VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Pai_Garu, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

  2. Akairyu_Medion

    Akairyu_Medion Well-Known Member


    I can't believe you forgot about me as well or is that a little revenge for me beating you and winning that tournament. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    If I recall that was from Ezone RB2.
  3. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member


    mnn i think i should get a copy because i know with it. it'll make me want to get a ps3 faster then it's taking me now. it'll push me to kick everyones butt with my team of Sarah,Vanessa,Pai,and Lion. in my own area and in the other turnaments
  4. UgLee

    UgLee Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    I live in Cairns, Australia, and from what I have gathered over the years sadly I appear to be the living embodiment of any sort of VF scene. I've got one or two mates who have played the game very very casually...and that's it.

    Up here the 3D arena is dominated by Tekken. Admittedly there has been no VF4 cab of any kind in town but when I've gone along to various game sessions with groups of friends it's been Tekken, Tekken and.....Tekken. I've offered to play with some very skilled Tekken players but I've always been refused. "Virtua Fighter? That's too old school for me" was one reply. lol

    So once again I can see myself playing VF5 on my PS3 (and 360 when that version is released) all by my lonesome, apart from when a good mate of mine comes to visit, but he's far from high fighting game competition.

    I'd love to play you Brisbane/GC boys. Even though I'd more than likely get my arse handed to me there's nothing wrong with that as it serves as a great learning tool.
  5. Supid

    Supid Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Oh my, you crack me up /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I wish I stay in USA and can try for a copy ...

    NAH! If I could wish for that, I'll wish I'll stay in Japan and have been playing VF5 for 1/2 year already and watch Namflow & Supergolden as they embark on the tournament (Skill, guys!).
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Ok, I should win via default of ressurecting this scene about 1230921094 times
  7. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Guys, take this weekend and put out something really nice for everyone to see. More prizes are on the way, so give it your all. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Just a reminder that the competition requires you to describe your scene.

    It is not asking for why you should win or why you deserve a copy of the game. So any entries that start with "I should win because..." won't be considered as seriously.

    Oh, and don't play the pity card! Even if you only play with one other friend/sibling/whatever, if you're passionate about playing VF in a social and competitive setting, then just describe your situation.

    Imagination and creativity are always welcomed! Dropping references to meeting me may, or may not, affect the final judgement. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Do not assume that the biggest scenes are automatic winners. This competition is not a front for the rich to get richer! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  9. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    to get this out of the way: I have a copy of VF5, and Socal has a good scene, so I don't think we really need one, just my opinion. This post isn't about me.

    Yosuke wrote:

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">once I get VF5, I will practice everyday. Even though I was in Japan and I could play vf with a lot of japanese, I sometimes I practiced VF EVO myself;therefore, I am pretty sure that I would be able to improve my skill before I had. there are 5 VF5, so I think I deserve one of them.

    No matter who it is, isn't the theme of the contest to give the game to "scenes" or groups of people, even if it's just 2 people? I'm not saying Yosuke did something wrong, but I feel the copies should go to people who want to play together, not to one person who's gonna use it to train by him/herself, no?

    my two cents here, I'm not in charge of this thing...

    Although, I HAVE met Myke, and can confirm he's a total nerd.
  10. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member


    Because I have only a couple of people who can play VF with me, I could not write about my friends on. I felt 2 people and I are only few, unlike, you guys have a lot of members; therefore, I could just write that kind of way. If what I wrote made you feel mad, so sorry.

    I am so sorry.
  11. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    a recent history of the SoCal scene through my eyes, didnt want to get too epic but seems we got a lot of photo documentation.

    registered on vfdc, first vf meet a gribbys house.

    2003 - Infinity Cup
    2003 was a busy year, evo hitting our shores around that time.

    going old school here

    badges, maybe something we should do for the upcoming event, and i used to use kage maru for the cheap wins. Yes i said it, cheap!!

    brisal getting owned /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif


    our winners.

    TiT 5
    will the epic hydra duo come back for VF5?
    memories . . .

    -E3 2003
    just plain chill in the figurative and literal sense

    -EVO 2k3
    after party at seans place where the japanese are amazed by 4 burner stoves!!!

    me and yamagishi acting stupid

    EVO 2k4
    the whole evo2k4 group minus maddy who passed out in the car
    because maddy got owned

    one more group shot.

    some love from the orange book

    love from arcadia about the Evo2k4 - having my name in arcadia = priceless.

    Beat Tribe 2004 - socal in japan
    the program guide


    YEAAAHHH!! with special appearance by sekajin

    trying not to get our asses kicked

    death march - result team socal eliminated in the first round of qualifiers.

    2005 Final Tuned at Arcade Infinity

    Arcade Infinity and random house meets kept socal going strong through these years.

    2006 Devolucion!!
    In 2006 i put together a tournament called Devolucion, mainly as a VF revival movement and it turned out quite well. Thanks to socal crew for housing and pulling through with my insane ideas.

    the winners
    the crowd
    me being a piss poor imitation of el blaze.

    E3 2006
    socal goes to e3 to play vf5 rev1, but no photos were taken of e3 or the gathering that happened after /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    SoCal getting ready for VF5!!!

    L_A_Akira ready for vf5 with pimp replica cabinet

    El Brisal ready for vf5.

    my home setup pretending to be VF5 ready /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    Bonus goods
    standard vf mooks, beattribe jacket, keychains courtesy myke, beat tribe flyers, arcadia, and some art thingy i did for school.

    X-mas leifei tshirt my friend made me for a present, Vf games and VF ANIME!!!

    people who signed my evo stick at Evo2k3, see if you can spot yours, sorry myke your names a bit smudged out on the left.

    A bit long, if anyone who attended any of these events and wants more pictures, msg me and ill see if i can upload some zip packs up on my site. Myke or Srider if this post is too long just message me and ill see what i can edit down.

    edit- please dont let the immensity of this post scare off posting your scene, like srider and myke said they're interested in quality of posting your scene no the quantity. Im pretty interested in knowing how everyone else enjoys vf as well.
  12. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!


    Thanks for digging up all those pics. Since this is SoCal - they don't actually exist. SoCal just packs a killer group of graphic designers that worked overtime to fabricate them all. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif


    Nice job, man.
  13. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    That was badass. hehe yep he deserves it more then me. hehe nice work. i wish tampa had more then just one vf4:evo machine.
  14. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Man, This is amazing, this is great, I am really jealous of Your VF scene.

    I almost cried. I haven't seen any of the VF machines in Poland since VF2. Seeing how people play Evo, Ft, and even VF5 makes me regret even more, that I live in a place where people don't appreciate Virtua Fighter at least half as much as they worship Tekken (seriously.... I hate Tekken).

    Maybe I do exagerate a bit, but the truth is that no matter what the results of this contest will be, and whether you'll get a VF5 or not, I can certainly tell, that you are more than ready for it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
    I hope that someday, I'll meet you all on some VF tournament.... even if I'll be 40 by then.
  15. Muramasa

    Muramasa Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    PhoenixDth . . .

    at a loss for words.

    I shudder at the girth of your Schwartz . . .
  16. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    awesome job Alex. Team Socal for the win.

    I was wondering why you took a pic when you came over my pad last night /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  17. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    editted. ignore please ^^
  18. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    wow, alot of great entries so far! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I figure I'd take a stab at this just to show no scene is too small or too new and that with each fan of the series there is potential to build a scene. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    To begin I'll be perfectly honest. I haven't always been the biggest Virtua Fighter fan. I've always heard it was a great technical fighter but I could never get into it because I was more of a 2d fighter fan, specifically Street Fighter as seen here with my room setup.


    Then around mid 2006 I got caught up in the Playstation 3 hype. I was a big fan of Gran Turismo 4 and decided I was for sure going to get a PS3 on launch just on the strength of GT5 being announced. I was lucky enough to get a preorder at the local EB but with the crappy launch lineup I didn't even buy any games to go with it. But here is my PS3.


    Then around January, I found out Virtua Fighter 5 was going to be released February 20th. I figured I'd prepare for it by picking up Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution. So the next day I picked up a used copy of Evo and put down a deposit for VF5.


    Being a Street Fighter fan, I was always checking http://www.shoryuken.com and I noticed a thread devoted to Virtua Fighter and it mentioned to go to VFDC since it was a great resource of all things Virtua Fighter so here I am. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif


    I trained on Evo through the quest mode and found it to be just as good as everybody mentioned. I picked Lion as my character because his command list for me was easiest to pick up since alot of his moves didn't have complicated inputs for me. I found alot of great reading material on Virtua Fighter strategy on this site through it's message boards and Lion section on the site.


    At the time, I didn't know if I wanted to pick up an arcade stick since I already had so many and even more not shown.


    But then Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection was announced and people started saying there was a converter made by elecom that was working with their sticks on PS3. I figured it was a no brainer to work with Virtua Fighter 5 so I ordered a pair and got someone to hook me up with a share of their Japanese version of T5DR to test them out.


    It worked flawlessly with my sticks and I was so excited to be prepared for Virtua Fighter. But then Virtua Fighter got released early and reports on the internet were saying it didn't work with the elecoms or any converters. I panicked and ended up ordering an hrap 3. But soon after reports came back saying you could use an elecom if you mod your sticks with a dualshock and have a button devoted to controlling the analog button. I then planned on modding a pair of sticks with dualshock converters and drilling a new hole to support a button just for turning on the analog.


    I was now prepared for Virtua Fighter but still didn't have the game and had to wait till the 20th to play but then I got lucky and was able to land a U.S. version 12 days early! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif


    So last but not least this is a pic of the living room setup with a ps3, widescreen tv, 2 arcade sticks compatible with virtua Fighter, and of course the game. It is ready for friends to come over and learn the game along with me as well you pros to come over and show us how its done.


    It has all the potential to grow and be better with time, but for now its just me until I can get some friends over to take some pics and get into the game. :p

    But thats my current scene here in Danville, California. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    And since I already have a copy, you don't have to consider me for the contest to win the game. I just want more people to show their stuff. (I could use a guide though hint hint nudge nudge! :p )
  19. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    nice jobs guys


    I don't feel angry, at anyone. those were just my thoughts. If you ARE playing VF5 with a group of friends, then you guys should have just as much chance as anyone else I feel.

    This isn't my contest, and I have VF5 already, so it's not a personal thing.

  20. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    wow guys your setups are really good! keep this up!

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