VF5FS AI's vs Rank Mode Players

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Yeah. In the end I was up for 45 hours, but then finally I fall asleep for few hours :) And thx :)
  2. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Let me repeat this here again. Maybe it gets lost in my walls of text.

    Anyone on VFDC. Anyone at all, regardless of rank, creed, color, religion, or ring name,
    if you want to play me create a room and invite me. If i'm online and not in another room, i will come and play you as long as you like. If I am in another room, I will send you and invite to the room I'm in. I hope this is simple enough for everyone to understand.

    The topic of this thread was how I felt about playing the AI on very hard as opposed to playing the average person in ranked. For some reason that morphed into why I don't play every challenger in ranked, which then morphed into who and why I duck (some) VFDC players LOL.

    So, to be clear I don't care who you are, what your rank is, if you want to play me send me an invite to a room, if I'm online and not in another room, I will join your room promptly, If I'm in another room, I will invite you to the one I'm in.

    @Unicorn no need to get into any faulty logic. First Congrats, I've been there done that, now my kids are all grown. You have a fun road ahead. You want to test my skillz all you have to do is invite me to a room when I'm online, that simple. No need to come to any slow erroneous conclusions.

    Ducking players is not the same as choosing who you fight or saying no to a challenge. Ducking implies fear. I have no fear. Told you guys this dozens of times. I have no fear, because losing is almost twice as fun as winning to me. Thats why I've always prided myself in my losses. So ducking is oxymoron where I stand. But now since I have made it absolutely clear that i will fight anyone at anytime when I'm online and all it will take is an invite. I hope we can sling the ducking adjective somewhere else.

    @Genzen,seyu,corn, etc. just remember all your statements and everything that you posted about MasterPO when we do play. If you don't happen to remember, I will, and I will remind you. That would be fair right?

    Another thing I like about the AI over playing the average person in rank, is if you choose not to fight the next match it does flatter itself by accusing me of ducking :)

    bring it Byatches!
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    But what if they join you in ranked and want to play you? Is that not on the cards? What's the difference? You're playing the same game?
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  4. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Po, you seem so eager to begin your next novel every time you come back to a thread that you don't read what's there properly.

    You do not know what the "average player in ranked" is like because you won't play anyone higher than Defender.

    There is no getting around that. It would be the same as me comparing ranked mode to the CPU on normal difficulty.
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Ahhhh Koenraku, I know what point you wanna make. Let me clarify a couple of terms.

    Like "average" its a mathematical term, that has developed a couple connotations. But in general ppl know what you mean when you say the word. Here's and example:

    Player 1 has 1 point
    Player 2 has 5 points
    Player 3 has 10 points

    If I Play the player who is closest to the average it will be Player 2. You understand that right. (1+5+10) / 3 right?


    Group 1 10th Kyu to 10th dan there are 20 thousands players
    Group 2 10th dan to Sentinel there are 50 thousand players
    Group 3 above Sentinel there are 10 thousand players

    Now sometimes ppl get the median confused with the mean, or the mode confused with the median and the mean. So to clear things up I'm not referring to either the mode or the median, but the mean. So for me the average player would fall into group 2. Even if I was referring to the median the rank sequentially in the middle based on battle points, or the mode the rank that appears the most often, my statements would still stand.

    So its not me who has no idea what the average player in ranked is. You are the culprit!

    If you look at my original post I did not say I enjoy playing the AI on hard more than playing the best players in Ranked;) I did not say that I enjoy playing the AI on hard more than playing the top 1/3 players in ranked:) I said average player in ranked because that's who I play LOL. The average player in VF5FS on PSN does not have a rank higher than Defender! ROFLMAO. The amusing thing is koenraku you said:

    " MasterPo that you don't read what's there properly"

    From your comments it appears that you are the one that's not reading properly LOL

    Also if you look closely at what I posted I said I usually don't play outside of my rank. Usually means most of the time , on average, You know the majority of the time. I didn't say I never play over my rank, because I know I do, just not usually. Maybe 7%-to 10% I'm playing far above my rank. Maybe 3% to 7% I'm playing far below my rank. But I usually play in my rank. And believe it or not, the average player on VF is within the range of my rank. Not to high, Not to low.... :rolleyes:

    @Seidon and @Koenraku like I posted earlier if I'm online and you want to play me, create a room send me an invite, if I'm online I will join your room immediately unless I'm in someone else's room and in that case I will invite you to the room I'm in.

    On the flip side, if I create a room and invite you mutha fuccas I don't want to hear no shit. All this talk, all this calling me out. Just show up and give account of yourselves :cool:

    Just like the DJ Khaled said, "Everytime I step up in the building every body hands go up and they stay there cause all I do is win, win, win,"

    Fellas, ladies, and gentlemen,fighters, and fretters, friends and foes just remember this:

    There's no Show
    without Master PO

  6. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Except no one gives a shit about the 20,000 10th Dans or whatever.

    You just don't make sense. Why do you play this game? Is it to enjoy the challenge of playing the best competitors out there? Is it to get the highest rank and stroke your ego? Is it to get the thrill of 'zomg look at my max damage Akira combo!'? What exactly is the point you're trying to make? You like playing the AI on the hardest difficulty because, in your opinion, it's better than your observations of the average players on ranked mode? If so, why dodge the good players when they come along? If your intention is to get the best challenge, then don't turn down the best challengers.

    As far as your nonsense about defining 'average' goes... shut up already. I have a rank of... I don't even know what. I think it's the one above Barbarian or something. Does that mean that, when considering all the players on the PSN, my skill level is average? What about all the people I've beaten with higher ranks, who simply have higher ranks because they play more than I do? What about the people who have lower ranks than I do but beat me because they're better than I am but play less than I do? What if all the people on VFDC were to start from the beginning at 10th Kyu? You'd have an army of the best western players all below your arbitrary line of 'average' whom you would then be playing, meanwhile you're ducking games from the guy who grinds himself up to the highest rank by playing Warriors and has 200,000 games to his name, but doesn't even know that frames exist or 'zomg how dey break my grabs?!'

    Your problem is that you're making judgements based on stupid assumptions and irrelevant criteria (like people's names for Christ's sake...). You can't expect a forum of logical people to respect crap like that, especially when you're arguing it as 'just as valid' as what other people are proposing but are doing so in a rational and sensible manner.

    If all you wanted to do was say that you enjoy AI more than ranked, you've done that, so shut up about it. Stop trying to convince those of us who know better that we should adopt your false conclusions drawn from biased, flawed, and irrelevant data.
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  7. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    "@Seidon and @Koenraku like I posted earlier if I'm online and you want to play me, create a room send me an invite, if I'm online I will join your room immediately unless I'm in someone else's room and in that case I will invite you to the room I'm in."

    I dont care about playing your scrubby ass. I'm just annoyed that you claim to have an idea what ranked is like when you only play dans and kyus. Fuck off.
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  8. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @Genzen,@Koenraku LOL, how did you guys do in school? or are you still in school? any college? LOL

    Koenraku says:"I'm just annoyed that you claim to have an idea what ranked is like when you only play dans and kyus "

    I only claim to like playing AI on very hard better than playing the average rank player. I made no claims about top tier players, advanced players etc.

    There are roughly 85,000 ppl in ranked on PSN, the average player does not have a rank above Sentinel. Its a matter of arithmetic (elementary school arithmetic)

    Genzen says: " I have a rank of... I don't even know what. I think it's the one above Barbarian or something. Does that mean that, when considering all the players on the PSN, my skill level is average?"

    I didn't make up the defintion of average, mean, median, or mode these are terms often associated with statistics, and have use in other mathematics as well.

    If there are

    20,000 players from 10th Kyu to 10th Dan
    40,000 players from 10th Dan to Sentinel
    20,000 players over Sentinel

    Then statistically you're in the average or the mean. I also think (without looking to closely) you would be in the mode, and possibly be very close to the median.

    You see the problem that you and koenraku have is you want to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about because I don't regularly play either of you. The problem is I do know what I'm talking about because I do play a lot of the "average" player in ranked mode. And there is no way that you guy could possibly believe (at least I hope you don't) that the top or best players in the game constitute the average player. That would be nonsense right?

    The best players are not the average players. If you are not an average player, then I'm not talking about you. That simple.

    Genzen says: "Stop trying to convince those of us who know better that we should adopt your false conclusions drawn from biased, flawed, and irrelevant data."

    You can count right? Just log into PSN go to the leader boards and count how many KYUs, Dans, Defenders,Warriors, GrimSlayers, etc we have. The total is somewhere around 85,000. Then using the simple defintion of average or mean, or mode you tell me what the average rank is? If any rank from Warrior and up is in the range of the mean then I owe you an apology. But I don't think an apology is forthcoming in this case.

    @Koenraku, rly? I should fuck off? fuck off? rly? with my scrubby ass? LOL, rly?
    Actually,., I do fuck a lot. And come to think of it, I do scrub my ass, so I guess you're right... Its all good my friend, I'm not mad at you or my good man Genzen,
    I'm just a different kind of gamer, you only run into one of me in a great many gamers.
    lastmonk, I rly am the LAST monk.

    No harm no fowl, we will eventually play, I'll see to it you cats win a few, have a few laughs and then it will be my turn......., and I'll teach you to show a little respect for your elders....
  9. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    A plea to Elite, Genzen and everyone who is considering to reply to this thread again:

    As you could see over the last three pages Masterpo isnt interested in your arguments. He quotes them and then he interprets them however he wants, paying no attention to what you intended to say. Theres no winning against or convincing people like that.
    He also seems to take a lot of stuff very personal and he gets very personal once he feels attacked.
    So dont reply to him.
    He may not be a troll, but he sure aint someone you can reason with. I mean who would make assumptions about other peoples education while not beeing able to comprehend reasonable arguments himself?

    "I'm just a different kind of gamer, you only run into one of me in a great many gamers.
    lastmonk, I rly am the LAST monk."

    Just look at this: the self-righteousness himself calls himself a monk!
    pana and Genzen like this.
  10. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    You're right, seyu.

    It seems his point was just "AI on hardest is better than the worst players in ranked" which is great and definitely merited its own thread and several walls of text. Good job, Po.
    seyu likes this.
  11. King9999

    King9999 Well-Known Member

    Is the AI based on real-life players? I know that was the case for VF4's Quest mode (and I guess VF5's quest mode?).
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Maybe some of them are, I'm not sure. The AIs in the Special Sparring sessions have ring names that were taken from suggestions from the fans. For instance one of the ring names I sent in was 'Sleepy Sifu'. There is a AI in the game with that name, and I know they didn't build it based on my play style, I've seen Plague's and a few others in there as well.

    IMO this AI is very different from EVO or VF5 ver B. Its only my opinion so h8ters pleez don't flame. This AI seems far more diverse, uses a lot more of the movelists and fundamental techniques, in some cases advanced techniques. I heard that XBOX VF5 was a ver C. and that the AI in ver C was a lot better than ver B. But I never got a chance to play ver C. So I can't tell you what the comparison is betwen Ver C AI and VF5FS AI.
  13. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member


  14. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Thanks to Ladon for this one, I feel it's appropiate because PO has been more crazy than usual in this particular thread, peace out!
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.
  15. negative1

    negative1 Active Member

    after taking a three year break from online play.

    i'm finally getting around to finishing off the quest mode in VF5.
    since i was never that good in the first place,
    and got up to 10th dan from online, and offline play.

    to me the AI past master, defender etc is quite hard for me.

    i'm not sure if playing against better people will help me,
    because the AI is more than enough for me already.

    some people just reach their maximum potential after a while,
    and can't break through the wall of getting better.

    of course, getting older, and slower reflexes doesn't help either.
    i finally was able to do a lot of the moves in the training dojo
    mode that i couldn't do before. but that's more of reading help
    from this site about how to do the moves.

    i might just get VF 5 fs for the sparring mode AI just to play
    that after reading all these posts about it, since i don't play
    online at all.

  16. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Not many here are teenagers you know. Me neither.

    I have had similar experiences but I considered them simply a marker of lessened muscle memory. Even more training!

    Reflexes are another thing and they actually do degrade eventually. But having even better reads compensates that quite well. It all depends on playing style, as it naturally evolves the more we play and the more we positively strain ourselves. It's all about motivation, and motivation is all about competition.

    Before history started, I thought I must "really" suck since I never before FS had really chance to play VF online (or against really good players). I was right.

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