large families
    [01:13] <Trophico> You're racist
    [01:13] <13Shangster> so jews are more advanced than others?
    [01:13] <ChrmnMa0> no
    [01:13] <13Shangster> so what is the DIfference?
    [01:13] <ChrmnMa0> fucking forget it, this is like talking to a wall
    [01:13] <13Shangster> no i'm trying to understand you
    [01:13] <ChrmnMa0> we do not have as many children per/ household
    [01:13] <13Shangster> for real
    [01:13] <ChrmnMa0> no, your not shang
    [01:13] <ChrmnMa0> I honestly believe your smarter than this
    [01:13] <13Shangster> and that means... something... right? you said that means we do things differently,
    and I'm asking what things differently
    [01:13] <ChrmnMa0> your trying to drag this in to some rediculous superiority b.s thing
    [01:14] <13Shangster> and you arne't giving me an answer
    [01:14] <ChrmnMa0> and I told you
    [01:14] <ChrmnMa0> we do NOT have as many children per household
    [01:14] <ChrmnMa0> Israel is a budding industrial nation
    [01:14] <ChrmnMa0> its not to the general interests to have an exploding population
    [01:14] <ChrmnMa0> also, because most of israel are non religious jews
    [01:14] <ChrmnMa0> they do not have the same probations in concernt to birth control
    [01:14] <13Shangster> israel would no exist if not for the american mideast interests
    [01:14] <13Shangster> not.
    [01:14] <ChrmnMa0> maybe, maybe not
    [01:14] <ChrmnMa0> it is what it is
    [01:15] <13Shangster> what is it?
    [01:15] <ChrmnMa0> the fucking facts of life...Israel is not going anywhere
    [01:15] <13Shangster> ok... but what really is israel?
    [01:15] <ChrmnMa0> with or without american support
    [01:15] <ChrmnMa0> in terms of what?
    [01:15] <ChrmnMa0> geological boundries
    [01:15] <ChrmnMa0> biblical?
    [01:15] <13Shangster> you said it is what it is.. i'm asking what is it you are talking about. the "it
    is" part
    [01:16] <ChrmnMa0> its how things are
    [01:16] <ChrmnMa0> you do realize that Egypt recieves the largest amount of American Aid?
    [01:16] <ChrmnMa0> maybe they would not exist without american aid
    [01:16] <13Shangster> i think they would
    [01:16] <ChrmnMa0> please
    [01:16] <13Shangster> where would they be?
    [01:16] <Trophico> Chrm how many Jews are in Israel?
    [01:16] <ChrmnMa0> Israel has a larger industrial base
    [01:16] <ChrmnMa0> and that is pretty pathetic
    [01:16] <ChrmnMa0> how many?
    [01:16] <ChrmnMa0> I have no idea, I have not taken a head count recently
    [01:16] <Trophico> Yeah, the population, just estimate
    [01:16] <ChrmnMa0> should be easy to find if you search on google
    [01:17] <ChrmnMa0> well, are you asking religious, or non religious?
    [01:17] <13Shangster> so what are you trying to say josh? I don't get your point over all
    [01:17] <Trophico> Religious and non religious
    [01:17] <ChrmnMa0> most of Israel is Jewish to some extent
    [01:17] <ChrmnMa0> about 80-90%
    [01:17] <ChrmnMa0> non religious, out of that, at least 80%
    [01:17] <13Shangster> and the rest is?
    [01:18] <ChrmnMa0> but because of how things are set up, the kenesset is largely orthodox/hassidic jews
    [01:18] <13Shangster> how are things set up?
    [01:18] * `Drift has joined #vfhome
    [01:18] <ChrmnMa0> the way the politics work out
    [01:18] <13Shangster> how does it work?
    [01:18] <ChrmnMa0> how people vote/who votes/why they bother
    [01:18] <13Shangster> you are very vague
    [01:18] <13Shangster> who votes in the country?
    [01:18] <ChrmnMa0> and you are being retardedly hard
    [01:19] <ChrmnMa0> well, mostly the religious jews
    [01:19] <13Shangster> you are being very vaue and not saying anything
    [01:19] <ChrmnMa0> a lot of the non religious jews
    [01:19] <ChrmnMa0> what the fuck ever shang
    [01:19] <13Shangster> they don't vote? therefore they forfeit power?
    [01:19] <ChrmnMa0> if your to godamn lazy to even try and comprehend a word I've said, I don't see a
    point in continuing this
    [01:19] <13Shangster> dude... calm down why are you so offensive?
    [01:19] <ChrmnMa0> why are you so slow?
    [01:20] <13Shangster> slow about what exactly
    [01:20] * ChrmnMa0 hands Shang a coloring book
    [01:20] <13Shangster> so you say jews have less children... but didn't say what does that mean
    [01:20] <13Shangster> and then go off on something else
    [01:20] <ChrmnMa0> it means JUST that
    [01:21] <13Shangster> what's wrong with people having a lots of children? are they inferior?
    [01:21] <ChrmnMa0> this came off your fucking retarded comments and utterly anti semetic comments
    [01:21] <ChrmnMa0> of you saying that "people like you" are the reason your arab friends can't get in
    to this country
    [01:21] <13Shangster> hm...
    [01:21] <ChrmnMa0> or did that just slip your mind?
    [01:21] <13Shangster> well, he can't get in the country, probably not because of you..
    [01:21] <13Shangster> he's scared
    [01:21] <ChrmnMa0> thats his godamn problem
    [01:22] <ChrmnMa0> not mine and not the jews doing]
    [01:22] <13Shangster> it's relative in some extend
    [01:22] <13Shangster> i don't see how you can deny that
    [01:22] <ChrmnMa0> Oh that is such a crock of shit
    [01:22] <Trophico> Heh look at this statistic
    [01:22] <ChrmnMa0> I don't see how you could possibly defend it
    [01:22] <Trophico> 2.5 children born per woman in Israel
    [01:22] <Trophico> 1.99 Children born per woman in Iran
    [01:22] <13Shangster> i'm not defending anyone, I said its' relative... learn how to fucking read moron
    [01:23] <13Shangster> relative...
    [01:23] <ChrmnMa0> how is it relative?
    [01:23] <ChrmnMa0> relative to what?
    [01:23] <ChrmnMa0> what is relative?
    [01:23] <13Shangster> they are relative... an arab not being able to come to the us, and israel.
    [01:23] <ChrmnMa0> how?
    [01:23] <ChrmnMa0> how is it relative?
    [01:23] <13Shangster> ok it's not
    [01:23] <13Shangster> you happy
    [01:24] <13Shangster> i'm sure he is very happy about us supporting a jewish state in his holy land..
    [01:24] <ChrmnMa0> if that is your finaly answer, a bit dissapointed after all the bickering me for
    every small fact to be dug up and "ok it's not" is the best you can do
    [01:24] <ChrmnMa0> his holy land?
    [01:24] <ChrmnMa0> when was it his?
    [01:24] <13Shangster> hey that's what HE says~
    [01:24] <ChrmnMa0> oh
    [01:25] <ChrmnMa0> I don't see "he" interjected in that sentice
    [01:25] <ChrmnMa0> I see 11«15@ 14Shangster11» i'm sure he is very happy about us supporting a jewish state in
    his holy land.. yay!!"
    [01:25] <ChrmnMa0> lah :p
    [01:25] <13Shangster> hahah you should hear some of stuff I hear from him
    [01:25] <13Shangster> lol
    [01:25] <13Shangster> you would not be happy
    [01:25] <ChrmnMa0> I can hear ractist stuff about all sorts of people
    [01:25] <ChrmnMa0> I just tend to ignore it
    [01:26] <ChrmnMa0> everybody has their opinions
    [01:26] <13Shangster> racist?
    [01:26] <ChrmnMa0> yes..racist, opinionated
    [01:26] <ChrmnMa0> hell, any musliem will tell you they came from Judiasm
    [01:26] <ChrmnMa0> do you even know where and how the split came between the jewish and musliem people?
    [01:26] <13Shangster> hm.. so what's all the fussy if you two love each other so much?
    [01:27] <ChrmnMa0> Because religious zealots are able to take hold of people
    [01:27] <ChrmnMa0> anybody can see the power of faith and promise of heaven to a people who mostly do
    not have much
    [01:27] <13Shangster> so...
    [01:27] <ChrmnMa0> its why extremist views of religious views take place in generally poor areas of the
    [01:27] <13Shangster> you admit you two don't get along that well then?
    [01:28] <ChrmnMa0> in a general basis, yes, its the reason none of the palestinian population was
    absorbed by any arab state
    [01:28] <ChrmnMa0> but I know plenty of people from both religious who have a great deal of respect and
    kinship with "the other side" so to speak
    [01:29] <13Shangster> ?
    [01:29] <ChrmnMa0> do you even have the slightest inkling of how the current state of Israel came to be?
    [01:29] <13Shangster> no idea mao
    [01:29] <13Shangster> tell me
    [01:29] <ChrmnMa0> well, ok, in short
    [01:29] <13Shangster> please do
    [01:29] <ChrmnMa0> After 48 when the state was formed
    [01:29] <13Shangster> what state?
    [01:29] <ChrmnMa0> Israel you tard
    [01:30] <ChrmnMa0> what other state was I discussing?
    [01:30] <13Shangster> I thought you are talking about how it came about
    [01:30] <ChrmnMa0> whatever, soo anyways
    [01:30] <Trophico> It was after the war
    [01:30] <Trophico> When all the jews were bitching
    [01:30] <13Shangster> ww2?
    [01:30] <Trophico> Like always
    [01:30] <ChrmnMa0> Russia told Egypt, syria, and Iran that they would fund
    [01:30] <Trophico> yeah
    [01:30] <ChrmnMa0> an attack on Israel
    [01:30] <ChrmnMa0> then turned bitch and didn't
    [01:31] <ChrmnMa0> but, all the wars aside
    [01:31] <13Shangster> i thought you are talking about how the "state" came about, can we get back to how
    it came about mao?
    [01:31] <ChrmnMa0> Syria, and especially SaudiArabia and then to a lesser part
    [01:31] <ChrmnMa0> Jordan
    [01:31] <ChrmnMa0> told the Palestinian population that they will eventually cause the downfall of
    [01:31] <ChrmnMa0> so they never let any of them in to their boarders
    [01:31] <ChrmnMa0> even though they consider them fellow musliems
    [01:32] <13Shangster> you mean how the palestinians came about.. oic
    [01:32] <ChrmnMa0> The Palestinian population
    [01:32] <ChrmnMa0> no, its interlated
    [01:32] <ChrmnMa0> man, the internet has ruined you
    [01:32] <ChrmnMa0> you have the attention span of my 1st graders
    [01:32] <13Shangster> go on
    [01:32] <13Shangster> you have 1st graders?
    [01:32] <13Shangster> ...
    [01:32] <ChrmnMa0> I teach 1st graders 2 days a week
    [01:32] <13Shangster> go on
    [01:32] <13Shangster> go on
    [01:32] <ChrmnMa0> so
    [01:33] <ChrmnMa0> The Palestian people, by the lead of Arafat for the last 40 something years or so
    [01:33] <ChrmnMa0> are told that no matter what happens, they will eventually control Jerusalem
    [01:33] <ChrmnMa0> now
    [01:33] <ChrmnMa0> After the 6 day war
    [01:33] <13Shangster> what year is the 6 day war again?
    [01:33] <ChrmnMa0> and then when Carter signed the Camp David accord
    [01:33] <ChrmnMa0> I believe it was 64
    [01:34] <ChrmnMa0> They were told that no new settlements (areas outside the gaza strip) could be formed
    [01:34] <13Shangster> lol
    [01:34] <ChrmnMa0> so Israel then said all that land was already planned to be colonized
    [01:34] * mike90210 has joined #vfhome
    [01:34] <ChrmnMa0> so, the Palestinians were faced with extreme pressure from both sides
    [01:34] <13Shangster> mao: my friend tells me all jews are liars
    [01:34] <ChrmnMa0> you believe your friend?
    [01:35] <Trophico> Mao's certainly lying right now
    [01:35] <13Shangster> they deceive in the name of peace, is his exact words..
    [01:35] <ChrmnMa0> well, if that is what you believe, more power to you
    [01:35] <13Shangster> btw 6 day war is in 67 i think
    [01:35] <ChrmnMa0> ok
    [01:35] <ChrmnMa0> does not make a difference
    [01:35] <ChrmnMa0> a friend of mine told me all chinese people are good at math and carry out delivery
    [01:35] <13Shangster> actually it's a 3 years difference to be exact
    [01:35] * BMF` sets mode: +o mike90210
    [01:36] <ChrmnMa0> whatever
    [01:36] <13Shangster> 3 years is a long time~
    [01:36] <ChrmnMa0> yes, wonderful
    [01:36] <ChrmnMa0> I'm done with this discussion
    [01:36] <13Shangster> 67-64 = 3 last time i checked
    [01:36] <ChrmnMa0> its a waste of at least my time
    [01:36] <ChrmnMa0> since your obviously not interested in learning anything at all
    [01:36] <13Shangster> learning what exactly?
    [01:36] <ChrmnMa0> exactly
    [01:37] <13Shangster> that's it's okay to kill arab children?
    [01:37] <ChrmnMa0> yes
    [01:37] <ChrmnMa0> that is exactly what i have been advocating all the time
    [01:37] <13Shangster> that's hard to learn
    [01:37] <ChrmnMa0> I can't believe I have not said that?
    [01:37] <13Shangster> i dunno man, what are you trying to say exactly?
    [01:37] <ChrmnMa0> hell, I also said I should rape my best friends mother and her children cause she is
    a arab
    [01:38] <ChrmnMa0> to you shang, nothing
    [01:38] <13Shangster> ok...
    [01:38] <13Shangster> ignorance is not a positive sign of your intelligent josh.
    [01:39] <ChrmnMa0> I'm not the one being ignorant shang
    [01:39] <ChrmnMa0> but honestly, the more you talk, the less I value your opinion
    [01:40] <13Shangster> ok let me ask you one last thing
    [01:40] <ChrmnMa0> you can type on the screen whatever you want
    [01:40] <empnova> Ma0: either Shang is ultra-retarded, or you are getting totally fucking owned and
    [01:40] <empnova> I'm taking the later one considering the sarcasm
    [01:40] <13Shangster> if god tells you, Josh go kill 10 arabs, and the jews will live in peace forever.
    would you do it?
    [01:41] <empnova> you remind me of my Jewish friend Dean
    [01:41] <empnova> Shang: ask my friend that and he'd kill 20! :)
    [01:41] <phoenixdt>
    [01:41] <phoenixdt> rofl so gay
    [01:41] <ChrmnMa0> I wouldn't believe it
    [01:41] <ChrmnMa0> I don't believe god would set forth such a mandate
    [01:42] <ChrmnMa0> I don't believe in violence except as a last resort and in self defense
    [01:42] <empnova> "I fucking hate arabs" <== my Jewish friend said that the other day..he stereotypes
    jews so negatively :/
    [01:42] <13Shangster> you don't believe in god?
    [01:42] <ChrmnMa0> I believe in god
    [01:42] <ChrmnMa0> and I don't believe god would advocate something like that
    [01:42] <13Shangster> if GOD tells you to kill 10 arabs would you not do it?
    [01:42] <13Shangster> IF~
    [01:42] <ChrmnMa0> it would such a rediculous contraction to all of its teaching
    [01:42] <empnova> phoenix: laff
    [01:43] <`Drift> leo, he's SO dreamy.
    [01:43] <ChrmnMa0> 11~[14 Shangster 11]~ 15if god told you to kill your mom and it would cause world peace
    [01:43] <ChrmnMa0> would you do it?
    [01:43] <13Shangster> my mom, no
    [01:43] <ChrmnMa0> why?
    [01:43] <13Shangster> random person, yes
    [01:43] <ChrmnMa0> how about a friend?
    [01:43] <13Shangster> because mom > world peace
    [01:43] <empnova> how about Jerky?
    [01:43] <ChrmnMa0> lol
    [01:44] <13Shangster> emp: is that a question?
    [01:44] * RiceCanno has quit IRC (RiceCanno)
    [01:44] <empnova> would you kill Jerky for World Peace?
    [01:44] <13Shangster> i'll kill jerky for a slice of domino's pizza
    [01:44] <SmurFu> ROFL
    [01:44] <13Shangster> so jew, you don't believe in god basically
    [01:45] <13Shangster> josh
    [01:45] <13Shangster> josh jew, wtf is the difference
    [01:45] <ChrmnMa0> I do believe in god
    [01:45] * SmurFu going to sleep
    [01:45] <ChrmnMa0> but to answer you question - no
    [01:45] * SmurFu is now known as Pussy-Joy
    [01:45] <13Shangster> why not?
    [01:45] <ChrmnMa0> I do not believe peace is ultimatly achieved through proactive violence
    [01:46] <Trophico> Thats what all jews believe
    [01:46] <13Shangster> chairman mao believes that though... HAHAH
    [01:46] <Trophico> Jews are sneaky, they shouldn't be trusted
    [01:46] <13Shangster> so how is peace achived?
    [01:46] * SweetPie has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
    [01:46] <ChrmnMa0> though knoweldge and understand eventually
    [01:46] <13Shangster> Jews are evil basically, my friends tells me
    [01:47] <empnova> through suicide bombings and 9/11's obviously
    [01:47] <Trophico> Yeah mao, why don't you tell them how the Jews tried to sabatoge Egypt
    [01:47] <empnova> you know what's funny, before 9/11 none of my arab friends or jewish friends talked
    about they all hate each other. None of them will even talk to each other
    [01:48] <13Shangster> hahaha josh has ton of arab friends though
    [01:48] <empnova> wow Josh are you a terrorist sympathizer?
    [01:48] <13Shangster> you know, if u tell them what you said here... they would not like you at all
    [01:48] <13Shangster> ???!
    [01:49] <empnova>
    [01:49] <empnova> ANBU-AonE 69 finally
    [01:50] <13Shangster> come on josh say something
  13. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Reading Comprehension 101

    Sigh, whats the point of this?

    Why do you post a chatlog and further deteriorate this thread?
  14. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Reading Comprehension 101

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    Man.. posting irc log is gay dude.

    [/ QUOTE ]


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