VF5FS patch coming this week!

Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Aug 6, 2012.

By Reno on Aug 6, 2012 at 2:29 AM
  1. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    According to Sega's AM port team, VF5FS will be getting a patch on August 7. There is no word on when the patch will hit other markets.

    The biggest update will be to the player matches. Before there was a mandatory 30 second wait between matches, with the option of pausing the timer to let other players join your lobby. With the patch, after the wait option, you can now press either Square (PS3) or X (360) again to skip the timer completely and immediately start the match.

    The team wanted to address other requests that fans had, such as player intro movies that are in the arcade version. Unfortunately due to the amount of voice and graphic data involved with these intros, not to mention that they are not especially important to the online experience, they decided that they would not be adding them to the game.

    This also goes for real-time commentary, not to mention they'd have to do English voice tracks for all of the new lines added during 5R and Final Showdown. In addition, they noted that the English commentary wasn't well-received overseas, so they didn't see the point of recording additional lines. Because of these reasons, realistically it wasn't feasible for them to pull it off, and they apologize for not being able to do it.

    Lastly, the team stated that while they wanted to say something earlier, they didn't want to release a vague statement like "we're looking into it", etc. They wanted to flatout say "we're taking care of this issue" so that fans knew what was coming. The team responsible for the update actually has to approve all of the comments posted on their Japanese blog before they're visible, so they actually read every single comment made, and they wanted to let the fans know that they are keeping track of everything posted.

    Other updates coming with the patch include:

    - If you don't end a game properly with a low amount of matches played, your disconnect rate will be "high".
    - During free training, when you set the CPU to "Guard then turn around + Guard", the CPU's guard will come out 1 frame late. This has been fixed.

    1. Select free training
    2. Choose Lion (CPU can be anyone)
    3. Free training menu -> CPU settings -> React settings set to "Guard"
    4. Perform Lion's 6P+G to get behind the opponent
    5. Use Lion's 4P

    Before patch: CPU could not guard
    After patch: CPU will guard

    Note: This will affect some of the game's text as well.

    Source: http://blog.sega.jp/amcvt/?p=401


Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Aug 6, 2012.

    1. Rednuskela
      I dream with a punish for cheaters DESCONNECTERS!! BlackBeltSpartan is a desconnecter, i beat him 3 times and he is desconnected the 3 times!! and he is a Top 5 World Rank!
    2. SYSTEM_Turn_A
      Has there been any word on additional content like clothing or stages?

      The skip feature for the timer is a pretty great addition. Really looking forward to using it! [​IMG]
    3. J6Commander
      For fellow Canadian folks, you can create an US psn account and get better result from searching with "same area".
    4. archangel
    5. nou
      Having a press button configuration would be icing, since it would make tourneys go A LOT faster. Not everyone uses the same stick and/or config.
    6. Kruza
      Seems like the patch has arrived since I got the prompt to download something after booting up this game just minutes ago.

    7. King9999
      I see that guy all the time and never fight him because of his disconnect rate. If it were up to me, I would make it so that any disconnects will result in a loss, no exceptions.
    8. steelbaz
      Yeah thats been my stand always, DC = loss.
    9. ToyDingo
      Even when the network has random bouts of retardation like it did last week on PSN?

      That might not go over too well...

      Though I agree, ass-hats like BlackBeltSpartan need to have something done about them...
    10. Tha_FeauchA
      Well that was quick. Thanks SEGA.

      Was kinda rough waiting the 30 sec. when the room was full. Hopefully people wont be skipping the timer left n right when there's still slots open. I can understand skipping it here and there, but not all the time. I can almost already hear people saying "skip it" hahah.

      Anyways, cool news, looking forward to a jump in room matches now.

      Also, pretty awesome that they even considered adding the intros and commentary and weighed out the pros and cons.
    11. steelbaz
      So where is this patch for PSN, I want answers [​IMG]
    12. Feck
      Ask Sony steelbaz, don't think anyone here can help.
      Pai~Chun likes this.
    13. steelbaz
      Yeah probably right, guess i'll have too.
    14. Chanchai
      I'm guessing it'll come out tomorrow (Tuesday) along with the Playstation Store Update, so probably around 5pm on Tuesday.
    15. Mister
      what happened to the image? :(

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