VFDC Online Events Feedback - Poll 1

Discussion in 'VF Circuit' started by akai, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Right, not like a whole lot is on the line. Also playing alts allows players to get more exposure to different characters.
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    That shakedown thread in xbox live was very helpful in gathering information on what works and what might be issues with running these online events.

    If people know they will participate in this "first season" and PMed me their information earlier than later, it will make it a lot easier to regionalized the events. For example, if an event starts now, and you want to participate, I would randomly put you in the "West Cost" or "East Coast" Region (since no players from the "Midwest" central time zone has committed to the VFDC online events so far). The more people committed the more regionalized these events can be made.

    Still have two months so no rush to send PM with info, but I hope I don't get tons of PMs at the very last minute before an event begins [​IMG].

    Yes, the goal is definitely to get people involved with the community. And I think the best way to do that is to vary the rules for different events...so remember this is to get more people involved with the community, so don't get too mad if you don't like a certain rule in place of an event! [​IMG]

    My first priority with these VFDC online events is to emphasize on playing against players within a similar region. More themed events are planned, but taking on some good advice - I will start small and expand from there [​IMG].
  3. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member


    And just like someone on this forum said (Sorry, I can't remember who you are [​IMG]), no one is going to look down on you for losing a match.

    If I were to lose a tournament because of a certain rule, so what? I most likely had blast and met some new people and got to converse with VFDC veterans. At the end of the day, it's all about enjoying the game, right?

    P.S, I hope no one minds me posting tournament vids on youtube. I'll be buying costumes for all characters so no one has to worry about having default costumes in videos [​IMG]!
  4. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    Perhaps that was me? "There's no shame in losing." That's pretty much my motto, especially if I beat someone who seems somewhat sour about the loss.
  5. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    Akai, I sent you a pm with my info. Hopefully you got it, its the first time I sent a pm on the site.

    When do you think you will contact people about the online matches? Right after it releases or will you be giving us some time to get used to the game?
  6. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    VF2011 - PM received. Thank you very much. I guess I should write detailed instructions on how to register on site and send a PM for those new or not used to the features on this site.

    I will likely be making additional threads on a weekly basis to get additional polls up for feedback and to update people how the series of online events (tentatively called "VFDC Cup") format is coming along. I am aiming to get actual rules of the "VFDC Cup" (not tournament rules) posted up early May.

    The plan is to give at least one week notice before each event will be run and to register for the individual event. There will likely be a calender of some sort with tentative dates for the first season (Launch date - December 2012).

    Just note that everything I state is not set in stone.
  7. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    I'm considering this but I know if I commit now it might not mean much. My connections to east coast are better than to the south (Texas excluded for the most part) or west though.

    If we just do one national-ish thing I'll give it a try in all likelihood.

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    Sounds fun. Info sent!
  9. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Thanks BLACKLAC!

    First post updated for guests and new users of VFDC with below text:

    New to the site and/or not familiar with how to Send a PM?
    1. You will need a VFDC account to be able to send a PM. You can register onto VFDC by clicking at the Log In link at the right end of the menu bar just beneath the VFDC logo.

    2. You can send a PM to me in two ways.
    Method 1: To the upper left of this post --> select my user name "akai" --> select "Send a PM" which is the third option from the drop down menu --> After writing your message and subject title, click the "Submit" Button to send your PM to me.
    Method 2: Click the drop menu arrow of "My Stuff" option in the menu bar --> select "Messages" --> select "New private message" just below the menu bar, to the left --> type "akai" (without the quotation) in the "Add Recipient" bar --> After writing your message and subject title, click the "Submit" Button to send your PM to me.

    3. Once I received your PM, I will PM back to you to confirm that you have sent me your info to participate in the series of online events.
  10. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I was pmed this and thought it would be better served by posting it here with other comments.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I suggest we go to round robin or swiss style for tournament format. Single and double elimination make sense when there's a limited number of setups a person can play on, like in an arcade with only 5 machines.
    But online, everyone can always play everyone else. It's wasteful to have the tournament progress and not let players keep playing. This is why the swiss system is ideal in my opinion. In swiss style, you are matched up against people with your record. So if I have 5 wins and 3 losses, I will be matched up against someone with the same record as me.
    If I have a bad record, like 1 win and 4 losses, I can drop out. That's fine, I am just removed from the playing pool. In swiss, anyone can drop out at any time without messing up the tournament (unlike round robin, where a dropout messes things up). Swiss style also has the advantage that you know when your next match is. You can just say that the round 1 is at 12:00, round 2 is at 12:30, etc.. with pairings put up on a website.

    I really really recommend swiss style! </div></div>
  11. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    This online event depends on how far we want to go. As long as people get involved with each other, they will find which group they would like to stay and play.

    What kind of style for the tournament isn't a big deal, and what you have offered on the feedback page is already good enough.
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I like this suggestion. Thought it may be less traditional than straight knock outs or a round robin league, it may be easier to keep people involved, which is surely the point of all this?
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    You know what? I'm going to disagree.

    Once FS drops, I think there'll be plenty of opportunities for people to be playing those at similar skill levels, and to just generally be "involved" in the online competitive scene.

    Tournaments, especially if the aim is to have them regularly, need to be focussed and exciting. The tournaments should be the climax to the week, month, or whatever the agreed scheduled is where you will jump in and give it your all!

    To achieve a high level of intensity and excitement, my vote on the format is to have Single Elimination and ONE GAME ONLY. No more circle-jerking, second-chance, glory-hole BULLSHIT that our ego-sensitive FG communities seem to encourage and reward.

    This is the time where you need to step up your game! And that is what the point of a tournament should be.

    I think it's key that the format be single elim and one game for a few reasons:
    • More enticing to new players! The chances of them winning one game are greater than having to beat someone 2 out of 3.
    • Easy to manage! All these other formats require so much more overhead to organise, track and manage in comparison. This is meant to something fun and exciting, and not laborious.
    • You'll become a better player! This is probably the most important point. In the longer term, if you're participating in this type of tournament, you'll become a better player. Why? Because you're forced to adapt to an opponent within a single game, or die, and as a consequence your mental game and stamina will improve, which is a crtical skill for any competitive fighting gamer. Having only one game means there's much more at stake, with no chance to download and try again. People often remark at how skilled the Japanese are at adapting to their opponent - it's because they eat, breath and sleep in this type of environment in the arcade with their money on the line. So let's not get fat and lazy, with huge egos that can only be satiated with a FT100 deathmatch because we're so butthurt that we lost a single game.
    So overall, it provides the average player a better chance at winning, they're easier to manage, quicker to run, and in the longer term we'll be better players for it.
  14. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    Yeah, you can make up all the double-elimination standards in a more casual setting. It does make sense for a tournament to require a person to step up or fall and that's it. I still hope to see some differences among the events as they proceed, so I'm not going against my votes, or anything.
  15. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    Great post! I say we go for it.

    Thanks for tweeting this Johnny it was worth getting out of bed to read.
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Im inclined to agree with Myke that it may become more exciting to watch. And the chance of random people winning goes up dramatically. Tournament may also actually be finished if it can be done in one setting (something online tournaments dont usually do). It depends how well the FS online matchmaking works.

    I will not be joining any online tournaments however.
  17. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I do plan on varying the events so that it can accommodate to as many people's interest as possible.

    I will reiterate what I wrote in the first post - that during the first season: I expect there will be many issues that will be needed to be hammer out. Thus, I will be continually asking for feedback and people's cooperation to make things run as smoothly as possible. A first draft for the first season will be released in May.

    For those that are actually interested in participating in the online events, don't forget to also voice your opinion in the Second Feedback Thread.
  18. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Single elim sounds good to me.
  19. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I have no problem with single elim. One and Done!
  20. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Single elem would be nice as the regular way to go about matches. Then double elem could be the rarer main event.

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