VFDC Lion Combo List

Discussion in 'Lion' started by Chibitox, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    One question,
    After 3P+K CH, I can't use 44K combo from wiki. 43P+K doesn't make bound at all. Is there something I should notice about??

  2. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Which combo are you refering to ? On which character are you testing it ?
    Is the bound the only problem or do you have problems connecting the 44K after 3P+K ?
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I use this setup against Lau, 3P+K CH > 44K P+K > 46P+K > 43P+K > 6PP. But 43P+K doesn't make a bound at all. I also test 44K NH and after guard break this combo works fine.

    Btw, the 2_3P CH combo for heavys on wiki is kind of weird. Maybe a P simply missed?

  4. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    for HW (wolf and jeff)
    2_3P 46P+KP2/8P PK (closed stances)

    2_3P 46P+KPP KK (open stance only
  5. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    @Dennis: seems weird indeed, if it works on NH it should work, but heh...:rolleyes: I 'll try that next time
    Corrected error on HW combo, thanks for your feedback.

    @darksoul: Damage ?

    I'm not sure about the way to go with the combo page. For ex, listing three combos that are dedicated to only two chars (Wolf, Jeff) with one only working in one stance, won't it make too much info in the end ?
  6. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    73 for the 1st combo 78 for the 2nd
    Those are the max damage combo for those chars.

    1st combos only works in closed stance (edited the original post just in case)
  7. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    Also while we are on the max damage combo subject
    46K 2_3P P 43P+K 6PP (SLW and LW up to Lion and Shun included) 73 damage
    1)On Eileen replace the P with 2P
    2)6PP can be replace with 6_P 66KK for 1 extra point of damage

    46K 4P+K P KK (MW and Jean) 71 damage

    46K 4P+K+GP P KK (Jacky and akira) 63 damage
    46K dash in P 43P+K 6PP (Jacky and Akira) 63 damage

    46K 2P KK( Wolf and jeff) 54 damage

    46K 6PP (Taka closed) 45
    46K KK (Taka open) 48
    46K 66KK (Taka both) 44

    Chibitox: all are tested and all on both stances unless it said so
    If anyone know higher damage combos please post them
  8. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    The first one actually works on both stance as long as you rotate into opponent's back direction.
  9. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Chibitox, I'll post some combos I tested long time ago(reference from JP player) asap. The thing is that some combos are difficult to input and only like 5 more dmg than regular combos. It will be helpful if you guys can also try it and compare to what you have. :)
  10. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    I remembered it worked on both stance but i couldnt get it to work now for some reason...

    The 2_6P+G combos also need some work ill post max damage combos a bit later
    And btw if anyone got a combo on Eileen plz share :)
  11. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Let's start with 2_3P+G :)

    44KP+K>2P>66KK (74)
    44KP+K>2P>8P+K (68)
    I can't apply this on Ei and I need some feedback from you guys

    Dash>P>2_3P>2P>66KK (71)

    66P+K>1FK 46P+K>6PP (65)

    66P+K>1FK 46P+K>KK (68)

    Dash>46P+K>P>43P+K>6PP (73)

    [Mid Weight]
    66P+K>2P>KK (67)

    [Heavy mid Weight]
    66P+K>P>KK (67)

    Delay P>KK (59)

    P>KK (59)

    66KK (49)

    The following is the beauty part if you can handle:

    Dash 46P+K > 1FK P > 43P+K > delay 2P > 66KK (75)
    Dash 46P+K > 1FK P > 43P+K > 6PP (73)
    The last 2 parts of first combo, you can dash>2P>66KK The idea is there.
    I prefer the 2nd one because it's easier to avoid the last 2 steps and basically the same damage.

    Dash 46P+K > 1FK P > 43P+K > 8KK (77)
    Maximum damage on Lion I believe

    Dash 46P+K > P > delay 2P > 66KK (75)
    You probably don't need this one because there is another alternative above and it's 73dmg, but why not.

    46K and 6K CH is coming, I need to test it myself before posting.
  12. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    You need to do stance check when opponent is in the air, and use 46P+KP 2 or 8 depends on which side is toward to his back. Otherwise, the following PK will be whiff.
  13. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    Eileen: I cant get nothing to work on Ei either :(

    Aoi: no need to dash (unlike blaze) 6_P 33P 2P 66KK will work (and easier)

    LW: dash 46P+K P 43P+K 6PP works on all LW

    Wolf Jeff: 6_P KK is much easier for me and works on both

    already posted 46K combos (unless you got higher damage combos which ofcourse i would love to know :) ) http://virtuafighter.com/threads/vfdc-lion-combo-list.17142/page-2#post-353075
  14. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    All the "delay" or "dash" can be treated as a gap closing step, so I believe there is always an alternative way to apply these combos which suit you.

    I'll post 46K, 6K CH, 8K CH, 43P, and P+K. Some part are almost identical so it's not a big deal. I might skip 2_3P CH cuz it's already covered in wiki and my reference is mostly like the same.
  15. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Great work guys. After its all done IMO a quick max dmg reference list would be very useful when your in dojo or pre battle. The master list is great for less dmg and possible meaty setups, but having max is 1st priority in my mind.
    Thank you
  16. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    Yeah for now im posting only max damage combos ofcourse if someone got higher damage they should post it
  17. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    46K combos:
    (darksoul, if you are able to cross check these combos with yours and that will be great.)

    [Ei, Aoi, Van]
    2_3P > P > 43P+K > P > 66KK/6PP (74/73)

    66K>P>43P+K>P>66KK/6PP (72/71)

    1FK 4P+K > P >43P+K > P >66KK (79)
    1FK 4P+K > P >43P+K > 6PP (78)

    4P+K>P >43P+K > P > 66KK (79)
    4P+K>P >43P+K >6PP (78)

    [Mid,Jean, JA]
    4P+K>P>KK (71)

    Dash>P>KK (54)

    66KK (44)
  18. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    43P combos:

    Dash> 2P > 43P+K > delay P >66KK (62)
    Dash> 2P > 43P+K > 66KK/6PP (60/59)

    44KP+K>2P>8P+K (59)

    2P>6PP (47)

  19. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    6K CH combos:

    Dash>2P>43P+K>P>66KK (73)

    Dash>2P>43P+K>P>66P+KP (71)

    46P+KPP>8P+K (68)

    P+K combos:

    Delay P>43P+K>P>66KK (65)
    Delay P>43P+K>6PP(63)
    Works on Jean as well

    Delay P>46P+K>6PP (58)


    8K CH and 2_3P CH are coming....
  20. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Thanks for your contributions guys, I've updated the wiki with P+K , 46K and 6K (CH) combos and reworked on throw and 43P combos.

    For the 46K I will rework on hit to try to match Dennis latest contribution.
    Alos one question:

    Does the red text apply to both combos ?

    Man this shit takes time :p

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