VF5FS AI's vs Rank Mode Players

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    "In some situations players have screen names/tags that just rub me the wrong way, like Kamais_Ookin I have no idea what it means, no frame of reference, its a weird name to me, I'd probably pass all day on that one."

    That's absurd. You won't play people who have a name you 'don't get'? You'll only play people with names like 'XXDarkSlayerOfFireXX' and other such bollocks? And you wonder why you get sub-par games out of ranked? Judging people's skill by their name is the stupidest thing I've heard, and you've just lost any credibility you might have had with me.

  2. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    No Neonmide, when I see some one who dramatically change their style in the last round, I figure I'm playing someone that is using my own tricks against me. I have a game that I play in ranked. I'm successful with it about 60% of the time. I lose the 1rst round barely, and drop the 2nd round horribly, and then see if I have enough game to win the match. Another game that I play that is even more fun, is to play the 1rst and the 2nd round strong and give away the 3rd and the 4th round. I like to see the controller jitters LOL, my opponent believes "I've got em" but he is so nervous he stiffens up and freezes, and then I pull out the combos-that-I-usually-can't-pull off, and because of the controller jitters I get away with it. I only do these combos after the opponent has lost his first two and his won the last two, its in that moment where he is the most cautious and tentative, thats when I try to pull off the flashiest shit I have LOL. It just causes a tentative , nervous, anxious opponent, to fall to pieces in the last round. That is one of the few joys that I can't have playing the AI. And is one of the few reasons I get in rank mode.:rolleyes:
  3. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Am I reading it corectly? Did you just clearly say that in many cases, your game can "show up" only once your opponent stops playing seriously?
    Actually, you did. OK :D

    And how many of your looses it takes to make the matches "not go their way"?

    Po, seriously. You are constictently talking pretty high about yourself. You keep flattering yourself again and again.
    It becomes boring after while, to tell the true. After while and 15 or 20 dodges you have so many good "reasons" to do.
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Genzen, but its true, so very true. To be sure. XXDarkSlayerOfFireXX rather appeals to me, I would not pass that player up simply because of his name. On the other hand a name like
    'Genzen' has a Samurai/Anime even Manga feel to it. I would see that name, and figure two things . I would think this guy's got some serious fuckin skills, or he's a wanna be and Nothing in between. Genzen sounds hard I like it. Genzen it sounds like someone I might run with. But honestly Kamais_Ookin I don't know what to make of it. It throws me for a loop :) Nothing against it, but I really might have been saying no to Kamais_Ookin jus because of his tag name o_O Genzen I'm sorry you gave me any credibility at all, thats not what I'm up to with my posts on VFDC. But dude, VF5FS is a video game, we engage in the art of make believe fighting. The kicks, the strikes they aren't real, its all fantasy. We are playing martial arts. So for me all of it is just for fun, its make believe. VF lets me kick ass in situations where in real life I would hide behind my Glock. I get to play Jet Li, David Carradine, Bruce Lee, Gordon Li, Jacky Woo,and Donnie Yen all through the persona of Lei Fei from Shaolin. Its kewl to fight an enemy called XXDarkSlayerOfFireXX, but
    Kamais_Ookin? It kind of blows the make believe.... LOL :eek:

    lastmonk vs Genzen (That's kewl)
    lastmonk vs Kamais_Ookin (wtf?)

    Sometimes I even wear my monk beads while I'm playin to make the immersion a little more intense roflmao.

    Guys, its all in fun. We should enjoy!. We happen to be playing one of the best fighting games ever made. We get to get online and discuss it, exchange ideas and shit. And you get to slam strange gamers like MasterPo aka lastmonk! It doesn't get any better than this LOL.
  5. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    I tire of your dementia ramblings Po, I just wanted an explanation for why you duck and instead you give your same old tired speeches. Fuck you Po. :(
  6. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    I tried the very hard custom AI mode and it took a fucking hour to clear 10 stage route. It's definitely different and yes there are holes in AI but there is interesting movement and individual tactics too.

    Played my guest nick tonight in ranked and won unicorn but lost to seyu and had mixed success with other experienced ones. I guess I play okay, ranked wise. Like Myke said in interview before release, that FS AI is impressive indeed.
  7. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I am up for 44 hours straight now and still can not get myself to sleep lol. Still excited about the daugther...
    But my VF5 skilly is crappy as hell ATM, I was unable even to punish -15 move with 9 frames throw; I lost to sayus 10 frames one so many times in this situation lol :D He can tell stories :) But the game is still funny as hell.

    Damn, I really need to stop playing and go to bed finnaly :(
  8. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Wait whats your guest nick Neonomide?

    An whats that about a daugther Unicorn? Are you a daddy now?(or were you before already?)

    p.s. i would like to express slight concern on people handing Po a gun though...and that hed use it on an unarmed VF character:/
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    @Unicorn (Very good observation) Its only when we are not taking the game to seriously that we have the most fun and we experiment, we try new things, we got out of our auto-pilot-combos and we stretch VF to be more than what it usually is. You are exactly right, once my opponent is not taking me seriously, I step up my game (that's as good a hustle as anything else right?) He or she is convinced they have the upper hand, therefore they're in experiment mode, I come with a stepped up game, and the whole thing is fuckin beautiful. When it works its absolutely a magical moment in time. IMO these are the only matches that I play that come close to the good feeling I have when I play against the AI on hard.

    @Unicorn, for the record. I"m not saying I'm a top player, I'm not saying I'm even a good player. I'll let the ppl who play me decide that. I am saying I love the game. I am happy to have met all you cats (even if its been virtual ) Because of virtua fighter I can the chance to talk or share bullshit with ppl from all over the world, about a topic that is absolutely near and dear to my hear. I do proclaim to have lost thousands and thousands of matches. Which is absolutely true and from losing many thousands of matches I've made some incredible observations a bout fighting games and the ppl who play them. TBH I could do a dissertation on the subject.

    Oh! The Ego of those that fight and play this game. You want to know how many games does it take for me to make sure that my opponent has a less than successful outcome? That's what makes this shit so fascinating? You really want a truthful answer to that question?

    How many matches will it take me to change the direction of the wins is not really your question.

    You're real question is:

    What is Unicorn's threshold and can last monk cross it , if he really brought his A game?

    You're smart...

    So you know any of us can be beat on any given day, sometimes from luck, sometimes from lag, sometimes from lapse of concentration, sometimes from fatigue, sometimes because we have truly met our superior. I think you really want to know if you eventually lose to me what category that loss would fall in :oops:

    My friend, in several respects I am the real article and Zen is a part of my personal truth.
    In that respect. Its you would lose or not or what category your loss would be in.

    Its really about what category I put your win in against me. Only I know what level game that I bring, so I categorize your win based on my level of play. The reason I can do that is I've lost thousands of matches, many thousands Its not that I put my self on any high level. Its just I've lost against so many different kinds and levels of players that I just don't have fear. So me clicking cancel is bout something very very different. Obviously for a lot you players its about either a win or a loss.
  10. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    @seyu: I was Strangelet369 tonight, my first nick on my friend's psn before I got one. Got a longish ban too before today, since I (accidentaly!) burned energy bars on his 46' plasma. :oops:

    @unicorn: Sure I also played Manjimaru (same country) with Vane and frozeblocked Jacky's 46K+G 3-4 times, lol. I figured you were not quite in serious mode tonight. Gongrats for your daughter!
  11. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Po, I for one don't subscribe the win/lose thing being the most important. If I want to win I pick my main and screw it through. I'm trying to learn the system.

    I mostly missed VF5 (in depth wise) and totally missed the XBO online experience so I'm just learning now. For me, the VF system has always been interesting and I have been very busy checking the new moves, frames and hitboxes how they form as organic parts of new VF gameplay. I let others do the one char grind routine. Of course it's about winning at the same time as just screwing around is not respectful for your opponent. One big problem with AI, even a good one, is that respecting it is impossible. If I lose it's just me "testing stuff". Against human opponent, it's battle of wits, execution and knowledge. Having good yomi and beating your opponent with a grand correct guess (burning hammer, shitstorm combo starter) or punishing a wrong choice is awesome.

    Ranking means a shit. Online, esp ranked is cool, but also stupidly random BS heavy environment where you should be having fun as you can, not some implied masculinity test about how big your cajones are. A lot of peeps seem to be taking this too seriously.(serious as taking learning and opponents seriously is good, too serious as stressing too much is not)
  12. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    You are a ridiculous person. 'Kamais' would be the same guy regardless of whether or not he chose a different name that appealed to your 'kewl n extreemz' needs for names. Your entire outlook is based on shallowness, false assumptions, and fallacies. Have fun playing scrubby ten-year-olds with their names like 'MaxCoolSteelFire' and beating on the AI - in the meantime, I'll gladly get together with people with like Kamais and enjoy playing a highly skilled player with a good attitude and proper understanding of common sense.

    You strike me as the sort of person who buys a product based on its name and flavour text on the packaging. You probably own three stairmasters 'cos the advertisement on TV gave it a cool name and surrounded the text with a fire effect and had bold writing...

    ...Avoiding someone because of their name indeed. What a farce.
  13. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Ah we only had one game though right? GG:)
    How do you burn energy bars on a plasma tv?XD Hope the tvs alright though, so we can have a few more matches soon!
  14. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Playing hours without breaks (hehe!) can damage plasma TV's if there are stationary pictures. In VF5, not only a bar but also Lau's face was burned on the screen. :D His TV is ok, there are test pictures that cure burns and being a newer plasma it can take little hits. ^^
  15. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Fuck you and your shitty trolling PO, you call yourself a monk and can't even play the role of one. /facepalm
  16. gastinell

    gastinell Well-Known Member

    Lol what?!? Has to be the dumbest excuse i ever heard for ducking people in ranked ever....
  17. Bilal

    Bilal Well-Known Member

    Damn, I'm going to steal that XXDarkSlayerOfFireXX alt before anyone else does. :cool:
  18. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I already have 2 sons, 5 a 2 years old. Yesterday few minutes after midnight my 3rd child, daughter, was born. That was why I did not sleep for so long :) No celebration tough, just work, hospital and work again, and long VF seassion on evening after I found I am not able to fall asleep :)
    As usual, you are full of contradictions. And I do not mean it in positive way. Because this contradictions just do not work together. Because if 1st is true, 2nd can not. And if the 2nd is true, 1st can not.
    Your saying you are happy you can share VF joy with all of us... yet you did NOT share it with most of us, never ever, because if you recognize anyones nickname, you dodge him. Or if you do not like his name, or for any other shallow reason.
    It is not about win or loss. It is about sharing the game experience. Which you are willing to share with some random flipkick Sarah (for multiple games), but not with people you know from VFDC.
    I can think about multiple reasons why is that, and I can imagine some usual 3-pages long explanation you will quickly come with. The reasons I can think about are not looking nice for you and I am afraid that wall of text will not look beliavable to me.
    Thx :D
    In fact, I was in serious mood... Just tired as hell and in need to be tired even more to finnaly fall asleep, so no matter I was serious, I was also quite bad and slow :D
    Just out of curiosity, where you that Goh player? :)
    Is there any way how I can subsrcire under this?
    Anyway, you say exactly what I was thinking about, but was unable to put it in (english) text properly
  19. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Not really. Usually when I see the name "masterpo", I try to avoid reading those threads.

    And before anyone points out that I'm posting in one of his threads, my reasoning is simple. I'm worse than the people who slow down to look at car crashes. You know it's going to be a completely horrific disaster but you look at it anyway just to see how bad it really is.

    Also, congratulations Unicorn. I'm glad she's healthy.
  20. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Congratulations again then! Thats really great to hear:) Hope you could get some sleep after playing so much VF thenXD

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