VF5R Vanessa: New moves and changes

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Jeneric, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Just wrote down all the frame data from Kasshins latest Vanessa testing vid, here's some noteworthy changes in R


    [P][K] -4 on block

    [6][P][K][K] is now -15 on guard instead of -13

    [3][P] is back to 10 frames exe again

    [6][K] is -6 instead of -4, now you have to use CD to fuzzy

    [4][6][K] is -7 instead of -9

    [4][6][K][P] now gives +4 frame adv on block instead of just +1

    [1][K] is now -15 on guard instead of -14

    [3][K] is now -6 on guard instead of -5

    [8][K] is now -9 on guard instead of -5, can now be executed with [9][K] as well and jump forward in the animation.

    [4][P]+[K] A new move, high 14 frame elbow, -2 on block. Has anyone seen this used outside of combos? If it knocks down it will be a very good punisher.

    [2][P]+[K] is an entirely new move, now -4 on block instead of giving frame adv.

    [1][P]+[K] 22 fr special low poke that ducks and is only -1 on block! Some theorising: Since WS [P] generally does more damage then most characters elbows, if Vanessa do [1][P]+[K] and it gets blocked, Vanessa's WS [P] should beat their elbow and give a stagger! This would force the opponent to have to use [2][P] or [P] to beat Vanessa out of WS [P] creating a very favorable situation for Vanessa. If I remember correctly this also gives a small combo opportunity on counter hit (or maybe that was the new similar low punch in OS?)

    [3][P]+[K] is now -6 on block instead of -5

    [K][+][G] is now +4 on block instead of guardbreaking. Farewell dear scrub abuse.

    [6][K]+[G] is now -8 on guard instead of -6, granting true nitaku

    [4][4][K]+[G] is now -8 on guard instead of -6, granting true nitaku

    [3][K]+[G] is now -8 on guard instead of -6, granting true nitaku

    [1][K]+[G] New mid knee that knocks down and wall splats, just 16 frame exe (!) and just -6 on block.

    [G][8] or [2][P] is now -13 in both directions, instead of -12 in one direction and -11 in the other.


    [6][P][K] mid to high Elbow knockdown string a la Jacky, also -16 like Jacky's now is. Seems they wanted to take away guaranteed knee class launchers on block on this in R Ver B. Oh, well, people need to start ducking them anyway. All her elbow moves are now able to be executed after [P][P] as well (again, just like Jacky) and has the exact same stats as her usual elbow moves.


    Kasshin didn't finish the whole movelist in the one vid, hopefully he does more. All in all very reasonable changes that makes Vanessa less safe, taking away some unnecessary cheese (like her midkick inexplicably being -5 instead of the standard -6 for example). Her punishment in DS actually doesn't suck now with [P][K], [4][P]+[K] and even [1][K]+[G] for +16 situations.

    Having [P][P][6][P] strings as well as a knockdown followup to elbow is such a sick boost to OS.
  2. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    On the other hand OS f+p is now -4 [​IMG]

    Looks like OS has become the safe, poking stance whereas DS is the stance that has to gamble and play agressively. Are there any no fuzzy guard safe moves besides WR p? I fear that i was right to call the stances "default" and "other" all along, the names "defensive" and "offensive" certainly seem to be attributed arbitrarily between versions [​IMG]

    Oh, BTW intruder hook seems to be -13 now [​IMG] At least f,f+k seems to wall splat.

    EDIT: Crap, OS [4] [6] [K] is now -6 [​IMG]
  3. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    -6 is still fuzzy safe.....and in R you can't get jabbed when doing cd fuzzy.

    I don't see any major difference in the role between stances in R. Both have been improved in vital areas while receiving necessary nerfs.
  4. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Don't pay attention to me Jeneric, i'm just a handicapped pad player, il stick with the easy mode OS and leave experienced players such as yourself with the stance that has to enter [3] [3] for every poke.

    BTW while watching old vids on my laptop (no internet in the countryside [​IMG]) i've stumbled upon an old vid against fernadio where DS b,f+p+k appears to sabaki sarah's f,f+k+g! Could we double check and see if the move has indeed gained the ability to sabaki HK?
  5. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Watching the latest acebreaker vids i realized Bunker Buster (OS [9] [P] ) is special high! While still retaining its +2 on block [​IMG]

    Also wtf happened somehow aoi's tenchi didn't counter charged DS df+k [​IMG] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1FgWnzs1YM
  6. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Apparently, due to the new head crumple animation, [6] [K] [K] [P] [P] no longer connects after Death Scythe, as can be seen here - the string now has zero applications [​IMG]

    <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Also am i missing something in this vid or did vanessa get a float after OS [6] [P] [K] [​IMG] </span> Nevermind, Sarah went for a somersault, that's why she floatedinthe air, my bad [​IMG]
  7. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    In retrospect it might be Death Scythe's fault altogether - the new head crumple animation pretty much causes all combos to whiff in a seemingly random fashion (I've seen acebreaker whiff with [6] [6] [P] [+] [K] ender too [​IMG] ).

    Still, i'm not complaining, i'm sure Jeneric will provide detailed gameplay insights, with his first hand experience from Japan [​IMG] i don't care that much about frames and damage since vanessa's animations never looked better [​IMG]
  8. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Here's a video featuring an unorthodox wall combo:

    DS WS [P] CH staggers the opponent
    DS (new) [1] [K] [+] [G] wall splat
    DS (new) [4] [P] [+] [K]
    DS [6] [P] [3] [K]
    [P] [K] [G] manual stance change [​IMG]
    OS [3_] [K] [K]
    OS [6] [6] [K] floor scrape
    OS [3] [K] foot stomp

    I suppose the foot stomp is not guaranteed, the f,f+k probably not either, but the df+k,k looked like it was [​IMG]
  9. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    A year and a half later, it still jumps over lows [​IMG]

    Hell, it still jumps over shoulder ram [​IMG]

    Anyway, some more weirdness, DS [6] [6] [K] flying over/through akira @1:02 in this vid, must have something to do with getting up invulnerability or something.
  10. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Here's another combo with a manual stance change [​IMG] :

    DS [8][K] > [P] [K] [G] > OS [2] [K] [P] [P]
  11. Corcskrewed

    Corcskrewed Member

    After playing with the character I feel as though she has been linearized. Before it felt like the character could do anything and there were all these small things that alone didn't mean much but when you had a good player behind the wheel who regularly used a majority of the tools it was very deadly. Now I'm betting we will see a lot less variation in play from the character as well as a lot less versatility in matches.

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