VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Pai_Garu, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    That's a great map noodalls! Awesome creativity. Post a picture of myke and get bonus points! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  2. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Talis, I guess will need to bust out the digicam in AI and show them whats up. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
  3. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    aw thats weak. i was gonna have a get together of around 20 of my fighting game buddies and post up all our different set ups at different houses and arcades including a trip to the vf4evo tourney coming to p1 arcade this weekend.

    we all aren't vf die hards but i think if we won, virtua fighter would definitely had gained more fans from our group and we would have had one more dedicated set up to play vf5.

    oh well i guess you saved me some hassle of organizing for this.
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    001, definitely do that still if you can as part of norcal's overall effort. We never know what might happen with this contest. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  5. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    ill post nyc's scene soon...
  6. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    I wish I had taken one at the time (or gotten his autograph /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif I would photoshop something up, but I only just tried posting images into forum posts today, so I'd say decent photoshopping is beyond me at this point.
  7. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    remember that you can always add/edit/change your post anytime until February 20th. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  8. ppoint432

    ppoint432 Active Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Poland wins to me for having cute chicks in their scene. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  9. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    nice collection noodals
  10. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Except for UK's post, there are no people playing VF in the pics anywhere...
  11. Devil7om

    Devil7om Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Brisbane, Australia

    *Note although this post is under the Brisbane scene, it more directly refers to the history of the Gold Coast scene. (It's like 1 hour in a car travelling, and has since merged so we're all one big happy fighting game family now)

    <u>Virtua Fighter: The Gold Coast story</u>[/size]

    I was 6 years old the first time I saw Virtua Fighter. I was in the Christchurch international airport in NZ when me and my brother found this new incredible 3D fighter. We begged our mum for 40 cents to play it, and when she obliged we raced to the cabinet. We got up to Sarah using our mashing technique, but got no further since we had yet to realise there was such a thing called blocking. Years passed, and we saw VF2 and fighters megamix for the Sega Saturn. We played them on a hired console, although for both of us Street Fighter would always reign supreme.

    Many years passed till the next time VF came back into my life again. The year was 2003, and it was my first year in Australia. Times were different then, days were spent in the hot summer classes at school and alcohol was brought by the guy who had the most facial hair. I had recently come from New Zealand, where I was first and foremost a 2D fighter. 'Xmen vs Street Fighter' was the fighter of the gaming scene at the time over there, and even though we had had a VF2 cabinet in the local arcade it was barely touched.

    To my suprise, when I came Australia arcades were few and far between. There was nothing in my local area, and the one I had seen in Surfers Paradise was one of the 'fun for all family' arcades where no real fighter competition went down. This country was starting to look grim indeed.

    Then, by a stroke of fortune, I stumbled across a motley group of gamers who had a casual interest in fighters. For them the games of the moment were T4 and VF4. They were all scrubby as hell, but I was new to both these games so I didnt mind all too much. Most of the group didnt really play seriously, and had no real intention of becoming better, minus one person named Alex. Alex, despite his tendency not to learn from his mistakes, had a very burning desire for competition, so our matches for Tekken and Virtua Fighter supremacy heated up.

    For a while VF4 took a back burner to T4, even more so when the introduction of ValestyleG (VSG) came into the mix. Although not supurb in realistic terms, in comparison to us his Tekken skills were supreme, so the goal of defeating this beast in his own game took precedence. We tried valiantly to turn his attention to VF4, but its apparent 'turn based' system turned him off, so T4 held its position as number one.

    Then came the day that VF4:Evolution came out. Alex was quick to buy it on the day of its release, so as Alex went to pick up his copy VSG played what would turn out to be one of our last lengthy T4 sessions. Upon the return of Alex, Evo was put in the PS2, and a 2 year long obsession was started.

    We all picked our initial characters, and as home rules stated at the time 'no stealing other peoples characters bitches' was put into place. For me it was Jacky, Alex was Pai, Kage and Lei Fei and VSG it was Akira and Sarah. We literally played for days, weekends were consumed by hours of evo when the sun was up and hours of drinking when it went down, occasionally accompanied by hours of drunken evo. Strats were formed, low jab was abused, wakeup throw was whored out by the masses. VSG was quick to pick himself up his own copy, but since I lacked a PS2 I would constantly find myself questing it out at their houses after school.

    As time progressed, and our character interests varied over the entire board, I hooked up the one tool in my house that would truly turn me into a serious VF player. The internet. AS the year 2003 turned to mid year, I found virtuafighter.com, with its vast list of strats, combo lists and mindgame tips, so I began to think that I could contribute. I mean I had been playing the game for 6 months, what wouldnt I know about this game right. My first posts were indeed as scrubby as scrubby could get, with my strats involving techniques on how to piss the other person off using jackys 'yeaaa!' moves (hey it worked on alex).

    Well besides my initial scrubiness I soon improved, as did VSG. Alex from here on in was left behind, which was soon to be reflected in his win ratios. 75-0 against VSG's Jeffery, 40 something to 1 against my Kage. Old house rules were thrown out the window, character 'stealing' became legal, constant use of the 'gay' character Lion came to be by myself, low jab to throw began to be whored like tuesday wasnt a day in the week anymore.

    Kage and sarah became the top characters of choice, Flamingo stance and TFT's were to be seen prevailing, with fight counts heading into and over the 100 match marks on many, many, many occasions. Although as with all fighting games, the limited scene began to stagnate. Our attempts to lure others into our world were unsuccsessful, perhaps due to the indimidating factor of intense our love was for this game. Me and VSG were left to really only play each other, Alex would always join in, but competition from him had died with his unwillingness to train.

    Then we heard word from our friend Noodalls in Brisbane. "An accomplished VF player?" we thought to ourselves. This we had to see. VSG was the first to trek down to play him, and impressed he was. Noodalls technical knowledge on the game surpassed our own, although VSG's much higher gameplay experience pulled him up and over. He returned telling me that playing someone else who wasnt me was completely different, since we had learned to read each other like a book, or a porno mag, since we didnt really read books back then.

    A month or so later my turn to head to Brisbane came up. me and Noodalls played a good amount of matches, which IIRC finished about 60-40 in my favour. It was a great eye opener in terms of VF for me, and it was good to play someone with a good knowledge of the game.

    After this news of Final tuned came up, and even though I played Noodalls on one or two more occasions after this the Gold Coast scene never really picked up to its former glory. We continued to play it every now and again, but with VSG moving to T5 and me moving to MVC2 since there were active scenes for those games, VF4:Evolution sat in the back burner.

    We still talk about evo every now and again, talk of a possible cabinet always kept me dreaming of a scene somehow developing for it. However without one were, and will always be forced to console. And now, on the eve of VF5, without this console version we will forever be doomed to let VF stay where it is and never evolve in our lonely little corner of the world.

    So its been 2 years since evo left my life, and even though, work, girlfriends and Uni have stepped up to take higher priorities in my life, us as Virtua Fighters know how great it can be to just fuck around on the couch, and TFT someone clear out of the ring.

    Im sure with a combined effort some sort of scene could be put together in Brisbane, all we need is that little spark.
  12. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    I feel compelled to say this: guys don't rush. Take your time and come up with something nice - you have until the 20th. I'm not trying to make disparaging remarks (I love the stories here), but I do want to point out that I know for a fact that many of you have some really cool stuff to show for your scene. This is your opportunity to display it. Cheers. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  13. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    I feel really sad hearing all these stories, and me not being able to attend any of the chicago gatherings at all. With 2 jobs, school, and a gf all I have left is coming on this website to continue to see how the game and players evolve. I just wish that I could some how, I can contribute to to the chicago scene. It just makes me sad sometimes
  14. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    because there is a little possibility that I might win this VF5, I will try to write down something. As you guys already know my VF history, I used to play VF a lot in Japan. I went a bunch of tournaments with my friends, sometimes by myself. one of the tournaments was Kakutou shinseiki 3.


    I have already played VF5 200 games during 3 days in this winter vacation. playing 200games during 3days is quite a lot,but I like VF. because VF players in the US are so kind to Japanese, they get together and have VF party for just me when I visit people. it have happened in PA, NY, CA, and OH. It will happen in CA again
    such as



    When I visit vf players, I want to see them as a good player so that I can not only play with them, but also tell and teach them. I have not bought PS3,and stopped playing VF a lot since coming to the US, but If I win this one ofVF5s, I will prepare everything. I also want to grow my skill up for big tournaments such as EVO. I suppose I am one of a few players who can win agaist Japanese players on the tournament since I am japanese and I know what they think and play. I will stay here and I am not moving until I graduate my college, so this is the good opportunity to buy PS3 and VF. once I get VF5, I will practice everyday. Even though I was in Japan and I could play vf with a lot of japanese, I sometimes I practiced VF EVO myself;therefore, I am pretty sure that I would be able to improve my skill before I had. there are 5 VF5, so I think I deserve one of them.

    sorry my hand writing is bad. you will not be able to read it very well;and, I am not proud of myself.

    I want to play VF5 after all.
  15. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Hey Sudden Death Where is NYC game central? I need some good comp. Manhattan NYC.
  16. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    At the end of the world where the Lions weep?
  17. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    This is a great contest and a great idea for a thread in general. Keep the entries coming. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  18. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Have to admit the Jide's post has been the best so far, my vote goes to the UK if there is any voting that is.
  19. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    and we're not done, more added soon /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  20. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Virtua Fighter 5 Free Giveaway Contest!!!

    Post the NYC one sal! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif what the blimp!

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