VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Pai_Garu, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Republic

    I'm extending the deadline for a couple of more days until I receive the games and guides from Sega and Brady. So if anyone else would like to enter, you still have a chance, but hurry!
  2. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Republic

    or otherwise known as
    prevent sal from getting butchered by the NY Crew rule /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  3. Heta_Akira

    Heta_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Republic

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Uff, Thank God is that.

    Today, I entered the page to see the winners and after finding that "The Dominican Scene" was not included in the front of the post, I though that we missed the deadline.

    So yes, a couple of days so more people can show where they rock!!
    I have to say, that it was a lot of fun doing that.

    Heta Akira
  4. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Republic

    jesus thank god!!

    im like 70% done guys, i think itll be worth it (imo). its gonna be basically the whole history of the scene and im writing it too which i hate doing :p ...its pretty "long". but just be patient, this should be done tomorrow for sure. its 5:30am and im dead tired.
  5. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Republic

    .....i can't belevie this! sal wtf!
  6. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Republic


    Don't say I distracted you!
  7. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Republic

    coming soon!!! daam job, got home super late, its gonnna be done today!! i fucking swear or ill have sex with the FT machine if i dont....

    its looking nice...so far
  8. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Republic

    If you had sent me the pics Sal, I could have wrote it up. Unedited photos but pictures none the less.

    I can write a nice post about the NYC scene to '04-present but I would've liked to show snapshots of the former big gatherings that you have media to: NYG series, I love VF gathering.

    If you can't finish by tonight I'll write up a post.

    I don't think that is an incentive for you at all, I'd think you would enjoy making love to the machine if you had the chance. heh heh /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Republic

    Shag, I think u might be on to something here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    J/K aside, I think our dear friend Sal is taking it so long because the NYC history is...*gasp* really goes way back. I think he's starting from scratch lol!
  10. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Republic

    ^Very true. I remember getting into VF2 watching the NYC veterans play and having so much fun. I wanted to be a part of that. That was late VF2 days/pre VF3 days, so that is definetly over 10 years ago. Wow, we could make a web page to document it. [hint hint /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif ]

    I was irked because Sal said he would make a post weeks ago and just neglected it.

    I don't think any of us NYCVF'ers care about a prize. But I feel we owe the VF community to show how great our scene is. I feel other VF communities should make tribute posts as well. (Attention: Boston, heh heh)

    I'm really glad the other communities gave us a glimpse of their fond times with VF. I think it brings the VF community as a whole all closer together.
  11. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Repub

    All lies, I think Sal has taken the piss really. He's paid off Srider to make the competition last longer. Dodgy VF back room dealings...
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Repub

    lol jide. To be clear, I have yet to receive the games or guides from Sega and Brady. I'm expecting the games to arrive today though, so if anyone wants to enter, they will have to be quick about it. Expect winners to be announced very soon.
  13. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Repub

    *cough * sex with FT machine *cough cough choke*
  14. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Repub

    Controversy, flames, famous vf japanese visitors, angry girlfriends, gatherings, loved or hated and ever growing, lasting friendships, all for the love of one game... welcome to the

    _________ [​IMG]

    This is the group of people that got toguether to play since the beginning of VF, from left: sal (myself aka "sudden_death" or "saru_death"), adam ("adam yuki"), nelson ("guetto shun"), hiro (our own "walking gamest" and basically our teacher of VF, although that nickname was first given to shota from chicago hehe), rodney ("konjou akira"), and andy (crewNYC). Most of these guys I met at the old Broadway Arcade where they had VF1 and later VF2 (which btw, was where bryan aka spotlite (now akiralove) used to play). we gathered to play VF3 at the port authority to play VF3 after that placed closed. These were the places where we used to play. The last guy in the picture is kazu, he joined us during the VF4 era, but its pictured here cause i coulnt find any pic with just the original crew....I coulnt just edit him out of the picture...lol (picture taken from NYG2). pictured below are the 2 other original players donald (aka "frenchie") and tetsuo.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    As for masahiro, unfortunately we never got a pic of him but he was one of the strongest back then, he used to do all sorts of crazy stuff on vf2 (and knew all the crazy bugs in vf2), i think i got my style of play from him (messing-around style hehe). Also, I cant forget to mention art barbato aka "Nycat"! he was around mostly during the time we played VF3 at the port authority arcade and was the one resposible for bringing the infamous "akira dance" video tape from some friends he knew in korea which you can see it here: <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/KWkifERzM00"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/KWkifERzM00" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>VF1 and VF2 era[/size][/size]</span>

    Most of us werent very active (VF1 and early VF2 era) on the main newsgroup for discussion of VF (Rec.Games.Video.Arcade) or participated much on "the home of virtua fighter" homepage made by dodde and someone else or iddle on the irc channel #VFHOME that amazingly is still very active today!. I think i was the only one that frequented those places and seldom said a word or 2, usually questions, most of my time was spent on #vfhome. But we were very avid readers of them and read about all the latest strategies, combos and nuances of VF from awesome hardcore VF players like rich (rsw), Yupasawa, godeater, dodde, Superdoug, Mason,jo shun, Cody and a bunch more. when some of us got internet and knew how to use it (hehe) we started being more active in the VF community by posting on ed's hardcoregaming.com and ice9's old anti-chicken player's committee page (which later evolved to the now current VFDC). some of the crew went to UMass gatherings, and if im not mistaken some did make the trip to one of the MOATs (mother of all tournaments) in canada which was at the time THE place to be to check out the strongest VF players in america.

    A big shout out to all those players mentioned as they were really an inspiration to keep playing and discover the nuances of VF.

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>VF3 era[/size][/size]</span>

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    eating pizza after a long session, here we can see peter from Umass visiting us, eric akira and nelson's friend who played a nice lion.

    heres a clip of what usually went down at our usual VF hangout place (andy's place at the time)

    As we kept getting more involved in the community we decided to make a nice little gathering where mostly friends were invited (this word caused so much controversy later on around vf4 era lol). this was the first..

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>New York Gathering (NYG1)[/size]</span>

    from left: hiro, adam, shota, forgot name#1, ice9, emil and forgot name#2. there were others but unfortunately this is the only pic i have. The NYG was great fun and from then on we held one at least once a year, and the rest is history...in pictures:

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>Chicago VF3 gathering 1999 (NYG1)[/size]</span>

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    heres when some of us (not me usually heh) attended to this cool gathering / tournament.
    heres a short clip from it http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/vffinal.mpg

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>NYG2[/size]</span>

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    from left: rich ("rsw"), andy ("CrewNYC"), "ghostdog" from Florida, adam (adam yuki), hiro, shota, jeff (ice9), Myke (VFDC admin and man in charge), chanchai
    some NYG2 pics. dreamcast version of VF3 was used to play

    VF3 era is problably one of the best times i had. At the time, arcades were giving signs of dieing and we had a nice run in the arcades but then arcades went really dead and we moved to console versions which provided many more years of fun (mostly at andy's place). we played vf3 till the last days when noone seemed to be playing it. VF scene overall didnt look alive at this stage (imo).

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>The start of the homeless vf players saga.[/size]</span> [​IMG]

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>VF4 era[/size][/size]</span>

    After the VF3 era ended we were very excited to see what VF4 would bring and we finally got to see it on our first home for VF after VF3, the NEW Broadway arcade located a few blocks before the old broadway arcade. I remember it well, the very first time we saw it, even rsw was there to take a look at it!. The place was expensive as hell and sticks / buttons sucked HARD, we didnt like this and didnt play much because of the stiff price (funny we didnt care how much VF3 costed...hmmm). this place didnt last long and it also closed. We found another place also around the same area, this was the Port Authority arcade / bowling alley So we took matters into our own (mostly andy) and bought a VF4 cabinet to be placed at the last hardcore arcade left in New York...

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>Chinatown fair (CTF) arcade[/size]</span>

    The way it worked was that we had an agreement with the owner that enabled us to keep the machine there while he took a percentage of the earnings the machine made. I remember when we used to go all around manhattan and put flyers all over the place (it was a picture of sarah with some words saying "come to chinatown and play VF4" both in english and japanese (to lure any JP players maybe? lol). We also put whole movelists hanging from the side of the machine which used to be replaced 2 or 3 times cause people mistreated them. Great memories and new players / friends like cruz (aka "cruzlink"), cris (aka "hayato"), trevor (aka "shag" or "darkness"), eric (pai player), will (aka "the real jeffry"),monty (kage player), jacky (aka "kungfu smurf"), demitris (cool jacky player) and kazu (aka "AZ_YET") among many many others others.

    below you can see how the VF scene was during this time at CTF (above named players appear in these pics)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    shortly after, we went to check out E3 cause VF4 console version was going to be there:

    Time for a new NYG....

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>NYG3[/size]</span>

    all NYGs are usually held at adam's father's motel in New Jersey and this one was no different. more new faces from various part of the country came to this event. sadly most of my pics are in my old hard drive and I could only find this 2 pictures.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>NYG4 (aka the "I love VF gathering")[/size]</span>

    This event caused a lot of controversy because it was being held "privately" or by "invititation only"...boy did that word caused problems! lol. in short we just wanted to avoid a TOO huge to handle event (because of the big deal that "star" players were coming from japan) that would get out of hand if we made it too public (and also for my own personal reasons :D). but this is in the past, and it went extremely well, no matter what people thought of it, wrong or right. you could read all the drama here: http://virtuafighter.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/97121/page/0/fpart/1

    This event was one of the few events in america (that i can remember, correct me if im wrong) where we finally made contact with famous japanese players, thanks mostly to our friend kazu. This event was filmed by some of the enterbrain staff for the 10th anniversary of virtua fighter book and DVD called "virtua fighter 10th anniversary ~ memory of decade" ( http://www.enterbrain.co.jp/jp/p_pickup/vf10th/ ), very cool stuff, so we got our little 15 seconds of fame :).

    During this era we had visitors like kyasao, shinjuku jacky, homestay akira, sugoroku star (kazu's old friend), heruru, CYC aoi, burunburun among others i cant recall right now..

    some pics of them during their visits:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    unforgettable moments playing people that were usually talked about for years. rodney was pretty much star struck when he first saw kyasao lol. This was held in an empty firehouse that jacky ("smurfu") helped us obtain for the tourney location. The gathering itself took place in a place that was rented for that purpose. you can see a clip of this event here:

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/WKVC4_e_T18"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/WKVC4_e_T18" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>NYG4.5 (i love VF)[/size]</span>

    This gathering / tourney, I beleive it was a couple of months after NYG4, (therefore the 4.5) and it also had some famous japanese vf players and UK's most famous player Ryan-hart.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    during this time we had a little get toguether at adam's place, we jokingly called this event the "KY jelly gathering" cause of the rapage that we suffered lol, no need to explain why was this...


    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>Boston Gathering[/size]</span>

    A group of NYC players went to this great event, as you can see it had quite a big turnout.


    the last of the NYGs (for now)
    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>NYG5[/size]</span>

    This was hosted at vithdos cafe in new Jersey, a place much like GTN whose owner is a known VF player from the forums at VFDC. This gathering / tourney was had the perfcet place for such a big event like this one was. As you can see from the picture many recognizable faces from the VFDc community and some famous japanese VF players were present as well. fun times...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>EVO 2k4[/size]</span>

    The biggest tournament in history of NAVF, NYC was represented nicely.


    video of adam vs cappo at evo 2k4: http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/EVO2K4_Finals_AdamYuki_vs_Cappo.avi

    Chinatown Arcade was great times indeed but our stay in that place was in jeopardy as the machine was not making that much money (only vf players used the machine, everyone else is playing street fighter..) for the owner of the place and was considered to be a waste of space, we tried to reason with the owner but ultimately we had to leave soon. It was during this time that Final Tuned was being released and we coulnt wait to play it. As we later found out that this place was not gonna get FT (obviously), We yet again took matters into our own and started thinking of importing the FT board but it was mega expensive and we all chipped in to buy it (thanks to smurfu, adam, andy, rodney and I as well :p). In this time, a few NYC players like adam, andy and rodney visited japan and they even participated in a beat tribe tournament (see chart here: http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/japan_trip_2005_10.jpg ) and brought with them the FT board we've been waiting for, with panels and card readers which they use in japan for tracking win percentage and items to put on your characters.

    some pics from the japan trip:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    To make the whole card reader work we went through the hassle of getting FT cards so we could pimp our characters and have nicknames and all that good stuff. The hassle was very hard because the only way to update our cards is to wait for someone to go to japan and take our cards with us so they could update our records and earnings from challenge mode, that also meaned we all had to create accounts for vf.net using our own credit cards, it was a mess but it worked and in some of the following pics you can see some of this.

    our time at CTF was up and we had to move FAST, we were practically kicked out cause they didnt give us enought time to look for another place.we did, and this next home was...

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>GTN[/size]</span>

    It was basically the place where american gamers went for gaming since arcades is now a thing of the past. A new type of arcade. It was great, they let us keep our machine in a nice place and we could play EVO too side by side, so we had way more VF setups.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    second picture : Back row: Subbers, Rheinaoi, Shag, raziel666, Hayatogx, sta783, Sudden_Death
    Front Row: cruzlink2, kazu, Hamme, Oioron, Alex, adamYUKI, Konjou_Akira, kungfusmurf

    more pics here since this is getting too big...


    from this pics you can see how much shit we went through...machine breaking down, fixing it (thanks to cruz!!) but the upside was the good times that we had, we even tried doing some mini tourneys every 2 weeks.

    heres a couple of videos from the time in GTN:
    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/LWTOPHr_NhI"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/LWTOPHr_NhI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/o4tKz5rQFa0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/o4tKz5rQFa0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    and http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/joyofgtnwmv.wmv

    it was all good until, guess what...we had to leave GTN cause they were "closing down for reloaction", I still dont know what happen to GTN after it closed. so yet AGAIN homeless, moving the machine was getting annoying as we didnt last more than a few months at GTN. Thankfully shag knew about a place not too far from GTN called ANARCHADE (heres a pic from the place here ) which could host the machine, we were happy about this and were thankful someone took pity on us :p (thanks anarchade staff for the great treatment). BUT..... our stay there lasted for about 2 or 3 weeks! place was closing too. so we had to move AGAIN....very fustrating. So trevor again tells us that there's this other place called..

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>Web2zone[/size]</span>


    and this has been our final home until they said they coulnt host us anymore. we had the same joys and problems as with GTN but yet we continue to find other places that could host us. right now the FT machine is thankfully safe at ben's house where we sometimes go out and play. its funny how we endup where we were before, at home playing VF.

    here's some pics of our time at web2zone, in some of them you can see yosoke, a very skilled japanese jacky player who went on to almost win KS3 (right?), pretty impressive and awesome to have him here chilling with us from time to time.


    heres an unreleased mini tourney that we had when he was around:
    http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/FT_tourney.wmv our site is not complete yet, needs heavy updating...someday..
    and this mp3 file http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/Voice.mp3 is the crowd noise that you could listen to if you just lower the volume on the movie and try to play this at the same time as the movie.. (sorry i didnt have time to put it toguetherr with the clip)

    This clip if of an improptu team tourney we had when Yosuke and Shou were visiting. 7 players on each team. Team captains were Shou and mukatsuku_shun (aka Sekaijin, who was living in NYC at the time).Big thanks to TechnicalMonkey for capturing the video.

    Here is the list of matches in this clip in order of appearance.

    CrewNYC vs TechnicalMonkey
    CrewNYC vs Denkai_84
    CrewNYC vs Hamme
    CrewNYC vs Sudden_Death
    kungfusmurf vs Sudden_Death
    kungfusmurf vs Konjou_Akira
    Shag vs Konjou_Akira
    Shag vs Yosuke
    Rheinaoi vs Yosuke
    adamYUKI vs Yosuke
    adamYUKI vs Sekaijin
    kazu vs Sekaijin

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'>The farewell tourney / gathering[/size]</span>

    This was the true last gathering for the VF4 era. Organized by trevor ("shag" / "darkness"). As the name refers, it was basically to say goodbye to VF4 since VF5 was coming very close. This was the first gathering done on FT, machine was brought to a place which was not easy to travel for the machine itself since it was not on the first floor, so imagine getting 2 cabinets upstairs (which you can see in these pics). althought it was in short notice, it still managed to be a succesful event and people had fun.

    [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/NYCVF_FarewellTourney_01.jpg"][img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_NYCVF_FarewellTourney_01.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/NYCVF_FarewellTourney_02.jpg"][img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_NYCVF_FarewellTourney_02.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/NYCVF_FarewellTourney_03.jpg"][img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_NYCVF_FarewellTourney_03.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/NYCVF_FarewellTourney_04.jpg"][img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_NYCVF_FarewellTourney_04.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/NYCVF_FarewellTourney_05.jpg"] [img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_NYCVF_FarewellTourney_05.jpg[/img][/url]
    [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/NYCVF_FarewellTourney_06.jpg"][img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_NYCVF_FarewellTourney_06.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/NYCVF_FarewellTourney_07.jpg"][img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_NYCVF_FarewellTourney_07.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/NYCVF_FarewellTourney_08.jpg"][img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_NYCVF_FarewellTourney_08.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/NYCVF_FarewellTourney_09.jpg"][img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_NYCVF_FarewellTourney_09.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/NYCVF_FarewellTourney_10.JPG"][img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_NYCVF_FarewellTourney_10.JPG[/img][/url]

    The future
    [color=#000099]<span style='font-family: Arial Black'>[color=#660000]VF5[/size][/size]</span>

    we came back one last time to web2zone to check out VF5 for the very first time and we are evaluating on where do we play next?

    [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/vf5_01.jpg"][img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_vf5_01.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/vf5_02.jpg"][img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_vf5_02.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/vf5_03.jpg"][img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_vf5_03.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/vf5_04.jpg"][img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/thescene/s_vf5_04.jpg[/img][/url]

    well, im never writing this much again :). hope you guys enjoyed a little history of our scene. let me know if you see any mistakes or things that you might want delted or added..

    im going to bed Zzzzz. oh yeah, if i do win this copy, ill gladly give it to the dominican VF scene, those guys actually NEED it. (not saying other dont...but..). best case scenario is if both of our scene win, that would make me happy heh. anyway we didnt do this for the prize, but it was a good opportunity to....show our scene, for a nice reference

    _________________ [img]http://www.nycvf.com/sudden_death/cake.jpg[/img][/color][/color]
  15. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Repub

    Nice Sal you came through. The FT machine is still waiting for you at Ben's place, don't let this stop you from doing your thing =)
  16. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Repub

    nice job sally boy!
  17. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Repub

    Good memories of the New York crew...
  18. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Repub

    lol sal did the unpossible
  19. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Repub

    good job sal... those were the good times. Best part is WE ARE NOT DONE YET! Let's make this run even more special than all the others put together.
  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!! Dominican Repub

    Nice nice nice. Good story and thanks for digging up the pictures. I knew the scene in NYC was awesome, even from the little exposure I've had. It all comes together now. Good luck with VF5. Catherine and I will certainly come to visit in 2007 if you'll have us.


    Good shit.

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